229 research outputs found

    Method and apparatus for stabilizing a gaseous optical maser Patent

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    Gas laser frequency stabilized by position of mirrors in resonant cavit

    Vibrational relaxation measurements in CO2 USING an induced fluorescence technique

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    Vibrational relaxation measurements in carbon dioxide using induced infrared fluorescence techniqu

    The dual-specificity kinase DYRK1A modulates the levels of cyclin L2 to control HIV replication in macrophages

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    HIV replication in macrophages contributes to the latent viral reservoirs, which are considered the main barrier to HIV eradication. Few cellular factors that facilitate HIV replication in latently infected cells are known. We previously identified cyclin L2 as a critical factor required by HIV-1 and found that depletion of cyclin L2 attenuates HIV-1 replication in macrophages. Here we demonstrate that cyclin L2 promotes HIV-1 replication through interactions with the dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A). Cyclin L2 and DYRK1A were colocalized in the nucleus and were found together in immunoprecipitation experiments. Knockdown or inhibition of DYRK1A increased HIV-1 replication in macrophages, while depletion of cyclin L2 decreased HIV-1 replication. Furthermore, depletion of DYRK1A increased expression levels of cyclin L2. DYRK1A is a proline-directed kinase that phosphorylates cyclin L2 at serine residues. Mutations of cyclin L2 at serine residues preceding proline significantly stabilized cyclin L2 and increased HIV-1 replication in macrophages. Thus, we propose that DYRK1A controls cyclin L2 expression, leading to restriction of HIV replication in macrophages

    Actor-Transformers for Group Activity Recognition

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    An Evaluation of the Performance Contracting on Organisation Performance: A Case of Kenyatta University, Kenya

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    The main objective of the study was to evaluate the performance contracting on organization performance. Specific objectives included: an evaluation of the effect of performance contracting on the improvement of service quality at Kenyatta University; an assessment of the influence of the performance contract on the improvement of efficiency at Kenyatta University and a determination of whether performance contracting improves effectiveness at Kenyatta University.Content and descriptive analyses were employed to analyse the respondents’ views on effect performance contracting on performance. The data was then be coded to enable the responses to be grouped into categories. Descriptive statistics was also used mainly to summarize the data. A Likert scale and the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 12.0), was employed. Tables and graphs were used as appropriate to present the data collected for ease of understanding and analysis.The study concluded that performance contracting indeed increases service delivery in institutions, and greatly so. Performance contracting was found to indeed increase overall efficiency in institutions to a great extent. With standards and performance targets as well as monitoring and evaluation in performance contracting as proxies in determining organizations’ effectiveness, the study establishes that performance contracting improves institutions’ overall effectiveness. Key Words: Performance Contracting, Kenyatta Universit

    Развитие ионизационного монитора поперечного сечения протонного пучка линейного ускорителя ИЯИ РАН

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    Для обеспечения прозрачных измерений поперечного сечения и профилей токовых импульсов в широком диапазоне энергий и амплитуд разработан и установлен на ускорителе специальный ионизационный монитор поперечного сечения (ИМПС) на остаточном газе. ИМПС оборудован зеркально-линзовым трактом для транспортировки изображения пучка от детектора до ТВ-камеры и защиты ПЗС-матрицы и электроники ТВ-камеры от бомбардировки нейтронами и γ-квантами. В работе приводится схема и описание датчика, а также некоторые детали программного и аппаратного обеспечения системы съема и обработки изображений. Представлены полученные результаты измерений импульсного тока протонов.Для забезпечення прозорих вимірів поперечного переріза й профілів струмових імпульсів у широкому діапазоні енергій і амплітуд розроблений і встановлений на прискорювачі спеціальний іонізаційний монітор поперечного переріза (ІМПС) на залишковому газі. ІМПС обладнаний дзеркально-лінзовим трактом для транспортування зображення пучка від детектора до ТВ-камери і захисту Пзс-матриці й електроніки ТВ-камеры від бомбардування нейтронами і γ-квантами. У роботі приводиться схема й опис датчика, а також деякі деталі програмного й апаратного забезпечення системи знімання й обробки зображень. Представлено отримані результати вимірів імпульсного струму протонів.To provide non-intercepting measurements of beam pulse transverse section and profile the special residual gas ion transverse section monitor (ITSM) for wide energy and amplitude range is developed and installed on the accelerator. ITSM is provided by lens-mirror line for transport beam image from the detector to TV camera and saving CCD and electronics of TV camera from neutron and γ hitting. The ITSM functioning details and image processing system are described. The available results of beam pulse measurements are presented

    New species of Colletotrichum from wild Poaceae and Cyperaceae plants in Iran

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    Twenty-two Colletotrichum strains were isolated from anthracnose symptoms or leaf spots on leaves of various wild Poaceae and Cyperaceae plants collected in three provinces of Iran and tentatively identified as belonging to the Graminicola species complex based on morphology. All strains were studied via a polyphasic approach combining colony characteristics, morphology and phylogeny inferred from multi-locus sequences, including the nuc rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS), partial sequences of the β-tubulin (tub2), actin (act), manganese superoxide dismutase 2 (sod2), DNA lyase 2 (apn2) genes, a 200-bp intron of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh), and the intergenic spacer between the apn2 gene and the mat1 idiomorph (apn2/mat1). Six species were distinguished, including three new species, namely C. caspicum, C. persicum, and C. sacchari, and three previously described species, C. cereale, C. nicholsonii and C. sublineola. Comprehensive morphological descriptions and illustrations are provided for all species. Furthermore, this study provided new insights into the distribution and host range of known species

    Slow Light Propagation in a Thin Optical Fiber via Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

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    We propose a novel configuration that utilizes electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) to tailor a fiber mode propagating inside a thin optical fiber and coherently control its dispersion properties to drastically reduce the group velocity of the fiber mode. The key to this proposal is: the evanescent-like field of the thin fiber strongly couples with the surrounding active medium, so that the EIT condition is met by the medium. We show how the properties of the fiber mode is modified due to the EIT medium, both numerically and analytically. We demonstrate that the group velocity of the new modified fiber mode can be drastically reduced (approximately 44 m/sec) using the coherently prepared orthohydrogen doped in a matrix of parahydrogen crystal as the EIT medium.Comment: 10 pages in two column RevTex4, 6 Figure