24 research outputs found

    Decision Agriculture

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    In this chapter, the latest developments in the field of decision agriculture are discussed. The practice of management zones in digital agriculture is described for efficient and smart faming. Accordingly, the methodology for delineating management zones is presented. Modeling of decision support systems is explained along with discussion of the issues and challenges in this area. Moreover, the precision agriculture technology is also considered. Moreover, the chapter surveys the state of the decision agriculture technologies in the countries such as Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Israel, Malaysia, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Sweden. Finally, different field factors such as GPS accuracy and crop growth are also analyzed

    The new Italian SIDAPA Baseline Series for patch testing (2023): an update according to the new regulatory pathway for contact allergens

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    Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a common inflammatory skin disease caused by delayed hypersensitivity to chemical and biotic contact allergens. ACD significantly affects the patients' quality of life negatively impacting both occupational and non-occupational settings. Patch testing is the gold standard diagnostic in vivo test to precise the ACD etiology and to correctly perform prevention. According to the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) legislative decree no. 178 of 29th May 1991, allergens are defined as medicines and therefore they are subject to strict regulation. In 2017, AIFA (decree no. 2130/2017) started a procedure to regulate contact allergens on the Italian market and actually the contact allergens temporarily authorized are reported in AIFA decree no. 98/2022, valid until November 2023. The availability on the market of contact allergens to diagnose ACD and continuous updating on the basis of new epidemiological trends are mandatory, jointly with the continuous update of the baseline and integrative series for patch testing. For this reason, the scientific community represented in Italy by the Skin Allergies Study Group of SIDeMaST (Italian Society of Dermatology and Venereology) and SIDAPA (Italian Society of Allergological, Occupational and Environmental Dermatology) are constantly working, in close relationship with the European scientific communities with large expertise in this important sector of the modern Dermatology. Herein, we report the setting up of regulatory legislation by AIFA and the new Italian Adult Baseline Series for patch testing

    Correction to: Treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate delays progression of chronic kidney disease: the UBI Study (Journal of Nephrology, (2019), 32, 6, (989-1001), 10.1007/s40620-019-00656-5)

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    It occurred to us that a simple but significant calculation error was made in Table 2 in the dose of bicarbonate administered. Indeed, contrary to what reported in Table 2, the dose of sodium bicarbonate administered during study was: Mean (SD) SB administered dose (mmol/kg bw/day) We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. The updated Table 2 has been copied below: (Table presented.)

    Treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate delays progression of chronic kidney disease: the UBI Study

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    Background: Metabolic acidosis is associated with accelerated progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Whether treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate improves kidney and patient survival in CKD is unclear. Methods: We conducted a randomized (ratio 1:1). open-label, controlled trial (NCT number: NCT01640119. www.clinicaltrials.gov) to determine the effect in patients with CKD stage 3–5 of treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate (SB) on creatinine doubling (primary endpoint), all-cause mortality and time to renal replacement therapy compared to standard care (SC) over 36-months. Parametric, non-parametric tests and survival analyses were used to assess the effect of SB on these outcomes. Results: A total of 376 and 364 individuals with mean (SD) age 67.8 (14.9) years, creatinine clearance 30 (12) ml/min, and serum bicarbonate 21.5 (2.4) mmol/l were enrolled in SB and SC, respectively. Mean (SD) follow-up was 29.6 (9.8) vs 30.3 (10.7) months in SC and SB. respectively. The mean (SD) daily doses of SB was 1.13 (0.10). 1.12 (0.11). and 1.09 (0.12) mmol/kg*bw/day in the first, second and third year of follow-up, respectively. A total of 87 participants reached the primary endpoint [62 (17.0%) in SC vs 25 (6.6%) in SB, p < 0.001). Similarly, 71 participants [45 (12.3%) in SC and 26 (6.9%) in SB, p = 0.016] started dialysis while 37 participants [25 (6.8%) in SC and 12 (3.1%) in SB, p = 0.004] died. There were no significant effect of SB on blood pressure, total body weight or hospitalizations. Conclusion: In persons with CKD 3–5 without advanced stages of chronic heart failure, treatment of metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate is safe and improves kidney and patient survival