13 research outputs found

    On algebraic branching programs of small width

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    On Vanishing of {K}ronecker Coefficients

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    It is shown that: (1) The problem of deciding positivity of Kronecker coefficients is NP-hard. (2) There exists a positive (#P\# P)-formula for a subclass of Kronecker coefficients whose positivity is NP-hard to decide. (3) For any 0<ϵ10 < \epsilon \le 1, there exists 0<a<10<a<1 such that, for all mm, there exist Ω(2ma)\Omega(2^{m^a}) partition triples (λ,μ,μ)(\lambda,\mu,\mu) in the Kronecker cone such that: (a) the Kronecker coefficient kμ,μλk^\lambda_{\mu,\mu} is zero, (b) the height of μ\mu is mm, (c) the height of λ\lambda is mϵ\le m^\epsilon, and (d) λ=μm3|\lambda|= |\mu| \le m^3. The last result takes a step towards proving the existence of occurrence-based representation-theoretic obstructions in the context of the GCT approach to the permanent vs. determinant problem. Its proof also illustrates the effectiveness of the explicit proof strategy of GCT

    On algebraic branching programs of small width

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    In 1979 Valiant showed that the complexity class VP_e of families with polynomially bounded formula size is contained in the class VP_s of families that have algebraic branching programs (ABPs) of polynomially bounded size. Motivated by the problem of separating these classes we study the topological closure VP_e-bar, i.e. the class of polynomials that can be approximated arbitrarily closely by polynomials in VP_e. We describe VP_e-bar with a strikingly simple complete polynomial (in characteristic different from 2) whose recursive definition is similar to the Fibonacci numbers. Further understanding this polynomial seems to be a promising route to new formula lower bounds. Our methods are rooted in the study of ABPs of small constant width. In 1992 Ben-Or and Cleve showed that formula size is polynomially equivalent to width-3 ABP size. We extend their result (in characteristic different from 2) by showing that approximate formula size is polynomially equivalent to approximate width-2 ABP size. This is surprising because in 2011 Allender and Wang gave explicit polynomials that cannot be computed by width-2 ABPs at all! The details of our construction lead to the aforementioned characterization of VP_e-bar. As a natural continuation of this work we prove that the class VNP can be described as the class of families that admit a hypercube summation of polynomially bounded dimension over a product of polynomially many affine linear forms. This gives the first separations of algebraic complexity classes from their nondeterministic analogs

    On algebraic branching programs of small width

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    In 1979 Valiant showed that the complexity class VPe of families with polynomially bounded formula size is contained in the class VPs of families that have algebraic branching programs (ABPs) of polynomially bounded size. Motivated by the problem of separating these classes we study the topological closure VPe, i.e. the class of polynomials that can be approximated arbitrarily closely by polynomials in VPe. We describe VPe with a strikingly simple complete polynomial (in characteristic different from 2) whose recursive definition is similar to the Fibonacci numbers. Further understanding this polynomial seems to be a promising route to new formula lower bounds. Our methods are rooted in the study of ABPs of small constant width. In 1992 Ben-Or and Cleve showed that formula size is polynomially equivalent to width-3 ABP size. We extend their result (in characteristic different from 2) by showing that approximate formula size is polynomially equivalent to approximate width-2 ABP size. This is surprising because in 2011 Allender and Wang gave explicit polynomials that cannot be computed by width-2 ABPs at all! The details of our construction lead to the aforementioned characterization of VPe. As a natural continuation of this work we prove that the class VNP can be described as the class of families that admit a hypercube summation of polynomially bounded dimension over a product of polynomially many affine linear forms. This gives the first separations of algebraic complexity classes from their nondeterministic analogs

    On the Complexity of Hazard-free Circuits

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    The problem of constructing hazard-free Boolean circuits dates back to the 1940s and is an important problem in circuit design. Our main lower-bound result unconditionally shows the existence of functions whose circuit complexity is polynomially bounded while every hazard-free implementation is provably of exponential size. Previous lower bounds on the hazard-free complexity were only valid for depth 2 circuits. The same proof method yields that every subcubic implementation of Boolean matrix multiplication must have hazards. These results follow from a crucial structural insight: Hazard-free complexity is a natural generalization of monotone complexity to all (not necessarily monotone) Boolean functions. Thus, we can apply known monotone complexity lower bounds to find lower bounds on the hazard-free complexity. We also lift these methods from the monotone setting to prove exponential hazard-free complexity lower bounds for non-monotone functions. As our main upper-bound result we show how to efficiently convert a Boolean circuit into a bounded-bit hazard-free circuit with only a polynomially large blow-up in the number of gates. Previously, the best known method yielded exponentially large circuits in the worst case, so our algorithm gives an exponential improvement. As a side result we establish the NP-completeness of several hazard detection problems

    On the complexity of hazard-free circuits

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    On the complexity of hazard-free circuits

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