44 research outputs found

    A suberized exodermis is required for tomato drought tolerance.

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    Plant roots integrate environmental signals with development using exquisite spatiotemporal control. This is apparent in the deposition of suberin, an apoplastic diffusion barrier, which regulates flow of water, solutes and gases, and is environmentally plastic. Suberin is considered a hallmark of endodermal differentiation but is absent in the tomato endodermis. Instead, suberin is present in the exodermis, a cell type that is absent in the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana. Here we demonstrate that the suberin regulatory network has the same parts driving suberin production in the tomato exodermis and the Arabidopsis endodermis. Despite this co-option of network components, the network has undergone rewiring to drive distinct spatial expression and with distinct contributions of specific genes. Functional genetic analyses of the tomato MYB92 transcription factor and ASFT enzyme demonstrate the importance of exodermal suberin for a plant water-deficit response and that the exodermal barrier serves an equivalent function to that of the endodermis and can act in its place

    Why did glutamate, GABA, and melatonin become intercellular signalling molecules in plants?

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    Intercellular signalling is an indispensable part of multicellular life. Understanding the commonalities and differences in how signalling molecules function in two remote branches of the tree of life may shed light on the reasons these molecules were originally recruited for intercellular signalling. Here we review the plant function of three highly studied animal intercellular signalling molecules, namely glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and melatonin. By considering both their signalling function in plants and their broader physiological function, we suggest that molecules with an original function as key metabolites or active participants in reactive ion species scavenging have a high chance of becoming intercellular signalling molecules. Naturally, the evolution of machinery to transduce a message across the plasma membrane is necessary. This fact is demonstrated by three other well-studied animal intercellular signalling molecules, namely serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine, for which there is currently no evidence that they act as intercellular signalling molecules in plants

    Mechanodetection of neighbor plants elicits adaptive leaf movements through calcium dynamics

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    Abstract Plants detect their neighbors via various cues, including reflected light and touching of leaf tips, which elicit upward leaf movement (hyponasty). It is currently unknown how touch is sensed and how the signal is transferred from the leaf tip to the petiole base that drives hyponasty. Here, we show that touch-induced hyponasty involves a signal transduction pathway that is distinct from light-mediated hyponasty. We found that mechanostimulation of the leaf tip upon touching causes cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]cyt induction in leaf tip trichomes that spreads towards the petiole. Both perturbation of the calcium response and the absence of trichomes reduce touch-induced hyponasty. Finally, using plant competition assays, we show that touch-induced hyponasty is adaptive in dense stands of Arabidopsis. We thus establish a novel, adaptive mechanism regulating hyponastic leaf movement in response to mechanostimulation by neighbors in dense vegetation

    Kävijäseuranta luontoalueilla : Pohjoismaiden ja Baltian maiden kokemuksiin perustuva opas

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    Luontomatkailun ja luonnossa virkistäytymisen merkitys kasvaa Pohjoismaissa ja Baltiassa. Tiedot luontoalueiden kävijöistä ovat tärkeitä, jotta alueiden virkistyskäyttöä voidaan suunnitella ja toteuttaa siten, että kävijöille tarjotaan laadukkaita virkistyskokemuksia, kehitetään luontomatkailua, edistetään kansanterveyttä ja hyvinvointia sekä suojellaan luonto- ja kulttuuriperintöä kestävästi.Tämän oppaan tarkoituksena on antaa ideoita ja tietoa eri menetelmistä ja keinoista, joiden avulla luontoalueiden virkistyskäyttäjistä ja käyttötavoista saadaan enemmän tietoa. Oppaan pääpaino on käytännön menetelmissä: kuinka kävijälaskentoja ja -tutkimuksia tehdään, miten tulokset kannattaa raportoida ja kuinka tietoja voidaan hyödyntää. Opas sisältää ohjeita, suosituksia ja esimerkkejä Pohjoismaihin ja Baltiaan soveltuvista kävijäseurantamenetelmistä.Oppaan on laatinut luontoalueiden kävijäseurantaan perehtynyt asiantuntijatyöryhmä, ja sen tarkoituksena on edistää Pohjoismaiden ja Baltian olosuhteisiin muokattujen yhtenäisten kävijäseurantamenetelmien käyttöä. Tämä on ensimmäinen askel kohti yhtenäistä kävijäseurantatietoa, joka luo yhteisen perustan kävijätilastoille ja -tietokannoille näissä maissa