39 research outputs found

    Trans-Translation in Helicobacter pylori: Essentiality of Ribosome Rescue and Requirement of Protein Tagging for Stress Resistance and Competence

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    BACKGROUND: The ubiquitous bacterial trans-translation is one of the most studied quality control mechanisms. Trans-translation requires two specific factors, a small RNA SsrA (tmRNA) and a protein co-factor SmpB, to promote the release of ribosomes stalled on defective mRNAs and to add a specific tag sequence to aberrant polypeptides to direct them to degradation pathways. Helicobacter pylori is a pathogen persistently colonizing a hostile niche, the stomach of humans. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the role of trans-translation in this bacterium well fitted to resist stressful conditions and found that both smpB and ssrA were essential genes. Five mutant versions of ssrA were generated in H. pylori in order to investigate the function of trans-translation in this organism. Mutation of the resume codon that allows the switch of template of the ribosome required for its release was essential in vivo, however a mutant in which this codon was followed by stop codons interrupting the tag sequence was viable. Therefore one round of translation is sufficient to promote the rescue of stalled ribosomes. A mutant expressing a truncated SsrA tag was viable in H. pylori, but affected in competence and tolerance to both oxidative and antibiotic stresses. This demonstrates that control of protein degradation through trans-translation is by itself central in the management of stress conditions and of competence and supports a regulatory role of trans-translation-dependent protein tagging. In addition, the expression of smpB and ssrA was found to be induced upon acid exposure of H. pylori. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude to a central role of trans-translation in H. pylori both for ribosome rescue possibly due to more severe stalling and for protein degradation to recover from stress conditions frequently encountered in the gastric environment. Finally, the essential trans-translation machinery of H. pylori is an excellent specific target for the development of novel antibiotics

    A Rac/Cdc42 exchange factor complex promotes formation of lateral filopodia and blood vessel lumen morphogenesis

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    During angiogenesis, Rho GTPases influence endothelial cell migration and cell-cell adhesion; however it is not known whether they control formation of vessel lumens, which are essential for blood flow. Here, using an organotypic system that recapitulates distinct stages of VEGF-dependent angiogenesis, we show that lumen formation requires early cytoskeletal remodelling and lateral cell-cell contacts, mediated through the RAC1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) DOCK4. DOCK4 signalling is necessary for lateral filopodial protrusions and tubule remodelling prior to lumen formation, whereas proximal, tip filopodia persist in the absence of DOCK4. VEGF-dependent Rac activation via DOCK4 is necessary for CDC42 activation to signal filopodia formation and depends on the activation of RHOG through the RHOG GEF, SGEF. VEGF promotes interaction of DOCK4 with the CDC42 GEF DOCK9. These studies identify a novel Rho-family GTPase activation cascade for the formation of endothelial cell filopodial protrusions necessary for tubule remodelling, thereby influencing subsequent stages of lumen morphogenesis

    SmpB functions in various steps of trans-translation

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    Phosphorylation of PACSIN2 by protein kinase C triggers the removal of caveolae from the plasma membrane

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    PACSIN2, a membrane-sculpting BAR domain protein, localizes to caveolae. Here, we found that protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylates PACSIN2 at serine 313, thereby decreasing its membrane binding and tubulation capacities. Concomitantly, phosphorylation decreased the time span for which caveolae could be tracked at the plasma membrane (the ‘tracking duration’). Analyses of the phospho-mimetic S313E mutant suggested that PACSIN2 phosphorylation was sufficient to reduce caveolar-tracking durations. Both hypotonic treatment and isotonic drug-induced PKC activation increased PACSIN2 phosphorylation at serine 313 and shortened caveolar-tracking durations. Caveolar-tracking durations were also reduced upon the expression of other membrane-binding-deficient PACSIN2 mutants or upon RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated PACSIN2 depletion, pointing to a role for PACSIN2 levels in modulating the lifetime of caveolae. Interestingly, the decrease in membrane-bound PACSIN2 was inversely correlated with the recruitment and activity of dynamin 2, a GTPase that mediates membrane scission. Furthermore, expression of EHD2, which stabilizes caveolae and binds to PACSIN2, restored the tracking durations of cells with reduced PACSIN2 levels. These findings suggest that the PACSIN2 phosphorylation decreases its membrane-binding activity, thereby decreasing its stabilizing effect on caveolae and triggering dynamin-mediated removal of caveolae

    Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.

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    Kasugamycin (Ksg) specifically inhibits translation initiation of canonical but not of leaderless messenger RNAs. Ksg inhibition is thought to occur by direct competition with initiator transfer RNA. The 3.35-Å structure of Ksg bound to the 30S ribosomal subunit presented here provides a structural description of two Ksg-binding sites as well as a basis for understanding Ksg resistance. Notably, neither binding position overlaps with P-site tRNA; instead, Ksg mimics codon nucleotides at the P and E sites by binding within the path of the mRNA. Coupled with biochemical experiments, our results suggest that Ksg indirectly inhibits P-site tRNA binding through perturbation of the mRNA-tRNA codon-anticodon interaction during 30S canonical initiation. In contrast, for 70S-type initiation on leaderless mRNA, the overlap between mRNA and Ksg is reduced and the binding of tRNA is further stabilized by the presence of the 50S subunit, minimizing Ksg efficacy