382 research outputs found

    Studi Tentang Kemampuan Mahasiswa Semester Ke-4 Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Fkip Universitas Riau dalam Menggunakan Persesuaian/konkord

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    This study was aimed to find out the ability of the fourth semester students of English Study Program of FKIP University of Riau in using agreements. The researcher used cluster random sampling technique to determine the sample. The samples were 26 students. The study was used to find out the ability in five types of agreements such as agreements with indefinite pronoun, agreements with expression of quantity, agreements with some irregularities, agreements with nouns with no singular form, and agreements with collective noun. Cloze procedure test was used to gain the data with the number of tests is 40 questions. The result of the study revealed that the total mean score was 56 which indicated students were in average level of ability. The highest score with the mean score 67.7 was in using agreements with nouns with no singular form, it is in good level. Whereas, the lowest score with the mean score 45.6 was in using agreements with collective noun, it is in poor level

    The Correlation Between Reading Motivation and Reading Comprehension of the First Year Students of Smk Taruna Satriapekanbaru

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    This research was designed to describe the significant of the correlation between reading motivation and reading comprehension. The aim was to find out the correlation between students' reading motivation and students' reading comprehension. This Correlation research took place in SMK Taruna Satria Pekanbaru in July 2015. The sample was 36 students from First Year students that took by using cluster random sampling. In collecting the data, there were 30 questions that included in this test. The duration time for doing the test was 90 minutes. The data was analyzed by calculating the students' score in reading motivation, finding out the reading comprehension score and correlating the two variables. The students' score classified into three level of students' reading motivation; they are: Low, Moderate, and High. Besides, the students' score classified into five level mastery of Reading Comprehension; they are: very poor, poor, mediocre, good, and excellent. The data was presented by using graphic. Based on the result finding of this research, the coefficient correlation ( obtained was 0,424. Therefore, it answered the research that there was a relationship between reading motivation and reading comprehension in moderate level. For more details, the correlation of intrinsic motivation and reading comprehension is significant in 0,016 by the coefficient correlation 0,399 that considered as low correlation. In another side, the correlation of extrinsic motivation and reading comprehension is significant in 0,000 by the coefficient correlation 0,599 that considered as moderate correlation. It can be concluded that based on the data that was analyzed, the students reading extrinsic motivation influence the students' comprehension more than the intrinsic motivation. In other words, the contribution of reading motivation towards reading comprehension significant enough for the first year students of SMK Taruna Satria Pekanbaru. Another result from the students perception about the teacher's teaching method as extrinsic motivation factor found out that they are more motivated if the teacher teaches them by speech as one of the stages of inquiry based learning than teacher teaching by group discussion and questioning

    Analisis Serum Symmetric Dimethylarginine dalam Berbagai Gejala Klinis pada Anjing

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    Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) merupakan golden standard untuk menilai fungsi ginjal terutama terkait glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Nilai SDMA pada serum dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) sebelum kreatinin mengalami peningkatan diatas nilai normal pada anjing. Nilai SDMA telah dibuktikan sebagai pendeteksi awal kondisi penyakit ginjal, namun belum banyak data yang menjelaskan tentang adanya peningkatan nilai SDMA terkait gejala klinis lain selain penyakit ginjal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi penyebab peningkatan nilai SDMA dengan proses penyebab peningkatan nilai SDMA terkait dengan gejala klinis yang timbul pada anjing selain gangguan ginjal. Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 ekor anjing dengan berbagai gejala klinis yang dilengkapi dengan data jenis kelamin, usia, dan pemeriksaan parameter kimia darah (BUN, kreatinin, ALT, total protein, albumin) dan SDMA. Nilai SDMA dianalisis dari sampel serum dengan menggunakan IDEXX Catalyst® SDMA Test. Hasil penelitian manunjukkan anjing yang mengalami gejala klinis terkait gangguan sistem urinari (60%) memiliki persentase tertinggi diikuti oleh gejala klinis terkait gangguan sistem pencernaan (45%), gangguan jantung (20%), gangguan mata dan gangguan periodontal (15%), gangguan otot dan tulang (10%), dan gangguan kulit (5%). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan nilai SDMA juga dapat terjadi pada berbagai gangguan fungsi organ dengan gejala klinis yang tidak spesifik menunjukkan gangguan fungsi ginjal.Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) merupakan golden standard untuk menilai fungsi ginjal terutama terkait glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Nilai SDMA pada serum dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) sebelum kreatinin mengalami peningkatan diatas nilai normal pada anjing. Nilai SDMA telah dibuktikan sebagai pendeteksi awal kondisi penyakit ginjal, namun belum banyak data yang menjelaskan tentang adanya peningkatan nilai SDMA terkait gejala klinis lain selain penyakit ginjal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi penyebab peningkatan nilai SDMA dengan proses penyebab peningkatan nilai SDMA terkait dengan gejala klinis yang timbul pada anjing selain gangguan ginjal. Penelitian dilakukan pada 20 ekor anjing dengan berbagai gejala klinis yang dilengkapi dengan data jenis kelamin, usia, dan pemeriksaan parameter kimia darah (BUN, kreatinin, ALT, total protein, albumin) dan SDMA. Nilai SDMA dianalisis dari sampel serum dengan menggunakan IDEXX Catalyst® SDMA Test. Hasil penelitian manunjukkan anjing yang mengalami gejala klinis terkait gangguan sistem urinari (60%) memiliki persentase tertinggi diikuti oleh gejala klinis terkait gangguan sistem pencernaan (45%), gangguan jantung (20%), gangguan mata dan gangguan periodontal (15%), gangguan otot dan tulang (10%), dan gangguan kulit (5%). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan nilai SDMA juga dapat terjadi pada berbagai gangguan fungsi organ dengan gejala klinis yang tidak spesifik menunjukkan gangguan fungsi ginjal

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Bambu sebagai Bahan Filtrasi untuk Mengurangi Kandungan Nitrogen Total dalam Air Buangan Limbah Tahu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kandungan nitrogen yang terbuang ke badan air sehingga dapat mengurangi pencemaran yang terjadi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode eksperimental dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), terdiri atas 3 perlakuan yaitu P1 (ketebalan arang bambu 15 cm dan daun bambu 5 cm), P2 (ketebalan arang bambu 10 cm dan daun bambu 10 cm), P3 (ketebalan arang bambu 5 cm dan daun bambu 15 cm). Masing-Masing perlakuan diulang 3 kali sehingga diperoleh 9 unit percobaan. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan menggunakan Analisis keragaman pada taraf 5% dan diuji lanjut dengan uji BNJ pada taraf yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahnwa penggunaan arang dan daun bambu memberikan perbedaan yang nyata terhadap penurunan kandungan nitrogen total di dalam limbah cair tahu hasil fitrasi. Kandungan Nitrogen Total terendah terdapat pada perlakuan P2, yaitu 0,052% dengan persentase penurunan sebesar 38,13% dari kadungan nitrogen total limbah cair sebelum difiltrasi

    Distribusi Dan Pola Pertumbuhan Ikan Bulan-bulan (Megalops Cyprinoides Broussonet, 1782) Di Sungai Belawan

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    The purpose of the study to determine the distribution and growth patterns ofindo pacific tarpon fish (Megalops cyprinoides Broussonet, 1782) in Belawan River.This study was conducted in January-March 2014. Sampling was collected by purpo-sive sampling method. Sampling colected at 3 stations fishnet use with 30 times thestocking for each month. Distribution is calculated using the formula Khouw (2009)and the growth patterns using formulas King (1995). The results showed the analysisof Indo Pacific tarpon fish distribution uniform categorized months as earned valueid <1. Growth pattern of indo pacific tarpon fish is negative allometric means thelength faster than weight gain

    Peningkatan Keterlibatan Siswa secara Aktif dalam Pembelajaran IPA Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen di Kelas IV

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    Increasing active student involvement in learning science using the experimental method in class IV SDN 32 Kendawangan ,Ketapang . The purpose of this study was to describe the involvement of students in science learning process actively in class IV SDN 32 Kendawangan using experimental methods . The method used is descriptive method , which is collaborative and research is a form of class action . From the analysis of the data showed that an increase in student involvement in physical activity that is equal to 51.79 % of the base line to the first cycle with a very high category and by 33.92 % from the first cycle to the second cycle with very high category . An increase student involvement in mental activity that is equal to 19.05 % of the base line to the first cycle with enough categories and by 21.42 % from the first cycle to the second cycle with the high category . An increase student involvement in the emotional activity that is equal to 14.29 % of the base line to the first cycle with enough categories and by 38.09 % from the first cycle to the second cycle with very high categor