14 research outputs found

    Genetic polymorphism and structure of grey wolf (Canis lupus) populations in Eurasia

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    While the grey wolf would be a top predator in most of Eurasia's terrestrial ecosystems , hunting and environmental transformations have contributed to a strong reduction or eradication of populations over much of this area. Today's protection strategies depend on knowledge of population genetic variability and structure, and our analysis of those characteristics presented here draws on a unique sample set that can offer a comprehensive view of this. Indeed, as far as we know, this is the rst nuclear-based genetic study of wolf populations to encompass the Eurasian continent

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors.

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    Tailoring Third-Harmonic Diffraction Efficiency by Hybrid Modes in High-Q Metasurfaces

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    Metasurfaces are versatile tools for manipulating light; however, they have received little attention as devices for the efficient control of nonlinearly diffracted light. Here, we demonstrate nonlinear wavefront control through third-harmonic generation (THG) beaming into diffraction orders with efficiency tuned by excitation of hybrid Mie–quasi-bound states in the continuum (BIC) modes in a silicon metasurface. Simultaneous excitation of the high-Q collective Mie-type modes and quasi-BIC modes leads to their hybridization and results in a local electric field redistribution. We probe the hybrid mode by measuring far-field patterns of THG and observe the strong switching between (0,–1) and (−1,0) THG diffraction orders from 1:6 for off-resonant excitation to 129:1 for the hybrid mode excitation, showing tremendous contrast in controlling the nonlinear diffraction patterns. Our results pave the way to the realization of metasurfaces for novel light sources, telecommunications, and quantum photonics

    Third-harmonic light polarization control in magnetically resonant silicon metasurfaces

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    Nonlinear metasurfaces have become prominent tools for controlling and engineering light at the nanoscale. Usually, the polarization of the total generated third harmonic is studied. However, diffraction orders may present different polarizations. Here, we design an high quality factor silicon metasurface for third harmonic generation and perform back focal plane imaging of the diffraction orders, which present a rich variety of polarization states. Our results demonstrate the possibility of tailoring the polarization of the generated nonlinear diffraction orders paving the way to a higher degree of wavefront control

    Next‐generation phylogeography resolves post‐glacial colonization patterns in a widespread carnivore, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), in Europe

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    Carnivores tend to exhibit a lack of (or less pronounced) genetic structure at continental scales in both a geographic and temporal sense and this can confound the identification of post-glacial colonization patterns in this group. In this study we used genome-wide data (using genotyping by sequencing [GBS]) to reconstruct the phylogeographic history of a widespread carnivore, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), by investigating broad-scale patterns of genomic variation, differentiation and admixture amongst contemporary populations in Europe. Using 15,003 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 524 individuals allowed us to identify the importance of refugial regions for the red fox in terms of endemism (e.g., Iberia). In addition, we tested multiple post-glacial recolonization scenarios of previously glaciated regions during the Last Glacial Maximum using an Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) approach that were unresolved from previous studies. This allowed us to identify the role of admixture from multiple source population post-Younger Dryas in the case of Scandinavia and ancient land-bridges in the colonization of the British Isles. A natural colonization of Ireland was deemed more likely than an ancient human-mediated introduction as has previously been proposed and potentially points to a larger mammalian community on the island in the early post-glacial period. Using genome-wide data has allowed us to tease apart broad-scale patterns of structure and diversity in a widespread carnivore in Europe that was not evident from using more limited marker sets and provides a foundation for next-generation phylogeographic studies in other non-model species