3,341 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak, Fraksi Dan Golongan Senyawa Kimia Daun Premna Oblongata Miq.

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    Indonesia has many kinds of plants which can be used as antioxidant sources. This study is focused on antioxidant activity of Cincau Perdu leaves extract (Premna oblongata Miq.) by1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) methods. Premna oblongata Miq.leaves was extracted using n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. The IC50 value of methanol extract as the highest activity as antioxidantwas 20.01 μg/mL. The extract which had the highest antioxidant activity were fractionated by accelerated column chromatography and were earned 6 combination fractions. The antioxidant activity of each combination fractions were tested by DPPH methods. Fraction-5 showed the highest activity as antioxidant with IC50 23.51 μg/mL. The compounds of the active fractions were flavonoid, glikon, saponin and tanin

    Moral education in guidebooks for parents:a comparison of scientific and tedious theories

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    In dieser Bachelorarbeit wurde der Fragestellung nachgegangen, inwiefern die Theorie zur Entwicklung des moralischen Urteils nach Lawrence Kohlberg in Bezug auf die Erziehung in ausgewählten Elternratgebern verarbeitet wurde. Diese Leitfrage ist in den Diskurs über die Differenzen von Wissenschafts- und Alltagstheorie einzuordnen

    Konten Peran Gender Perempuan Dalam Film Animasi Barbie

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    Film animasi Barbie ditujukan bagi anak perempuan, padahal tokoh film tersebut sebagian besar diperankan oleh karakter perempuan remaja hingga dewasa. Karena itu, penerapan peran gender perempuan menjadi pertimbangan khusus bagi pembuat film animasi Barbie. Peran gender perempuan menurut Moser (1993) ada 3 jenis, yaitu peran reproduktif, peran produktif, dan peran masyarakat. Sesuai judul yang tertera, subjek penelitian ini adalah 24 film animasi Barbie. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan metode analisis isi untuk menganalisis item peran gender perempuan dalam setiap film animasi Barbie. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari ketiga jenis peran gender perempuan yang ada, film animasi Barbie banyak menunjukkan peran masyarakat, khususnya indikator mengikuti organisasi kolektif kegiatan sosial. Film animasi Barbie memberikan seruan kepada anak perempuan kelas menengah ke atas untuk fokus terhadap peran masyarakat, khususnya organisasi kolektif kegiatan sosial dan tidak melakukan peran produktif. Selain itu, film ini juga memberikan instruksi kepada kaum anak perempuan untuk menjadi pemimpin di organisasi yang non-produktif. Adapun statistik pergeseran peran gender yang menjadikan peran masyarakat sebagai lambang feminitas film tersebut

    Kommunikation von Naturschutzmaßnahmen in der ökologischen Direktvermarktung

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    The preservation of living ecosystems and the protection of nature and environment as a basis for existence are important challenges of our time, which are highlighted in the principles of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM 2015). Since nature conservation measures within organic farming are often related to more costs, expenses or even yield losses, there are approaches to get the conservation efforts rewarded by the customers. The object of this research is the description of the communication of nature conservation measures on three organic farms with direct selling in Northern and Eastern Germany. Therefore, three guided interviews with the farm managers were conducted and analyzed. Afterwards, personally-written customer surveys using standardized questionnaires were carried out in the farm shops. The intensity of nature communication to consumers ranged from very low on farm1 to very high on farm3. It became clear that for many customers the engagement of the farms for nature conservation is an important factor to buy there. The combination of nature conservation and direct selling can lead to positive interactions, e.g. by emphasizing the authenticity of organic farming. Under certain conditions nature conservation can be used as a unique selling proposition and by that enhancing customer loyalty and willingness to pay

    A Wide-Field View of Leo II -- A Structural Analysis Using the SDSS

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    Using SDSS I data, we have analysed the stellar distribution of the Leo II dwarf spheroidal galaxy (distance of 233 kpc) to search for evidence of tidal deformation. The existing SDSS photometric catalogue contains gaps in regions of high stellar crowding, hence we filled the area at the centre of Leo II using the DAOPHOT algorithm applied to the SDSS images. The combined DAOPHOT-SDSS dataset contains three-filter photometry over a 4x4 square degree region centred on Leo II. By defining a mask in three-filter colour-magnitude space, we removed the majority of foreground field stars. We have measured the following Leo II structural parameters: a core radius of r_c = 2.64 +/- 0.19 arcmin (178 +/- 13 pc), a tidal radius of r_t = 9.33 +/- 0.47 arcmin (632 +/- 32 pc) and a total V-band luminosity of L_V = (7.4 +/- 2.0) times 10^5 L_sun (M_V = -9.9 +/- 0.3). Our comprehensive analysis of the Leo II structure did not reveal any significant signs of tidal distortion. The internal structure of this object contains only mild isophotal twisting. A small overdensity was discovered appoximately 4.5 tidal radii from the Leo II centre, however we conclude it is unlikely to be material tidally stripped from Leo II based on its stellar population, and is most likely a foreground overdensity of stars. Our results indicate that the influence of the Galactic graviational field on the structure of Leo II has been relatively mild. We rederived the mass-to-light ratio of this system using existing kinematic data combined with our improved structural measurements, and favour the scenario in which Leo II is strongly dominated by dark matter with (M/L)_V ~ 100 in solar units.Comment: 41 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Characterisation of the SUMO-like domains of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rad60

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    The S. pombe Rad60 protein is required for the repair of DNA double strand breaks, recovery from replication arrest, and is essential for cell viability. It has two SUMO-like domains (SLDs) at its C-terminus, an SXS motif and three sequences that have been proposed to be SUMO-binding motifs (SBMs). SMB1 is located in the middle of the protein, SBM2 is in SLD1 and SBM3 is at the C-terminus of SLD2. We have probed the functions of the two SUMO-like domains, SLD1 and SLD2, and the putative SBMs. SLD1 is essential for viability, while SLD2 is not. rad60-SLD2Δ cells are sensitive to DNA damaging agents and hydroxyurea. Neither ubiquitin nor SUMO can replace SLD1 or SLD2. Cells in which either SBM1 or SBM2 has been mutated are viable and are wild type for response to MMS and HU. In contrast mutation of SBM3 results in significant sensitivity to MMS and HU. These results indicate that the lethality resulting from deletion of SLD1 is not due to loss of SBM2, but that mutation of SBM3 produces a more severe phenotype than does deletion of SLD2. Using chemical denaturation studies, FPLC and dynamic light scattering we show this is likely due to the destabilisation of SLD2. Thus we propose that the region corresponding to the putative SBM3 forms part of the hydrophobic core of SLD2 and is not a SUMO-interacting motif. Over-expression of Hus5, which is the SUMO conjugating enzyme and known to interact with Rad60, does not rescue rad60-SLD2Δ, implying that as well as having a role in the sumoylation process as previously described [1], Rad60 has a Hus5-independent function

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    Sequences of Willmore surfaces

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    In this paper we develop the theory of Willmore sequences for Willmore surfaces in the 4-sphere. We show that under appropriate conditions this sequence has to terminate. In this case the Willmore surface either is the twistor projection of a holomorphic curve into complex projective space or the inversion of a minimal surface with planar ends in 4-space. These results give a unified explanation of previous work on the characterization of Willmore spheres and Willmore tori with non-trivial normal bundles by various authors.Comment: 10 page
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