2,539 research outputs found

    Multi-objective biopharma capacity planning under uncertainty using a flexible genetic algorithm approach

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    This paper presents a flexible genetic algorithm optimisation approach for multi-objective biopharmaceutical planning problems under uncertainty. The optimisation approach combines a continuous-time heuristic model of a biopharmaceutical manufacturing process, a variable-length multi-objective genetic algorithm, and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-accelerated Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed approach accounts for constraints and features such as rolling product sequence-dependent changeovers, multiple intermediate demand due dates, product QC/QA release times, and pressure to meet uncertain product demand on time. An industrially-relevant case study is used to illustrate the functionality of the approach. The case study focused on optimisation of conflicting objectives, production throughput, and product inventory levels, for a multi-product biopharmaceutical facility over a 3-year period with uncertain product demand. The advantages of the multi-objective GA with the embedded Monte Carlo simulation were demonstrated by comparison with a deterministic GA tested with Monte Carlo simulation post-optimisation

    Climate change and biodiversity; impacts, vulnerability and mitigation in Indian perspective : A review

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    As per the nature of law, changes are bound to be happening in the system if any component of the system gets altered by any means. Change of climate and subsequently loss of biodiversity threatens the existence of human being. The loss of biodiversity, which has been happening worldwide, poses a serious threat to the anthro-pological system. An investigation of the current trend and future scenario shows that this loss is likely to continue in the foreseeable times. India has a huge variety of biodiversity and in the last few decades, its biodiversity has come under threat from climate change which accelerated by the anthropogenic activities of various sources of pollution. The review shows that climate change is a serious environmental challenge that undermines the determination for sustainable development. Climate change has become the most crucial environmental concern of the decade. Much attention is rightly focused on reducing carbon emissions and greenhouse gases from industrial, energy and transport sector through reduction in fuel consumption and use of renewable/green energy. However, as countries are looking for mitigation and adaptation processes, protection of natural habitats is a key factor of climate change strategies. Strengthened support for protected areas and more sustainable resource management can contribute to strategies as well as for protection of the biological resources and ecosystem. Climate change is developing as one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, increasing pressures on genetic resources, species and populations. Biodiver-sity conservation and sustainable development are the possible ways to curtail the impact of climate change. Although, adequate efforts have been made worldwide to tackle the environmental challenges, the adverse effects of climate change are still accelerating and the rate of loss of biodiversity is continuing globally

    Three-Fold Diffraction Symmetry in Epitaxial Graphene and the SiC Substrate

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    The crystallographic symmetries and spatial distribution of stacking domains in graphene films on SiC have been studied by low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and dark field imaging in a low energy electron microscope (LEEM). We find that the graphene diffraction spots from 2 and 3 atomic layers of graphene have 3-fold symmetry consistent with AB (Bernal) stacking of the layers. On the contrary, graphene diffraction spots from the buffer layer and monolayer graphene have apparent 6-fold symmetry, although the 3-fold nature of the satellite spots indicates a more complex periodicity in the graphene sheets.Comment: An addendum has been added for the arXiv version only, including one figure with five panels. Published paper can be found at http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.80.24140

    Application of logit model in innovation adoption: a study on biotechnology academic researchers in Malaysia

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    Agro-biotechnology is considered as a strong potential to speed up the movement towards industrialization in Malaysia due to the country’s specific needs and social, geographical and industrial context. The level of adoption of agricultural biotechnology in Malaysia should be accelerated to change this potential to actual improve. Academic centers play a great role in Malaysian context because they are the main providers for biotechnology. The aim of this paper is to determine and optimize the technology adoption scenario in Malaysia from the viewpoint of academic researchers. Based on the previous studies the general predictors of the level of adoption are determined as six factors including level of knowledge, amount of funds, level of acceptance and receptiveness, level of cooperation, level of transfer of technology and personal characteristics. According to academic researchers, among the variables mentioned above, level of knowledge, acceptance and transfer of technology influence the level of adoption of biotechnology innovation in Malaysian agro-biotechnology companies. Therefore, to accelerate the adoption of new biotechnology innovations it is suggested that policy makers place greater emphasis on providing facilities to increase the level of knowledge, acceptance and technology transfer as a strategy to accelerate the rate of biotechnology adoption in Malaysia

    Analisis Volume Air Radiator Terhadap Perubahan Temperatur Pada Motor Diesel Chevrolet

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    Sistem pendinginan pada kerja mesin berfungsi sebagai pelindung mesin dengan cara menyerap panas. Panas mesin dihasilkan dari pembakaran bahan bakar dalam silinder. Panas tersebut merupakan suatu hal yang sengaja diciptakan untuk menghasilkan tenaga, namun jika dibiarkan akan menimbulkan panas yang berlebihan (over heating effect). Panas yang berlebihan itu menjadi penyebab berubahnya sifat – sifat mekanis serta bentuk dari komponen mesin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pengaruh antara debit aliran air terhadap efektifitas radiator. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dan Data yang diperoleh akan dilakukan uji statistic dan uji F, setelah itu diplotkan pada grafik. Grafik akan dijadikan acuan untuk menilai besarnya pengaruh antara debit aliran air terhadap efektifitas radiator yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah semakin berkurangnya volume air radiator maka temperatur mesin mengalami kenaikan temperatur yang signifikan dan Efisiensi radiator menurun seiring dengan berkurangnya volume radiator