1,063 research outputs found

    Remark on the Copenhagen vacuum

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    It is pointed Out that the Yang Mills vacuum structure proposed by the Copenhagen group can be obtained very simply and within their assumptions, when their gauge condition is used instead of the linearised equations of motion. Other choices of gauge are shown to lead to higher energy densities than that chosen. The full equations of motion together with the gauge condition admit only a trivial solution with zero colour-transverse gluons

    Zur Situation von Armeria maritima ssp. hornburgensis - aktuelle Daten zu Populationsgröße, Demographie und Taxonomie

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die aktuelle Bestandssituation (September 2006) von Armeria maritima ssp. hornburgensis (A. SCHULZ) ROTHM. sowie demografische und genetische Parameter der Population. Aus diesen Daten werden Empfehlungen für kurz-, mittelund langfristige Schutz- und Pflegemaßnahmen zum Erhalt der Population abgeleitet. Zusätzlich wird die Taxonomie der Sippe im Kontext neuer molekulargenetischer Untersuchungen des gesamten mitteleuropäischen Armeria maritima-Komplexes diskutiert

    Four-pion production in tau decays and e+e- annihilation: an update

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    An improved description of four-pion production in electron-positron annihilation and in tau lepton decays is presented. The model amplitude is fitted to recent data from BaBar which cover a wide energy range and which were obtained exploiting the radiative return. Predicting tau decay distributions from e+e- data and comparing these predictions with ALEPH and CLEO results, the validity of isospin symmetry is confirmed within the present experimental errors. A good description of two- and three-pion sub-distributions is obtained. Special emphasis is put on the predictions for omega pi (-> pi+pi-pi0) in e+e- annihilation and in tau decay. The model amplitude is implemented in the Monte Carlo generator PHOKHARA.Comment: a few typos correcte

    Critical behavior of a cellular automaton highway traffic model

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    We derive the critical behavior of a CA traffic flow model using an order parameter breaking the symmetry of the jam-free phase. Random braking appears to be the symmetry-breaking field conjugate to the order parameter. For vmax=2v_{\max}=2, we determine the values of the critical exponents β\beta, γ\gamma and δ\delta using an order-3 cluster approximation and computer simulations. These critical exponents satisfy a scaling relation, which can be derived assuming that the order parameter is a generalized homogeneous function of ρρc|\rho-\rho_c| and p in the vicinity of the phase transition point.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure

    Interacting crumpled manifolds

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    In this article we study the effect of a delta-interaction on a polymerized membrane of arbitrary internal dimension D. Depending on the dimensionality of membrane and embedding space, different physical scenarios are observed. We emphasize on the difference of polymers from membranes. For the latter, non-trivial contributions appear at the 2-loop level. We also exploit a ``massive scheme'' inspired by calculations in fixed dimensions for scalar field theories. Despite the fact that these calculations are only amenable numerically, we found that in the limit of D to 2 each diagram can be evaluated analytically. This property extends in fact to any order in perturbation theory, allowing for a summation of all orders. This is a novel and quite surprising result. Finally, an attempt to go beyond D=2 is presented. Applications to the case of self-avoiding membranes are mentioned

    Cyclopenta[c]phenanthrene induction of CYP1A in brain of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    We assessed the effects of cyclopenta[c]phenanthrene (CP[c]Ph) and benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P; positive control) on CYP1A gene expression in brain of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using the quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (Q-RT-PCR). A group of hatchery raised rainbow trout, with an average body mass of 49.4 g and total length of 15.5 cm were given an intraperitoneal injection (10 mg*kg-1) of either CP[c]Ph or B[a]P in corn oil (2 mg*mi-1 corn oil) or corn oil alone (control). After 24 and 48 h, trout brains were collected for mRNA isolation and analysis. After 24 hours of the exposure, only B[a]P-treated rainbow trout had 10-fold higher number of CYP1A transcripts (mean = 3.63*106 transcripts*µg-1 total RNA) than control fish (3.24*105 transcripts*µg-1 total RNA; Tukey test, P<0.05). After 48 hrs, significantly higher levels of CYP1A expression (Tukey test, P<0.001) were found in either CP[c]Ph- or B[a]P- induced group (1.45*106 and 6.92*106 transcriptsźµg-1 total RNA, respectively) over a control group (mean=1.41*105 transcripts*µg-1 total RNA). The finding that CYP1A in brain tissue was inducible by CP[c]Ph, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) of different than B[a]P planar characteristics, may further validate the use of rainbow trout brain CYP1A mRNA levels as a biomarker of PAH exposure

    Charge density analysis of two proton transfer complexes: understanding hydrogen bonding and determination of in-crystal dipole moments

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    An experimental charge density study has been carried out on proton-transfer complexes exhibiting nonlinear optical (NLO) properties-melaminium tartrate monohydrate and L-asparaginium picrate employing high-resolution X-ray diffraction at 100 K. Both the complexes crystallize in non-centric space group P21 and the structures exhibit interesting patterns of N-H...O and O-H...O hydrogen bonding. Experimental determination of the dipole moment (μ) for the asymmetric unit reveals that for both the crystals, there is a large cooperative enhancement in the crystalline μ arising essentially due to hydrogen bond mediated charge transfer between the melaminium ion and the L-tartrate in one case, between the Lasparaginium ion and the picrate in the other complex. We have additionally performed theoretical calculations at the density functional theory (DFT) level to understand the origin of enhancement of the dipole moments in the two systems

    Probabilistic cellular automata with conserved quantities

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    We demonstrate that the concept of a conservation law can be naturally extended from deterministic to probabilistic cellular automata (PCA) rules. The local function for conservative PCA must satisfy conditions analogous to conservation conditions for deterministic cellular automata. Conservation condition for PCA can also be written in the form of a current conservation law. For deterministic nearest-neighbour CA the current can be computed exactly. Local structure approximation can partially predict the equilibrium current for non-deterministic cases. For linear segments of the fundamental diagram it actually produces exact results.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Selected parameters of the corneal deformation in the Corvis tonometer

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    Introduction: Contemporary ophthalmology knows many methods of measuring intraocular pressure, namely the methods of non-contact and impression applanation tonometry. In non-contact applanation tonometers, e.g. the Corvis, the corneal flattening is caused by an air puff. Image registration of the corneal deflection performed by a tonometer enables to determine other interesting biomechanical parameters of the eye, which are not available in the tonometer. The measurement of new selected parameters is presented in this paper. Material and method: Images with an M x N x I resolution of 200 x 576 x 140 pixels were acquired from the Corvis device in the source recording format *.cst. A total of 13'400 2D images of patients examined routinely in the Clinical Department of Ophthalmology, in District Railway Hospital in Katowice, Poland, were analysed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. A new method has been proposed for the analysis of corneal deflection images in the Corvis tonometer with the use of the Canny edge detection method, mathematical morphology methods and context free operations. Results: The resulting image analysis tool allows determination of the response of the cornea and the entire eyeball to an air puff. The paper presents the method that enables the measurement of the amplitude of curvature changes in the frequency range from 150 to 500 Hz and automatic designation of the eyeball movement direction. The analysis of these data resulted in 3 new features of dynamics of the eye reaction to an air puff. Classification of these features enabled to propose 4 classes of deformation. The proposed algorithm allows to obtain reproducible results fully automatically at a time of 5 s per patient using the Core i5 CPU M460 @ 2.5GHz 4GB of RAM. Conclusions: The paper presents the possibility of using a profiled algorithm of image analysis, proposed by the authors, to measure additional cornea deformation parameters. The new tool enables automatic measurement of the additional new parameters when using the Corvis tonometer. A detailed clinical examination based on this method will be presented in subsequent paper

    Influence of Cu, Ga and Au dopants and technology conditions on the magnetic interactions in HgCr2Se4 single crystals

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    For single crystals HgCr2Se4 doped by nonmagnetic Cu+, Au2+ and Ga3+ ions and single crystals of HgCr2Se4 matrix growing in different synthesis conditions both the dc and ac magnetic susceptibility as well as the magnetization have been measured. As it follows from the analysis of the obtained results, paradoxically, the dopants strengthen the long range magnetic interactions of the ferromagnetically ordered single crystals under study, evidenced by the higher values of the ordering temperature in comparison with those ones for pure matrix. An influence of the technological processes connected with deficiency and/or excess of Hg on the long range magnetic interactions was not observed