26 research outputs found

    Maspina: nowy cel terapii przeciwnowotworowej

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    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population: a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold

    Wykorzystanie gazu w 藕r贸d艂ach rozproszonych w du偶ych systemach ciep艂owniczych

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    The aim of an investigation was to examine the heat sources, which can be used as a supplement for providing the heat for the users at the ends of extensive heating networks. The research was based on the technical and economic analysis that also included ecological effects. The integral element of the research was a comparative analysis of such distributed heat sources and the current heating systems regarding their mutual competitiveness factors or supplementation.W pracy zaprezentowano rozwa偶ania dotycz膮ce ekonomicznej celowo艣ci instalacji zastosowania 藕r贸de艂 rozproszonych w ciep艂ownictwie. Pomysl zastosowania 藕r贸de艂 rozproszonych w ciep艂ownictwie podobny jest do tego obecnie szeroko dyskutowanego pomys艂u 藕r贸de艂 rozproszonych do produkcji energii elektrycznej. Ze wzgl臋du na obecne warunki ekonomiczne do rozwa偶a艅 wybrano 藕r贸d艂a zasilane gazem ziemnym. Zaproponowano pi臋膰 spos贸b zasilania odbiorc贸w na ko艅cach rozleg艂ych sieci ciep艂owniczych. Dla przedstawionych wariant贸w wykonano analizy ekonomiczne, kt贸rych wyniki przedstawiona w pracy