5,203 research outputs found

    Accretion-powered Millisecond Pulsar Outbursts

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    The population of accretion-powered millisecond pulsars has grown rapidly over the last four years, with the discovery of six new examples to bring the total sample to seven. While the first six discovered are transients active for a few weeks every two or more years, the most recently-discovered source HETE J1900.1-2455, has been active for more than 8 months. We summarise the transient behaviour of the population to estimate long-term time-averaged fluxes, and equate these fluxes to the expected mass transfer rate driven by gravitational radiation in order to constrain the distances. We also estimate an upper limit of 6 kpc to the distance of IGR J00291+5934 based on the non-detection of bursts from this source.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in: "The Transient Milky Way: a perspective for MIRAX", eds. F. D'Amico, J. Braga & R. Rothschild, AIP Conf. Pro

    On the consistency of neutron-star radius measurements from thermonuclear bursts

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    The radius of neutron stars can in principle be measured via the normalisation of a blackbody fitted to the X-ray spectrum during thermonuclear (type-I) X-ray bursts, although few previous studies have addressed the reliability of such measurements. Here we examine the apparent radius in a homogeneous sample of long, mixed H/He bursts from the low-mass X-ray binaries GS 1826-24 and KS 1731-26. The measured blackbody normalisation (proportional to the emitting area) in these bursts is constant over a period of up to 60s in the burst tail, even though the flux (blackbody temperature) decreased by a factor of 60-75% (30-40%). The typical rms variation in the mean normalisation from burst to burst was 3-5%, although a variation of 17% was found between bursts observed from GS 1826-24 in two epochs. A comparison of the time-resolved spectroscopic measurements during bursts from the two epochs shows that the normalisation evolves consistently through the burst rise and peak, but subsequently increases further in the earlier epoch bursts. The elevated normalisation values may arise from a change in the anisotropy of the burst emission, or alternatively variations in the spectral correction factor, f_c, of order 10%. Since burst samples observed from systems other than GS 1826-24 are more heterogeneous, we expect that systematic uncertainties of at least 10% are likely to apply generally to measurements of neutron-star radii, unless the effects described here can be corrected for.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; accepted by Ap

    Discovery of pulsations in the X-ray transient 4U 1901+03

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    We describe observations of the 2003 outburst of the hard-spectrum X-ray transient 4U 1901+03 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. The outburst was first detected in 2003 February by the All-Sky Monitor, and reached a peak 2.5-25 keV flux of 8x10^-9 ergs/cm^2/s (around 240 mCrab). The only other known outburst occurred 32.2 yr earlier, likely the longest presently known recurrence time for any X-ray transient. Proportional Counter Array (PCA) observations over the 5-month duration of the 2003 outburst revealed a 2.763 s pulsar in a 22.58 d orbit. The detection of pulsations down to a flux of 3x10^-11 ergs/cm^2/s (2.5-25 keV), along with the inferred long-term accretion rate of 8.1x10^-11 M_sun/yr (assuming a distance of 10 kpc) suggests that the surface magnetic field strength is below ~5x10^11 G. The corresponding cyclotron energy is thus below 4 keV, consistent with the non-detection of resonance features at high energies. Although we could not unambiguously identify the optical counterpart, the lack of a bright IR candidate within the 1' RXTE error circle rules out a supergiant mass donor. The neutron star in 4U 1901+03 probably accretes from the wind of a main-sequence O-B star, like most other high-mass binary X-ray pulsars. The almost circular orbit e=0.036 confirms the system's membership in a growing class of wide, low-eccentricity systems in which the neutron stars may have received much smaller kicks as a result of their natal supernova explosions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted by ApJ. Very minor addition in response to referee's comment; updated author affiliatio

    A study of the new X-ray transient RXTE J2123-058 during its post-outburst state

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    We carried out I, R, V and B photometric observations of the neutron star X-ray binary RXTE J2123−058 shortly after the end of the X-ray outburst in mid-1998. We adopt the low-mass binary model to interpret our observations. After folding our data on the 0.24 821-d orbital period, and correcting for the steady brightness decline following the outburst, we observed sinusoidal oscillations with hints of ellipsoidal modulations which became progressively more evident. Our data also show that the decline in brightness was faster in the V band than in the R and I bands. This suggests both the cooling of an irradiation-heated secondary star and the fading of an accretion disc over the nights of our observations

    The AdS/CFT Correspondence Conjecture and Topological Censorship

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    In gr-qc/9902061 it was shown that (n+1)-dimensional asymptotically anti-de-Sitter spacetimes obeying natural causality conditions exhibit topological censorship. We use this fact in this paper to derive in arbitrary dimension relations between the topology of the timelike boundary-at-infinity, \scri, and that of the spacetime interior to this boundary. We prove as a simple corollary of topological censorship that any asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime with a disconnected boundary-at-infinity necessarily contains black hole horizons which screen the boundary components from each other. This corollary may be viewed as a Lorentzian analog of the Witten and Yau result hep-th/9910245, but is independent of the scalar curvature of \scri. Furthermore, the topology of V', the Cauchy surface (as defined for asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime with boundary-at-infinity) for regions exterior to event horizons, is constrained by that of \scri. In this paper, we prove a generalization of the homology results in gr-qc/9902061 in arbitrary dimension, that H_{n-1}(V;Z)=Z^k where V is the closure of V' and k is the number of boundaries Σi\Sigma_i interior to Σ0\Sigma_0. As a consequence, V does not contain any wormholes or other compact, non-simply connected topological structures. Finally, for the case of n=2, we show that these constraints and the onto homomorphism of the fundamental groups from which they follow are sufficient to limit the topology of interior of V to either B^2 or I×S1I\times S^1.Comment: Revtex, 20 page
