74 research outputs found

    Towards a pedagogy of strangeness: exploring the potential of strangeness for foreign language education

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    Engagement in depth with a foreign language is a challenging experience. Within the experience, and at a crucial interface – where familiar perspectives are questioned, deconstructed and re-considered – lies an area that I term ‘strangeness’. The word strange has a range of meanings; “outside of”, “alien”, “different”, “unusual”, “exceptional to a degree that excites wonder or astonishment” (OED 1989). The strangeness that resonates within a foreign language reflects several of these definitions; it is multi-faceted, unpredictable, even sometimes unfathomable, but ultimately, I hope to show that it has exciting, life-enriching potential that, like the latter definition above, will elicit wonder and astonishment. This article proposes a ‘pedagogy of strangeness’ in foreign language education that aims to provide some ideas and praxis to help students unlock more of the enriching potential that the study of the subject holds. The term ‘predictable strangeness’ is used critically to describe the conventional approach to teaching language and culture. The idea of ‘unpredictable strangeness’ is employed to elucidate the subtleties that lie especially within an ethnographic approach to foreign language teaching. Theatre and drama concepts that substantially employ strangeness within their work will be shown to have particular relevance to my article

    The Value of PIC Cystography in Detecting De Novo and Residual Vesicoureteral Reflux after Dextranomer/Hyaluronic Acid Copolymer Injection

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    The endoscopic injection of Dx/HA in the management of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) has become an accepted alternative to open surgery. In the current study we evaluated the value of cystography to detect de novo contralateral VUR in unilateral cases of VUR at the time of Dx/HA injection and correlated the findings of immediate post-Dx/HA injection cystography during the same anesthesia to 2-month postoperative VCUG to evaluate its ability to predict successful surgical outcomes. The current study aimed to evaluate whether an intraoperatively performed cystogram could replace postoperative studies. But a negative intraoperative cystogram correlates with the postoperative study in only 80%. Considering the 75–80% success rate of Dx/HA implantation, the addition of intraoperative cystograms cannot replace postoperative studies. In patients treated with unilateral VUR, PIC cystography can detect occult VUR and prevent postoperative contralateral new onset of VUR

    Voice, autonomy and utopian desire in participatory film-making with young refugees

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    This article is a reflection on what reflexive documentary scholars call the ‘moral dimension’ (Nash 2012: 318) of a participatory filmmaking project with refugee young people, who wanted to make a film to support other new young arrivals in the process of making home in Scotland. In the first part, we highlight some of the challenges of collaborating with refugee young people, in light of the often de-humanising representations of refugees in mainstream media and the danger of the triple conflation of authenticity-voice-pain in academic narratives about refugees. In the second part, we show how honouring young people’s desire to convey the hopeful aspects of making home, emerged as a key pedagogical strategy to affirm their expert position and encourage their participation in the project. Revisiting key moments of learning and interaction, we demonstrate how young people’s process of ‘finding a voice’ in moment-by-moment filmmaking practice was not a linear, developmental process towards ‘pure’ individual empowerment and singular artistic expression. Their participation in shaping their visual (self-)representation in the final film, was embedded in the dialogical process and pragmatic requirements of a collaborative film production, in which voice, autonomy and teacher authority were negotiated on a moment-by-moment basis. We conclude that it is vital for a reflexive practice and research to not gloss over the moral dilemmas in the name of progressive ideals, for example, when representations are co-created by project filmmakers/educators, but embrace these deliberations as part of the ‘fascinating collaborative matrix’ (Chambers 2019: 29) of participatory filmmaking

    Successful Removal of a Penile Constriction Ring in a 14-Year-Old Male

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    Penile strangulation is a rarely described medical emergency, especially in the adolescent population. This case demonstrates the successful removal of a constricting metal ring from the penis of a 14-year-old male with a diamond blade equipped orthopedic oscillating saw while under ketamine anesthesia in the emergency department

    The Fluctuating Phenotype of the Lymphohematopoietic Stem Cell with Cell Cycle Transit

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    The most primitive engrafting hematopoietic stem cell has been assumed to have a fixed phenotype, with changes in engraftment and renewal potential occurring in a stepwise irreversible fashion linked with differentiation. Recent work shows that in vitro cytokine stimulation of murine marrow cells induces cell cycle transit of primitive stem cells, taking 40 h for progression from G0 to mitosis and 12 h for subsequent doublings. At 48 h of culture, progenitors are expanded, but stem cell engraftment is markedly diminished. We have investigated whether this effect on engraftment was an irreversible step or a reversible plastic feature correlated with cell cycle progression. Long-term engraftment (2 and 6 mo) of male BALB/c marrow cells exposed in vitro to interleukin (IL)-3, IL-6, IL-11, and steel factor was assessed at 2–4-h intervals of culture over 24–48 h using irradiated female hosts; the engraftment phenotype showed marked fluctuations over 2–4-h intervals, with engraftment nadirs occurring in late S and early G2. These data show that early stem cell regulation is cell cycle based, and have critical implications for strategies for stem cell expansion and engraftment or gene therapy, since position in cell cycle will determine whether effective engraftment occurs in either setting

    A Brechtian theatre pedagogy for intercultural education research

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    The following article explores the potential of Bertolt Brecht's theatre pedagogy for intercultural education research. It is argued that Brecht's pedagogical views on theatre connect to those interculturalists who prioritise the embodied dimensions of intercultural encounters over a competence-driven orientation. Both share a love for aesthetic experimentation as the basis for learning and critical engagement with a complex world. The article outlines how a Brechtian theatre pedagogy was enacted as part of four drama-based research workshops, which were designed to explore international students’ intercultural ‘strangeness’ experiences. It is described how a participant account of an intercultural encounter was turned into a Brechtian playscript by the author and then performed by participants. The analysis is based on the author's as well as the performers’ reflections on the scripting process and their performance experiences. It is argued that a Brechtian pedagogy can lead to collective learning experiences, critical reflection and an embodied understanding of intercultural experience in research. The data produced by a Brechtian research pedagogy is considered ‘slippery’ (aesthetic) data. It is full of metaphoric gaps and suitably resonates the affective dimensions and subjective positionings that constitute intercultural encounters

    Comparative review of human and canine osteosarcoma: morphology, epidemiology, prognosis, treatment and genetics

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    Osteosarcoma (OSA) is a rare cancer in people. However OSA incidence rates in dogs are 27 times higher than in people. Prognosis in both species is poor, with five year osteosarcoma survival rates in people not having improved in decades. For dogs, one year survival rates are only around ~45%. Improved and novel treatment regimens are urgently required to improve survival in both humans and dogs with OSA. Utilising information from genetic studies could assist in this in both species, with the higher incidence rates in dogs contributing to the dog population being a good model of human disease. This review compares the clinical characteristics, gross morphology and histopathology, aetiology, epidemiology, and genetics of canine and human osteosarcoma. Finally, the current position of canine osteosarcoma genetic research is discussed and areas for additional work within the canine population are identified

    Performative Arts and Pedagogy: A British Perspective

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    This report resulted from a number of meetings in the context of The Performative Arts and Pedagogy Project – Towards the Development of an International Glossary (for further details click here). Representatives from five different countries (Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Switzerland) have contributed to the project, engaging in an interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange that aims at an increased awareness of (culture-)specific concepts and associated terminologies that are applied in Performative Arts and Pedagogy contexts
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