817 research outputs found

    Stability of an electron beam injected into space

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    Stability of electron beam injected into spac

    University Chapel Hour: Saraswati Puja

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    This worship of Saraswati, Hindu Goddess of learning and the arts (using Odissi dance liturgy) was sponsored by the Hindu Student Association. It took place on September 13, 2000. Tonushree Jaggi, Harvard University \u2701, performs this religious ceremony during Chapel Hour. IWU Chaplain Denny Groh \u2761 speaks at the beginning of this event. For the benefit of audience members, Professor of Physics Narendra Jaggi narrates the ceremony as his daughter performs

    Professor DS Kotharis Reflections on the Parallelism between Epistemological Foundations of Modern Physics and Philosophical Thought Part I: The Gita and Modern Physics

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    My first meeting with Dadaji, as Professor DS Kothari was dearly known to us, began with a question. I was engaged to his grandson (Ranjan) and after the engagement ceremony we went to him to get his blessings. Dadaji asked me: "Whowas Shri Rama's father?" I was taken aback at the question but when I replied that it was Dashrath, he was very happy and blessed us both. I soon learnt that he had this habit of asking simple questions to people to evoke interest in our ancient culture and heritage, especially the Bhagvad Gita

    Beneficiation of Fertilizer Minerals - Saladipura - An Experience

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    India constitutes approximately one sixth of world's population living in 2% earth's land-mass. The need for increased agricultural out-put by ensuring intensive cultivation can hardly be over emphasised. The most important means of achieving the target is to increase the output of fertilizer minerals and hence chemical fertilizer within the country itself which will enable not only to become self sufficient, but also save fore- ign exchange under widely fluctuating price conditions

    Human substantia nigra neurons encode unexpected financial rewards

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    The brain's sensitivity to unexpected outcomes plays a fundamental role in an\ud organism's ability to adapt and learn new behaviors. Emerging research suggests that\ud midbrain dopaminergic neurons encode these unexpected outcomes. We used\ud microelectrode recordings during deep brain stimulation surgery to study neuronal activity in\ud the human substantia nigra (SN) while patients with Parkinson's disease engaged in a\ud probabilistic learning task motivated by virtual financial rewards. Based on a model of the ..

    Direction specific error patterns during continuous tracking of the subjective visual vertical

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the error pattern of continuously tracking the perceived earth-vertical during roll rotations from upright to right or left ear-down and from right or left ear-down to upright. We compared the tracking responses of two paradigms, which either continuously activated the otoliths organs alone (constant velocity tilt) or both the otolith organs and the semicircular canals (constant acceleration tilt). The tracking responses of the subjective visual vertical showed characteristic differences depending on starting position and tilt direction relative to gravity. The error patterns in the constant-velocity and constant-acceleration tilt paradigm were reversed. Estimations during tracking, when otolith information was continuously changing, were more precise compared to estimations following fast tilts to fixed roll tilt positions. We conclude that the central processing underlying these perceptual tracking responses requires, besides the otolith input, information from the vertical semicircular canal

    Professor DS Kotharis Reflections on the Parallelism between Epistemological Foundations of Modern Physics and Indian Philosophical Thought Part II: The Principle of complementarity and Syadvada

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    A favourite theme in Prof Kothari's talks and writings during his later years was the close parallelism between Bohr's principle of complementarity and Indian philosophical thought, in particular, the  Syadvada of J ain philosophy 1-6. In this part of the article , we have tried to summarize Prof Kothari's views on the subject