16,048 research outputs found

    Surface segregation and the Al problem in GaAs quantum wells

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    Low-defect two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) are essential for studies of fragile many-body interactions that only emerge in nearly-ideal systems. As a result, numerous efforts have been made to improve the quality of modulation-doped Alx_xGa1−x_{1-x}As/GaAs quantum wells (QWs), with an emphasis on purifying the source material of the QW itself or achieving better vacuum in the deposition chamber. However, this approach overlooks another crucial component that comprises such QWs, the Alx_xGa1−x_{1-x}As barrier. Here we show that having a clean Al source and hence a clean barrier is instrumental to obtain a high-quality GaAs 2DES in a QW. We observe that the mobility of the 2DES in GaAs QWs declines as the thickness or Al content of the Alx_xGa1−x_{1-x}As barrier beneath the QW is increased, which we attribute to the surface segregation of Oxygen atoms that originate from the Al source. This conjecture is supported by the improved mobility in the GaAs QWs as the Al cell is cleaned out by baking

    Hysteresis and the dynamic phase transition in thin ferromagnetic films

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    Hysteresis and the non-equilibrium dynamic phase transition in thin magnetic films subject to an oscillatory external field have been studied by Monte Carlo simulation. The model under investigation is a classical Heisenberg spin system with a bilinear exchange anisotropy in a planar thin film geometry with competing surface fields. The film exhibits a non-equilibrium phase transition between dynamically ordered and dynamically disordered phases characterized by a critical temperature Tcd, whose location of is determined by the amplitude H0 and frequency w of the applied oscillatory field. In the presence of competing surface fields the critical temperature of the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition for the film is suppressed from the bulk system value, Tc, to the interface localization-delocalization temperature Tci. The simulations show that in general Tcd < Tci for the model film. The profile of the time-dependent layer magnetization across the film shows that the dynamically ordered and dynamically disordered phases coexist within the film for T < Tcd. In the presence of competing surface fields, the dynamically ordered phase is localized at one surface of the film.Comment: PDF file, 21 pages including 8 figure pages; added references,typos added; to be published in PR

    Robust Upward Dispersion of the Neutron Spin Resonance in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor Ce1−x_{1-x}Ybx_{x}CoIn5_5

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    The neutron spin resonance is a collective magnetic excitation that appears in copper oxide, iron pnictide, and heavy fermion unconventional superconductors. Although the resonance is commonly associated with a spin-exciton due to the dd(s±s^{\pm})-wave symmetry of the superconducting order parameter, it has also been proposed to be a magnon-like excitation appearing in the superconducting state. Here we use inelastic neutron scattering to demonstrate that the resonance in the heavy fermion superconductor Ce1−x_{1-x}Ybx_{x}CoIn5_5 with x=0,0.05,0.3x=0,0.05,0.3 has a ring-like upward dispersion that is robust against Yb-doping. By comparing our experimental data with random phase approximation calculation using the electronic structure and the momentum dependence of the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconducting gap determined from scanning tunneling microscopy for CeCoIn5_5, we conclude the robust upward dispersing resonance mode in Ce1−x_{1-x}Ybx_{x}CoIn5_5 is inconsistent with the downward dispersion predicted within the spin-exciton scenario.Comment: Supplementary Information available upon reques

    Full momentum- and energy-resolved spectral function of a 2D electronic system

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    The single-particle spectral function measures the density of electronic states in a material as a function of both momentum and energy, providing central insights into strongly correlated electron phenomena. Here we demonstrate a high-resolution method for measuring the full momentum- and energy-resolved electronic spectral function of a two-dimensional (2D) electronic system embedded in a semiconductor. The technique remains operational in the presence of large externally applied magnetic fields and functions even for electronic systems with zero electrical conductivity or with zero electron density. Using the technique on a prototypical 2D system, a GaAs quantum well, we uncover signatures of many-body effects involving electron-phonon interactions, plasmons, polarons, and a phonon analog of the vacuum Rabi splitting in atomic systems

    Gravitational Wavetrains in the Quasi-Equilibrium Approximation: A Model Problem in Scalar Gravitation

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    A quasi-equilibrium (QE) computational scheme was recently developed in general relativity to calculate the complete gravitational wavetrain emitted during the inspiral phase of compact binaries. The QE method exploits the fact that the the gravitational radiation inspiral timescale is much longer than the orbital period everywhere outside the ISCO. Here we demonstrate the validity and advantages of the QE scheme by solving a model problem in relativistic scalar gravitation theory. By adopting scalar gravitation, we are able to numerically track without approximation the damping of a simple, quasi-periodic radiating system (an oscillating spherical matter shell) to final equilibrium, and then use the exact numerical results to calibrate the QE approximation method. In particular, we calculate the emitted gravitational wavetrain three different ways: by integrating the exact coupled dynamical field and matter equations, by using the scalar-wave monopole approximation formula (corresponding to the quadrupole formula in general relativity), and by adopting the QE scheme. We find that the monopole formula works well for weak field cases, but fails when the fields become even moderately strong. By contrast, the QE scheme remains quite reliable for moderately strong fields, and begins to breakdown only for ultra-strong fields. The QE scheme thus provides a promising technique to construct the complete wavetrain from binary inspiral outside the ISCO, where the gravitational fields are strong, but where the computational resources required to follow the system for more than a few orbits by direct numerical integration of the exact equations are prohibitive.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Working principles of doping-well structures for high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems

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    Suppressing electron scattering is essential to achieve high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) that are clean enough to probe exotic interaction-driven phenomena. In heterostructures it is common practice to utilize modulation doping, where the ionized dopants are physically separated from the 2DES channel. The doping-well structure augments modulation doping by providing additional screening for all types of charged impurities in the vicinity of the 2DES, which is necessary to achieve record-breaking samples. Despite its prevalence in the design of ultra-high-mobility 2DESs, the working principles of the doping-well structure have not been reported. Here we elaborate on the mechanics of electron transfer from doping wells to the 2DES, focusing on GaAs/AlGaAs samples grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Based on this understanding we demonstrate how structural parameters in the doping well can be varied to tune the properties of the 2DES.Comment: 6 pages, 5 fiture

    Electronically highly cubic conditions for Ru in alpha-RuCl3

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    We studied the local Ru 4d electronic structure of alpha-RuCl3 by means of polarization dependent x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ru-L2,3 edges. We observed a vanishingly small linear dichroism indicating that electronically the Ru 4d local symmetry is highly cubic. Using full multiplet cluster calculations we were able to reproduce the spectra excellently and to extract that the trigonal splitting of the t2g orbitals is -12 ±10\pm10 meV, i.e. negligible as compared to the Ru 4d spin-orbit coupling constant. Consistent with our magnetic circular dichroism measurements, we found that the ratio of the orbital and spin moments is 2.0, the value expected for a Jeff = 1/2 ground state. We have thus shown that as far as the Ru 4d local properties are concerned, alpha-RuCl3 is an ideal candidate for the realization of Kitaev physics
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