351 research outputs found

    Induction et prolifération de cals à partir de l’axe embryonnaire du Voandzou [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. Fabaceae] : effet de la segmentation de l’explant, des phytohormones, de la source de carbone et du génotype

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    Le Voandzou [Vigna subterranea, (L.) Verdc.], occupe une place importante dans les stratégies élaborées pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne. Le développement de systèmes de régénération in vitro de plantes, préalable au transfert de gènes nécessite l’établissement de conditions optimales de la callogenèse. Au cours du présent travail, l’étude des facteurs influençant l’induction et la prolifération des cals chez le Voandzou a été réalisée. L’axe embryonnaire issu de graines matures a été placé sur le milieu de base de Murashige et Skoog (1962) additionné avec les vitamines B5 et supplémenté avec différentes concentrations et combinaisons de phytohormones. Après quatre semaines de culture, les résultats ont montré que l’induction et la prolifération de cals ont été favorisées avec le 2,4-D (0,5 mg/l). La partie basale de l’axe embryonnaire a été la zone la plus favorable à la callogenèse. La meilleure source de carbone a été le saccharose à la concentration optimale de 84 mM. Les meilleurs taux d’induction (100 %) et de prolifération de cals (3) ont été exprimés avec les écotypes Ci2, Ci3, Ci4, Ci5, Ci6, Ci7, Ci10 et Ci21.Mots-clés : voandzou, axe embryonnaire, callogenèse, phytohormones.Callus induction and proliferation from embryonic axis in Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. Fabaceae]: effect of explants section, plant growth regulators, carbon source and genotypeBambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. ] contributes to food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Development of efficient systems of in vitro plant regeneration a prerequisite to gene transfer requires establishment of optimal conditions for callus formation. In this work, factors influencing callus induction and proliferation in Bambara have been studied. Embryonic axis derived mature seeds were placed on Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium supplemented with vitamins B5 (MSB5), including different concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators. After four weeks of culture, results showed that 2,4-D (0.5 mg/L) exhibited the best frequency and proliferation index of callus. Basal part of embryonic axis was the explants of choice for callus induction and proliferation. Sucrose at optimum concentration of 84 mM was favorable to the process of callus formation. Highest callus induction frequency (100 %) and proliferation index (3) were expressed by ecotypes Ci2, Ci3, Ci4, Ci5, Ci6, Ci7, Ci10 and Ci21.Keywords : bambara groundnut, embryonic axis, callogenesis, plant growth regulators

    Social autopsy for maternal and child deaths: a comprehensive literature review to examine the concept and the development of the method

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    "Social autopsy" refers to an interview process aimed at identifying social, behavioral, and health systems contributors to maternal and child deaths. It is often combined with a verbal autopsy interview to establish the biological cause of death. Two complementary purposes of social autopsy include providing population-level data to health care programmers and policymakers to utilize in developing more effective strategies for delivering maternal and child health care technologies, and increasing awareness of maternal and child death as preventable problems in order to empower communities to participate and engage health programs to increase their responsiveness and accountability

    Analysis of caesarean rate and indications of university hospitals in sub-Saharan African developing countries using Robson classification system: the case of Cocody’s hospital center, Abidjan-Cote d’Ivoire

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    Background: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it has become imperative to monitor caesarean rates in hospitals since these rates continue to increase; WHO recommends this monitoring by the Robson’s system. The study objective was  to describe caesarean rates in a level 3 maternity of developing country using this system, to identify the groups likely increase overall rate of caesarean.Methods: A retrospective and comparative study made in Cocody University Hospital Center (Abidjan-Cote d’Ivoire) over a period of twelve years.  A total of 21,067 women who delivered during this period by caesarean were included.Results: The overall rate of caesarean during the study period was 38.7% with a significant increase from Period I to Period II (34.8 vs. 41.7%; p ˂0.000). The subgroup 2 (nulliparas, single cephalic term pregnancy, caesarean before labor) made the greatest contribution to the overall CS rate with an increase of +5% (10.1 vs. 15.1%; p˂0,000). Women with previous CS (groups 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) increased the caesarean rate of +3.4% (7 vs. 10.4%; p˂0.000). The group 6 increased it of +2.9% (4.7 vs 7.6%; p˂0.000). Caesarean indications were dominated by fetal acute distress (24.5 vs. 22.6%; p˂0,000), then followed by fetal-pelvic disproportion (21.8 vs. 10.7%), severe preeclampsia/eclampsia (13.5 vs. 17.5%; p˂0.000), scarred uterus and breech presentation.Conclusions: Robson classification has identified the groups led to a significant increase in caesarean rates in our service and therefore has good focus our preventive actions.

    Comparison of two competitive ELISAs for the detection of specific peste-des-petits-ruminant antibodies in sheep and cattle populations

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    Peste-des-petits-ruminant (PPR) continues to be a major problem of small ruminants in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The closely related paramyxovirus causing rinderpest (RP) has been largely eradicated by a global vaccination campaign. However, PPR screening of large populations has lacked a sufficiently reliable, fast and cheap screening test. This study compares two commercially available PPR antibodies ELISA kits using serum collected from experimental sheep and cattle populations with four different vaccination histories for RP and PPR. The aim was to estimate the levels of cross-reaction between antibodies to the two diseases for each kit and their test parameters in the different populations. There was considerable variation between kits and between the different vaccination groups. There was a clear problem of cross-reaction in both PPR kits with RP positive sera. However, in areas where RP has been eradicated and vaccination stopped both tests could be useful for screening small ruminants for PPR

    Profil de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde en consultation rhumatologique à Lomé (Togo)

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    Objective: To determine epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic aspects and outcomes of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in rheumatologic consultation at lome (Togo). Patients and method: This was retrospective study carried out from 1 stJanuary 1990 to 31 stDecember 2015 in the rheumatology department. The study included all patients suffered from RA in rheumatologic consultations and who fulfilled the 2010 ACR and EULAR’s criteria. Results: Ninety two (77 women and 15 men) out of 25.992 patients (0.3%) examined in 25 years had suffered from RA. The mean age at admission was 42 years (range: 17-82 years). The median duration of the diseases was four years (range: 14days – 20 days). The diseases onset was polyarticular with 86% of the patients and oligoarticular with the thirteen others (14%). The proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints are involved in 81,5 % of cases; and the wrists in 77,2% of cases. The rheumatoid hip was observed in four patients. Forty-two of the patients (45,6%) presented RA deformities. Bilateral MCP and IPP joint early erosion was observed in 36 patients (39,1%) and bilateral carpal diffuse osteoporosis in 44 patients (47,8%). The ankylosis of the carpal bones was observed in 26 patients (28,2 %). Rheumatoid factor was positive in 44% of patients. Methotrexate was the most commonly disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs used in 44,4% of the patients. The disease was improved in 89% of patients. Conclusion: Rheumatoid arthritis seems relatively rare in Togo. It’s diagnosis is often made at the established phase and methotrexate remains the cornerstone of the treatment

    Influence of UV irradiation on mechanical properties and drop-weight impact performance of polypropylene biocomposites reinforced with short flax and pine fibers

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    The design of biocomposite structures for outdoor applications should consider the influence of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on the mechanical performances to more accurately determine their durability characteristics and prevent significant damage. Ultraviolet radiation causes the discoloration, surface roughness, mass loss, and degradation of the mechanical properties of biocomposites. In this study, the flexural strength and low-velocity impact response of polypropylene reinforced with short flax or pine fibers, which differed with respect to their physical and chemical properties, were investigated. Flax fibers are twice the length of pine fibers, and exhibit higher cellulose contents. Moreover, flax fibers have been demonstrated to increase the flexural strength and impact resistance of biocomposites. However, under UV irradiation, pine fibers containing more lignin dampened the degradation. Under photo-oxidative conditions, lignin is degraded to protect crystalline cellulose by acting as a light-absorbing compound. Non-destructive techniques such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), colorimetry, confocal imaging, acoustic emission, and CT scanning were therefore used to evaluate the effect of UV radiation on the chemical properties, color change, surface roughness, bending behavior, and drop-impact damage

    Prevalence et Facteurs de Risque de Lombalgie Chez Le Personnel Soignant A Lome (Togo)

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    Objectif: Décrire la fréquence et les facteurs de risque associés à la lombalgie commune chez le personnel soignant du CHR Lomé Commune (CHR LC). Patients et Méthode: Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale réalisée du 15 décembre 2018 au 15 mars 2019 par autoquestionnaire auprès de 126 membres du personnel soignant hospitalier du CHR LC. Résultats: 79 travailleurs sur 126 ont rapporté une lombalgie au cours des 12 mois précédant l’enquête soit une prévalence de 62, 7 %. Ils se répartissaient en 51 femmes et 28 hommes. Il s’agissait majoritairement d’infirmiers (37 cas, 29,4%) et de gardes malades (24cas, 19%). L’âge moyen des lombalgiques était de 42 ± 8,1 ans. Les facteurs de risque identifiés étaient l’âge (p=0,002), le sexe féminin (p=0,026), et la non connaissance des règles d’hygiène de la colonne vertébrale (p=0,034). La prise en charge de la lombalgie a été essentiellement symptomatique et a reposé sur les antalgiques (88,9%), les AINS (80,5%), et la kinésithérapie (53,2%). Seuls 28 soignants (26,6%) connaissaient les règles d’hygiène de la colonne. Trente-quatre soignants (43%) avaient bénéficié d’un arrêt de travail d’une durée moyenne de 09 jours ± 7,5. Le nombre total de journées de travail perdues était 281. Deux soignants (2,5%) avaient bénéficié d’un changement de poste, et quatre soignants (5,1%) d’un aménagement de poste (sortie du tour de garde). Conclusion: L’impact de la lombalgie sur la vie professionnelle des soignants justifie une senbilisation de ceux-ci aux facteurs de risque et aux mesures préventives. Objective: To describe the prevalence and the factors associated with low back pain among the health professionals in CHR Lomé Commune (CHR LC) in Togo. Patients and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed from December 2018 to March 2019 and included 126 staff members who filled-in a self-reported questionnaire. Results: 79 health workers (62.7%) among the 126 hospital staff reported low back pain during the preceding twelve months. They were 51 women and 28 men. The mean age of LBP patients was 42±8.1 years. The majority were nurses (37 cases, 29.4%) and nurse aides (24 cases, 19%). Their mean age was 42 ± 8,1 years. Factors associated with Low back pain included age (p=0.002), female gender (p=0.026), and lack of knowledge of back care techniques (p=0.034). Analgesics (88.9%), NSAID (80.5%), and physiotherapy (53.2%) were the most used tratements. Only 21 staff members (26,6%) knew back care techniques. Days off duty (absenteeism) has been observed in 34 (43%) of the hospitalstaff (mean : 09 days ± 7,5, total number of 281 days during the period of the survey). Professional activities were restricted in 6 cases (7,5%). Conclusion The professionnal impact of low back pain on health professionals is considerable. Risk factors and preventive measures should be taught

    Effets de scenarios de changements climatiques sur la cacaoculture en Cote d’Ivoire

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    L’influence des scenarios de changements climatiques a été analysée pour les régions Centre et Sud de production cacaoyère en Côte d’Ivoire. A partir des modèles RCP 4.5 et 8.5 de concentration des Gaz à Effets de Serre (GES), les paramètres température et pluviométrie ont été projetés sur les horizons 2021-2050 et 2041-2070 en comparaison à la période de référence 1980-2010. Les résultats ont montré qu’en dehors du nombre élevé de jours chauds qui pourrait provoquer la disparition de la cacaoculture dans les zones marginales de la région Centre, les indices climatiques se situent dans des conditions normales de production du cacaoyer dans les deux régions. Les risques liés aux maladies et ravageurs pourraient être similaires ou potentiellement réduits. En région Sud, les variations climatiques n’auraient aucun impact sur la cacaoculture. Comme stratégies de résilience, les programmes de sélection variétale devront mettre à la disposition des producteurs un matériel végétal tolérant à la sécheresse et aux maladies accompagnée de formations sur les bonnes pratiques agricoles dont l’agroforesterie. Toutefois, l’accès des producteurs à l’information météorologique devra être renforcé.  English title: Climate change effects in cocoa cultivation Abstract The influence of climate change scenarios was analyzed for the Center and South regions of cocoa farming in Côte d’Ivoire. From greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration models RCP 4.5 and 8.5, the parameters of temperature and rainfall were projected over the time in years 2021-2050 and 2041- 2070 compared to year 1980-2010 as reference period. The results showed that apart from the high number of hot days which could cause the disappearance of cocoa farming in marginal areas of the Center region, the climatic indices are normal within cocoa production conditions in both regions. Risks on cocoa pests and disease could be similar or potentially reduced. In the South region, climatic variations would have no impact on cocoa farming. As resilience adaptation strategies, tolerant germplasm to drought and pest and disease should be provided to farmers by cocoa research program with training package on good agricultural practices (GAP) including agroforestry. Therefore, theaccess to meteorological information has to be strengthened for smallholders cocoa farmers. Key words: Climate change scenarios, impact, cocoa farming, Côte d’Ivoire

    Qualite de vie du Personnel Hospitalier Lombalgique A Lome (Togo)

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    Objectif: Décrire les conséquences de la lombalgie commune sur la qualité de vie du personnel hospitalier du CHR Lomé Commune (CHR LC). Patients et Méthode: Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale réalisée du 15 décembre 2018 au 15 mars 2019 par autoquestionnaire auprès de 126 membres du personnel soignant hospitalier du CHR LC. La qualité de vie a été évaluée par le Questionnaire d’Owestry. Résultats: Soixante-dix neuf travailleurs sur 126 (62, 7 %) ont rapporté une lombalgie au cours des 12 mois précédant l’enquête. Le score d’Owestry a mis en évidence une incapacité minimale chez 74,2% des soignants, modérée chez 17,9%, sévère chez 3,2% et extrême chez 1,6% d’entre-eux. Les domaines les plus fréquemment affectés ont été : le port d’objets lourds (69%), les positions debout (65%) ou assise (51,3%) prolongées, la marche (50,7%), et l’intensité de la douleur (48,8%). Conclusion: L’impact de la lombalgie sur la qualité de vie des soignants est réel au CHR LC. Les positions debout et assise, le port d’objets lourds, et la vie sociale sont les domaines où l’incapacité est la plus sévère. La mise en oeuvre de programmes de prévention de la lombalgie est necessaire pour réduire cet impact. Objective: To describe the relationship between low back pain and quality of life among health professionals in CHR Lomé Commune (CHR LC). Patients and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed from December 2018 to March 2019 and included 126 staff members who filled-in the French version of the Oswestry Disability Index. Results: One hundred and twenty-six health professionals (70.8%) responded to the survey. Seventynine (62.7%) of the hospital staff reported low back pain during the preceding year. Professional activity was restricted in six workers (7,5%). The Owestry Index reflected minimal disability in 74,2% of care providres, and moderate disability to severe disability in 25.8% of them. Lifting (69%), standing (65%), sitting (51,3%), travelling (50,7%), and pain intensity (48,8%) were the most commonly reported. Conclusion: Impact of low back pain on the health professionals’ quality of life is serious in CHR LC. Standing, sitting, lifting, and sex are the most seriously affected. Strategies should be implemented to prevent occupational back pain