151 research outputs found

    Psychometric Analysis of the Emotional Tone Rating Scale: A Measure of Person-Centered Communication

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Clinical Gerontologist on 2012-01-01, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/07317115.2012.702648.Psychometric analysis of the Emotional Tone Rating Scale (ETRS) was completed using ratings of naïve listeners who evaluated staff-resident communication in three nursing homes. Interrater consistency was high with ICC (2, 1) for agreement = 0.95 and consistency = 0.95. Factor analysis revealed two factors—person-centered communication and controlling communication—that explained 84.8% of the variance. Person-centered communication included seven descriptors (items) with loadings ranging from 0.84 to 0.98 and a coefficient alpha of 0.98. Controlling communication included five items that loaded from −0.63 to .99 with a coefficient alpha of 0.94. These factors were negatively correlated p = −.64 and demonstrated good ranges, standard deviations, and high item-total correlations. Person-centered communication correlated with higher resident engagement in conversation in contrast to controlling communication. The ETRS provides a measure of person-centered communication that can be used to evaluate interactions between nursing staff and older adults who reside in long term care settings

    Wirkungen der Digitalisierung von Arbeit auf Mitarbeiter/innen in Dienstleistungsunternehmen

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    Digitalisierung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die zukĂŒnftige Arbeitswelt sind eines der aktuellen Kernthemen in Politik und Wissenschaft. Die Steuerberatungsbranche durchlĂ€uft seit einigen Jahren einen grundlegenden VerĂ€nderungsprozess, der zu neuen TĂ€tigkeitsfeldern und Arbeitsinhalten fĂŒhrt. Um vor diesem Hintergrund Handlungsempfehlungen geben zu können, wurde in der vorliegenden Studie untersucht, inwiefern (die zunehmende) Digitalisierung mit der individuell wahrgenommenen Arbeits- und Organisationsstruktur zusammenhĂ€ngt. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde betrachtet, welcher Zusammenhang zwischen Digitalisierung und subjektiv empfundenen Arbeitsfolgen, wie z. B. Arbeitszufriedenheit oder Wohlbefinden, besteht

    Two-photon resonant excitation of interatomic coulombic decay in neon dimers

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    The recent availability of intense and ultrashort extreme ultraviolet sources opens up the possibility of investigating ultrafast electronic relaxation processes in matter in an unprecedented regime. In this work we report on the observation of two-photon excitation of interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) in neon dimers using the tunable intense pulses delivered by the free electron laser FERMI. The unique characteristics of FERMI (narrow bandwidth, spectral stability, and tunability) allow one to resonantly excite specific ionization pathways and to observe a clear signature of the ICD mechanism in the ratio of the ion yield created by Coulomb explosion. The present experimental results are explained by ab initio electronic structure and nuclear dynamics calculations

    Entwicklung von Skalen zur Erfassung des organisationalen bzw. arbeitsplatzbezogenen Digitalisierungsgrades (ODG/ADG-Skala) in Steuerberatungskanzleien

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    Unternehmen aller Branchen stehen vor dem Hintergrund der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung neuen Herausforderungen gegenĂŒber. Die von der so verstandenen Digitalisierung ausgelösten VerĂ€nderungen betreffen insbesondere den Dienstleistungssektor, in dem das Handeln der BeschĂ€ftigten in hohem Maße den Erfolg der betrieblichen Leistungen beeinflusst. Die möglichen positiven bzw. negativen Auswirkungen, die diese VerĂ€nderungen mit sich bringen, wurden speziell im Bereich wissensintensiver Dienstleistungen bisher nicht systematisch untersucht. Im Rahmen des Verbundprojekts KODIMA konzentrieren sich die Forschungen der Seniorprofessur Wirtschafts- und Organisationspsychologie – exemplarisch fĂŒr wissensintensive Dienstleistungen – auf die Situation in der Steuerberatungsbranche

    Communicative Predictors of a Shared Family Identity: Comparison of Grandchildren’s Perceptions of Family-of-Origin Grandparents and Stepgrandparents

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    From an intergroup perspective on family relationships, the current study investigates family-of-origin grandparents and stepgrandparents to determine similarities and differences in communication and relational dimensions. Participants (N = 88) completed questionnaires on family-of-origin grandparents and stepgrandparent relationships. From the perspective of young adult grandchildren, the research explores the role of supportive communication, reciprocal self-disclosure, nonaccommodative communication, and parental encouragement in predicting a sense of shared family identity with each grandparent type. Results are discussed in terms of implications for intergroup research, grandparent-grandchild communication, and stepfamily relationships

    Intergenerational Communication – an interdisciplinary mapping review of research between 1996 and 2017

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    Concerns have been raised regarding the limited opportunities for intergenerational communication both outside and within the family. This “mapping review” draws together empirical literature in the topic published since 1996. Three hundred and twenty-four published studies met inclusion criteria, based on abstract review. The contents of each study were subjected to thematic analysis and nine broad themes emerged. These were (1) Dynamics of relationships, (2) Health & Well-being, (3) Learning & Literacy, (4) Attitudes, (5) Culture, (6) Digital, (7) Space, (8) Professional Development, and (9) Gender & Sexual Orientation. Studies commonly intersected disciplinary research areas. There was a marked rise across three key academic journals since 2007. An emergent finding was that a third of the studies relate to programs addressing intergenerational interventions, but many of these were primarily descriptive and failed to specify a primary outcome. Review implications and future research directions are discussed
