70 research outputs found

    Estimasi Harga Jual Listrik Dari Sampah Penduduk Kota Palangka Raya

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    This study aims to predict the selling price of electricity from waste from residents of Palangka Raya City based on Presidential Regulation Number 35 Year 2018 concerning the Acceleration of the Development of Waste Processing Installations into Electric Energy Based on Environmentally Friendly Technology.The research method is done by predicting the number of residents, the amount of waste generated by the population, as well as the conversion of the amount of electricity generated from waste management using the Sanitary Landfill, Anaerobic Digestion and Incirenation methods and their selling points.The results of data analysis show that the population of Palangka Raya City in the next 20 years (2038) is predicted to reach 475.901 people up to 508.573 people and the estimated amount of waste reaches 69.482 tons to 371.258 tons. The amount of electricity generated from waste from the residents of Palangka Raya City is predicted to reach 179.507 kWh up to 352.695.548 kWh, while the estimated selling value reaches USD 2,396,418 up to USD 4.708.485.566

    Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Pokok Bahasan Pasar Dengan Menerapkan Metode Pembelajaran Inkuiri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melaksanakan model metode pembelajaran inkuiri dengan guru mata pelajaran sebagai pengamat yang menilai pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri efektif untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran ekonomi pokok bahasan pasar di kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 1 Kutowinangun Kabupaten Kebumen. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan kemampuan afektif dan psikomotorik siswa dalam melaksanakan metode pembelajaran inkuiri berdasarkan perbandingan kemampuan afektif dan psikomotorik siswa. diharapkan metode inkuiri dapat diterapkan sebagai salah satu metode pembelajaran alternatif yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Agar pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan metode inkuiri dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik, diharapkan guru melakukan pembimbingan dalam observasi lapangan yang dilaksanakan oleh siswa secara berkelompok

    Analisis Kinerja DPKAD Dalam Pengelolaan Pajak Hotel Guna Meningkatkan Kontribusi Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Semarang

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    The hotel tax is one source of income region has considerable potential .The management of the potential of the hotel tax will certainly impact on a good contribution to local revenue itself .Business growth rapidly in the city hotel of semarang supposed to be opportunities for enhancing local income tax sector in the city of semarang .It is certainly demanding more from Dinas Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah can dig in and keep potential of semarang city hotel tax .This study using methods descriptive quantitative .And the data via documentation and interview .The purpose of this research to find out the plan , processes and their performance as well as the driving force behind and inhibitors of in the implementation of the tax collection hotel in order to improve its contribution to the local revenue semarang city .Data obtained used to formulate recommendations as a form of an input in the sustainability of the election the hotel tax .Results in the field showed that, to be able to explore and recognize the potential as well as the need for taxpayers to provide hotel service and get maximum results in implementing the poll tax Dpkad semarang city faced with the decision-making process not in accordance with local regulation number 3year 2011 to maintain the existence of business hotels as a source of revenue . Despite the growth of tax revenue fluctuating hotel and not contribute greatly to the PAD but the result of the withdrawal of the last five years the hotel tax Semarang city fall into the category of highly effective.In an effort to improve performance in the implementation of tax withdrawal hotel in semarang city , recommendations that can be given is: government conducts updating data periodically to investigate potential and setting target every year .In the implementation of the management of the hotel tax it needs strict supervision , not only internally supervision or the employee performance , DPKAD also have to apply strict sanctions against prospective taxpayers who disobedient , the city government of semarang must also can create a business climate conducive , by means of improved security of semarang city economy so that business and tourism being increased so that many guests and tourists staying as well as utilizing hotel facilities and services inn in semarang city .Th

    Efektifitas Penggunaan Media Bantu dan Koordinasi Mata-kaki terhadap Peningkatan Ketepatan Tendangan Melambung (Long Pass) dalam Permainan Sepakbola (Study Eksperimen pada Mahasiswa Pembinaan Prestasi Sepakbola Jpok Fkip Uns)

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    This study used an experimental study. The population of this study is the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013 amounted to 90 students. The use of sampling technique was proporsional random sampling. From the population of 90 students was taken 45 students based on the test result of ancle coordination ability which is classified into three: the ancle coordination ability in high, medium and low. The sample used 15 students for the ancle coordination ability in high category, 15 students for the ancle coordination ability in medium category and 15 students for the ancle coordination ability in low category. The technique of collecting data used tests and measurements. The data which is collected namely the ability of ancle coordination with “soccer wall volley test” from Ismaryati (2006: 54-56) and long pass kick test from Soekatamsi ( 1988: 258). The technique of analysis data is ANAVA 3 X 3 and Newman Keuls test.The result of the study were obtained as follows : (1) There is the difference of influence in using of aids media circle target exercise, aids media wall, and aids media goal target exercise towards the accuracy of long pass kick on the football game on the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013. (2)2There is a significant difference in influencing of the ancle coordination ability in high, medium and low towards the accuracy of long pass kick on the football game on the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013. (3) There is no interaction significant but there is a tendency to interact between the use of aids media circle target exercise, aids media wall, and aids media goal target exercise towards the accuracy of long pass kick on the football game on the students of achievement coaching football of JPOK FKIP UNS in the year 2013


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    This study aims to predict the selling price of electricity from waste from residents of Palangka Raya City based on Presidential Regulation Number 35 Year 2018 concerning the Acceleration of the Development of Waste Processing Installations into Electric Energy Based on Environmentally Friendly Technology.The research method is done by predicting the number of residents, the amount of waste generated by the population, as well as the conversion of the amount of electricity generated from waste management using the Sanitary Landfill, Anaerobic Digestion and Incirenation methods and their selling points.The results of data analysis show that the population of Palangka Raya City in the next 20 years (2038) is predicted to reach 475.901 people up to 508.573 people and the estimated amount of waste reaches 69.482 tons to 371.258 tons. The amount of electricity generated from waste from the residents of Palangka Raya City is predicted to reach 179.507 kWh up to 352.695.548 kWh, while the estimated selling value reaches USD 2,396,418 up to USD 4.708.485.566


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melaksanakan model metode pembelajaran inkuiri dengan guru mata pelajaran sebagai pengamat yang menilai pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri efektif  untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran ekonomi pokok bahasan pasar di kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 1 Kutowinangun Kabupaten Kebumen. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan kemampuan afektif dan psikomotorik siswa dalam melaksanakan metode pembelajaran inkuiri berdasarkan perbandingan kemampuan afektif dan psikomotorik siswa. diharapkan metode inkuiri dapat diterapkan sebagai salah satu metode pembelajaran alternatif yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Agar pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan metode inkuiri dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik, diharapkan guru melakukan pembimbingan dalam observasi lapangan yang dilaksanakan oleh siswa secara berkelompok. Kata Kunci: Prestasi Belajar, Metode Pembelajaran Inkuiri</p


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan program kartu tani dalam penyaluran pupuk subsidi di Kecamatan Sebangau Kota Palangka Raya Provinsi Kaimantan Tengah dan untuk mengetahui persepsi petani terhadap program kartu tani dalam penyaluran pupuk subsidi di Kecamatan Sebangau Kota Palangka Raya Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Metode yang digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan pertama yaitu menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif melalui wawancara dan metode yang digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan ke dua yaitu dengan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukan gambaran umum pelaksanaan program kartu tani di Kecamatan Sebangau Kota Palangka Raya yaitu dilaksanakan dengan tahap pendataan dan penerbitan, pendistribusian kartu tani, penyaluran pupuk bersubsidi dan penebusan pupuk bersubsidi menggunakan kartu tani. Persepsi petani terhadap program kartu tani di Kecamatan Sebangau Kota Palangka Raya diukur dengan 2 indikator yaitu tujuan program kartu tani yang terdiri dari 6T sub indikator yaitu tepat jenis, jumlah, harga tempat, waktu, dan tepat mutu dan indikator mekanisme program kartu tani terdiri dari sub indikator mekanisme penerbitan dan pendisitribusian kartu tani dan mekanisme penggunaan kartu tani dengan total skor keseluruhan sebesar 1622 dengan indeks 67,66 % dengan kategori tinggi atau baik. ABSTRACK This research aims to determine the general description of the implementation of the farmers card program for the distribution of subsidized fertilizers in Sebangau District, Palangka Raya City, Central Kaimantan Province and to find out farmers' perceptions of the farmer card program in distributing subsidized fertilizers in Sebangau District, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan Province. The method used to answer the first objective is to use a qualitative method with descriptive analysis through interviews and the method used to answer the second objective is to use a quantitative method using a Likert scale. The research results showed the general description of the implementation of the farm card program in Sebangau District, Palangka Raya City, which was carried out with the stages of data collection and issuance, distribution of farmer cards, distribution of subsidized fertilizers and redemption of subsidized fertilizers using farmer cards. Farmers' perceptions of the farmer card program in Sebangau District, Palangka Raya City are measured by 2 indicators, namely the purpose of the farmer card program which consists of 6T sub-indicators, namely the right type, quantity, place price, time, and quality. indicators of the mechanism for issuing and distributing farmer cards and the mechanism for using farmer cards with a total score of 1622 with an index of 67.66% in the high or good category

    Stable Isotopomers of myo-Inositol Uncover a Complex MINPP1-Dependent Inositol Phosphate Network

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    The water-soluble inositol phosphates (InsPs) represent a functionally diverse group of small-molecule messengers involved in a myriad of cellular processes. Despite their centrality, our understanding of human InsP metabolism is incomplete because the available analytical toolset to characterize and quantify InsPs in complex samples is limited. Here, we have synthesized and applied symmetrically and unsymmetrically 13C-labeled myo-inositol and inositol phosphates. These probes were utilized in combination with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry (CE-MS) to investigate InsP metabolism in human cells. The labeling strategy provided detailed structural information via NMR─down to individual enantiomers─which overcomes a crucial blind spot in the analysis of InsPs. We uncovered a novel branch of InsP dephosphorylation in human cells which is dependent on MINPP1, a phytase-like enzyme contributing to cellular homeostasis. Detailed characterization of MINPP1 activity in vitro and in cells showcased the unique reactivity of this phosphatase. Our results demonstrate that metabolic labeling with stable isotopomers in conjunction with NMR spectroscopy and CE-MS constitutes a powerful tool to annotate InsP networks in a variety of biological contexts

    Subsurface S-type Granitoid Identification Based on Gravity and Seismic Tomography Models in Pacitan, East Java

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    Granitoid outcrop has been observed in Montongan, Tulakan Subdistrict, Pacitan District, East Java. Geochemically, granitoid shows peralluminous S-type granitoid which consists of comparable plagioclase and potassium feldspar leading to adamelite and granodiorite variety with andalusite, fine size corundum and cordierite inside. These modal minerals are consistent with its bulk chemical analysis result that shows alumina rich rock. Highly weathered spotted pinkish soil with remaining quartz gravels characterizes its surface. Lateritic pink soil up to more than 25 meters thick covers the granitoid body and this feature is indicative to locate its surface distribution, while its subsurface distribution is remain uncertain. The research aimed to identify granitoid subsurface distribution. To identify the subsurface body, gravity and seismic tomography models were used. According gravity model, the pluton body is 5 km wide which is rootless downward and seems extends eastward. Meanwhile, the north-south seismic tomographic model across Pacitan Region indicates dense solid body override the recent Java subduction zone. The body is assumed to have correlation with surface granitic rock. It supports an idea that there is a micro continent trapped beneath Southern Mountain of East Java
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