258 research outputs found

    Constraint on intergalactic dust from thermal history of intergalactic medium

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    This Letter investigates the amount of dust in the intergalactic medium (IGM). The dust photoelectric heating can be the most efficient heating mechanism in the IGM where the density is very small and there are a lot of hard ultraviolet photons. Comparing the observational thermal history of IGM with a theoretical one taking into account the dust photoelectric heating, we can put an upper limit on the dust-to-gas ratio, D{\cal D}, in the IGM. Since the rate of the dust photoelectric heating depends on the size of dust, we find the following results: If the grain size is \ga 100 \AA, D{\cal D} at z3z \sim 3 is \la 1/100 Galactic value corresponding to \Omega_{\rm dust}^{\rm IGM}\la 10^{-5}. On the other hand, if the grain size is as small as 10\sim 10 \AA, D{\cal D} is \la 1/1000 Galactic value corresponding to \Omega_{\rm dust}^{\rm IGM}\la 10^{-6}.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS pink page

    Star Formation Efficiency in the Central 1 kpc Region of Early-Type Spiral Galaxies

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    It has been reported recently that there are some early-type spiral (Sa--Sab) galaxies having evident star-forming regions which concentrate in their own central 1-kpc. In such central region, is the mechanism of the star formation distinct from that in disks of spiral galaxies? To reveal this, we estimate the star formation efficiency (SFE) in this central 1-kpc star-forming region of some early-type spiral galaxies, taking account of the condition for this 1-kpc region to be self-gravitating. Using two indicators of present star formation rate (Hα\alpha and infrared luminosity), we estimate the SFE to be a few percents. This is equivalent to the observational SFE in the disks of late-type spiral (Sb--) galaxies. This coincidence may support the universality of the mean SFE of spiral galaxies reported in the recent studies. That is, we find no evidence of distinct mechanism of the star formation in the central 1-kpc region of early-type galaxies. Also, we examine the structure of the central star-forming region, and discuss a method for estimating the mass of star-forming regions.Comment: accepted by A

    Application of the Limit Cycle Model to Star Formation Histories in Spiral Galaxies: Variation among Morphological Types

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    We propose a limit-cycle scenario of star formation history for any morphological type of spiral galaxies. It is known observationally that the early-type spiral sample has a wider range of the present star formation rate (SFR) than the late-type sample. This tendency is understood in the framework of the limit-cycle model of the interstellar medium (ISM), in which the SFR cyclically changes in accordance with the temporal variation of the mass fraction of the three ISM components. When the limit-cycle model of the ISM is applied, the amplitude of variation of the SFR is expected to change with the supernova (SN) rate. Observational evidence indicates that the early-type spiral galaxies show smaller rates of present SN than late-type ones. Combining this evidence with the limit-cycle model of the ISM, we predict that the early-type spiral galaxies show larger amplitudes in their SFR variation than the late-types. Indeed, this prediction is consistent with the observed wider range of the SFR in the early-type sample than in the late-type sample. Thus, in the framework of the limit-cycle model of the ISM, we are able to interpret the difference in the amplitude of SFR variation among the morphological classes of spiral galaxies.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX, to appear in A

    Emission from Dust in Galaxies: Metallicity Dependence

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    Infrared (IR) dust emission from galaxies is frequently used as an indicator of star formation rate (SFR). However, the effect of the dust-to-gas ratio (i.e., amount of the dust) on the conversion law from IR luminosity to SFR has not so far been considered. Then, in this paper, we present a convenient analytical formula including this effect. In order to obtain the dependence on the dust-to-gas ratio, we extend the formula derived in our previous paper, in which a theoretical formula converting IR luminosity to SFR was derived. That formula was expressed as SFR/(M yr1)={3.3×1010(1η)/(0.40.2f+0.6ϵ)}(LIR/L){\rm SFR}/(M_\odot~{\rm yr}^{-1})=\{3.3\times 10^{-10}(1- \eta)/(0.4-0.2f+0.6\epsilon)\} (L_{\rm IR}/L_\odot), where f is the fraction of ionizing photons absorbed by hydrogen, ϵ\epsilon is the efficiency of dust absorption for nonionizing photons, η\eta is the cirrus fraction of observed dust luminosity, and LIRL_{\rm IR} is the observed luminosity of dust emission in the 8-1000-μ\mum range. Our formula explains the IR excess of the Galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud. In the current paper, especially, we present the metallicity dependence of our conversion law between SFR and LIRL_{\rm IR}. This is possible since both f and ϵ\epsilon can be estimated via the dust-to-gas ratio, which is related to metallicity. We have confirmed that the relation between the metallicity and the dust-to-gas ratio is applied to both giant and dwarf galaxies. Finally, we apply the result to the cosmic star formation history. We find that the comoving SFR at z=3 calculated from previous empirical formulae is underestimated by a factor of 4-5.Comment: 8 pages LaTeX, to appear in A&

    Pion decay constant in quenched QCD with Kogut-Susskind quarks

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    We present a non-perturbative calculation for the pion decay constant with quenched Kogut-Susskind quarks. Numerical simulations are carried out at β=6.0\beta = 6.0 and 6.2 with various operators extending over all flavors. The renormalization correction is applied for each flavor by computing non-perturbative renormalization constants, and it is compared with a perturbative calculation. We also study the behavior of fπf_\pi in the continuum limits for both non-perturbative and perturbative calculations. The results in the continuum limit is also discussed.Comment: LATTICE99(matrix elements) 3 pages, 4 eps figure

    Effect of Dust Extinction on Estimating Star Formation Rate of Galaxies: Lyman Continuum Extinction

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    We re-examine the effect of Lyman continuum (λ912\lambda \leq 912 \AA) extinction (LCE) by dust in H {\sc ii} regions in detail and discuss how it affects the estimation of the global star formation rate (SFR) of galaxies. To clarify the first issue, we establish two independent methods for estimating a parameter of LCE (ff), which is defined as the fraction of Lyman continuum photons contributing to hydrogen ionization in an H {\sc ii} region. One of those methods determines ff from the set of Lyman continuum flux, electron density and metallicity. In the framework of this method, as the metallicity and/or the Lyman photon flux increase, ff is found to decrease. The other method determines ff from the ratio of infrared flux to Lyman continuum flux. Importantly, we show that f \la 0.5 via both methods in many H {\sc ii} regions of the Galaxy. Thus, it establishes that dust in such H {\sc ii} regions absorbs significant amount of Lyman continuum photons directly. To examine the second issue, we approximate ff to a function of only the dust-to-gas mass ratio (i.e., metallicity), assuming a parameter fit for the Galactic H {\sc ii} regions. We find that a characteristic f^\hat{f}, which is defined as ff averaged over a galaxy-wide scale, is 0.3 for the nearby spiral galaxies. This relatively small f^\hat{f} indicates that a typical increment factor due to LCE for estimating the global SFR (1/f^1/\hat{f}) is large (3\sim 3) for the nearby spiral galaxies. Therefore, we conclude that the effect of LCE is not negligible relative to other uncertainties of estimating the SFR of galaxies.Comment: 18 papges, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    The Minimum Stellar Mass in Early Galaxies

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    The conditions for the fragmentation of the baryonic component during merging of dark matter halos in the early Universe are studied. We assume that the baryonic component undergoes a shock compression. The characteristic masses of protostellar molecular clouds and the minimum masses of protostars formed in these clouds decrease with increasing halo mass. This may indicate that the initial stellar mass function in more massive galaxies was shifted towards lower masses during the initial stages of their formation. This would result in an increase of the number of stars per unit halo mass, i.e., the efficiency of star formation.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    I=2 Pion Scattering Length with Wilson Fermions

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    We present results for I=2 pion scattering length with the Wilson fermions in the quenched approximation. The finite size method presented by L\"uscher is employed, and calculations are carried out at β=5.9\beta=5.9, 6.1, and 6.3. In the continuum limit, we obtain a result in reasonable agreement with the experimental value.Comment: LATTICE99(matrixelement), 3 pages, 4 eps figure