20,247 research outputs found

    Rural buyers' perception about mosquito repellants

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    Mosquito repellants prevent mosquito bites and prevention of "man-mosquito contact" is a critical factor in transmission and spread of any disease through mosquitoes particularly in rural area. There has been a long standing 'bias' towards rural buyers. The rural markets are considered rigid in the nature but it is not the case in real sense. Marketing to rural buyers is not only a challenge to the marketers but to the manufacturers, communicators, national planners and economists as well. That is why it has been necessary to understand the various aspects of selected rural areas and consumption pattern for such a fast growing market i.e. mosquito repellants and rural buyers’ perception towards such urban products. The present paper aims to find out the factors influencing the purchase decisions of rural buyers for mosquito repellants and to study the perceptions of present and potential rural buyers' of selected mosquito repellant brands.mosquito, repellent, malaria, rural market, buyers

    Overcoming Recession through Effective Business Communication Approaches (A Study in Indian Scenario)

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    No business activity can be completed without effective business communication network. The stage of economic turmoil is the most important time for any organization to regroup its strategy. At this juncture, strong, transparent and constant internal and external communication networks play a vital role. The global meltdown is a blessing in disguise for the organizations to invigorate their business communication network. The present paper aims to study multifarious approaches of Business Communication applied by Indian Organizations to combat the turbulent period of recession in a successful manner.

    Implicit Filter Sparsification In Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We show implicit filter level sparsity manifests in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which employ Batch Normalization and ReLU activation, and are trained with adaptive gradient descent techniques and L2 regularization or weight decay. Through an extensive empirical study (Mehta et al., 2019) we hypothesize the mechanism behind the sparsification process, and find surprising links to certain filter sparsification heuristics proposed in literature. Emergence of, and the subsequent pruning of selective features is observed to be one of the contributing mechanisms, leading to feature sparsity at par or better than certain explicit sparsification / pruning approaches. In this workshop article we summarize our findings, and point out corollaries of selective-featurepenalization which could also be employed as heuristics for filter prunin

    Role of Pyrite in Selective Bioleaching of Metals from a Complex Sulphide Concentrate

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    The copper concentrate is a kind of complex sulphide material containing minerals such as chalcopyrite, pyrite, pentlandite, pyrrhotite, etc. with valuable metals like 14% Cu, 10% Ni, 0.33% Co and 0.71% Mo. Bioleaching of copper concentrate was carried out in presence of Acidi-thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxi-dans isolated from the copper mine water to optimise the parameters. In order to understand the role of pyrite, selective bioleaching of 90% Ni and 61% Co was observed in presence of 10% pyrite in 60 days at 308K and 2pH with the particles of size < 50 m with unadapted culture. While recovery of 81% Ni, 45% Co and 5% Cu were achieved with the mixed size particles of ≤200 m in 60 days time under the above conditions. The selective bacterial dissolution of nickel and cobalt as compared to copper is governed by galvanic interaction between chalcopyrite and pentlandite-/pyrrhotite which is accelerated by the addition of pyrite in the concentrate

    Studies on solid matrix priming of seeds in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)

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    A study was carried out to evaluate the effect of solid matrix priming of seeds on emergence (%), growth and fruit yield characters of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) cultivar ‘Solan Hara’. The Experiment comprised of two vigour groups of seeds viz., ‘V1’ (High vigour seeds) and ‘V2’ (72 hours accelerated aged seeds/low vigour seeds) and five seed priming treatments viz., ‘P1’ (Solid matrix priming with Cocopeat), ‘P2’ (Solid matrix priming with Perlite), ‘P3’ (Solid matrix priming with Vermiculite), ‘P4’ (Seed soaking in water), ‘P5’ (Control -Without treatment).Investigation proved that low vigour seeds were inferior in respect of high vigour seeds in terms of seed physiological quality, emergence, growth and yield characteristics. Seed priming with Perlite for 72 hours proved its potential over other priming treatments, seed soaking and control (non-primed seeds) in both high vigour and low vigour seeds for agronomic attributes under study. High vigour seeds primed with Perlite ‘V1P2’ was found to be the best treatment for most of the traits understudy recording highest total field emergence (76.60%), fruit yield per plot (16.12 Kg) and per hectare (250.35 q). Similarly, Low vigour seeds primed with Perlite also recorded enhanced and improved total field emergence (73.83%) fruit yield per plot (9.28 Kg) and per hectare (143.26 q) compared to other low vigour treated and non treated seeds. From the present investigation it was inferred that that the extent of improvement w.r.t. attributes studied was more in low vigour seeds (V2) and seed priming with solid matrix carrier ‘Perlite’ can be used as a beneficial pre-sowing treatment to enhance the seedling emergence, growth and yield characteristics in bitter gourd

    Bioleaching of a Copper Sulphide Concentrate by two different Strains of Acidophilic Bacteria

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    Two strains of acidophilic Thiobacillus generae, one isolated from the water of a copper mine and another, a pure culture have been used for the processing of a sulphidic copper concentrate with 14.13% Cu, 10.04% Ni, 0.33% Co, 0.71% Mo, 2.28% Fe, 36.4% S and 1.72% 5102 generated at UCIL Jaduguda, India. The concentrate has chalcopyrite and pentlandite as the major phases along with pyrite, pyrrhotite, violarite, millerite and moly-bdenite as the minor phases. The unadapted isolated culture of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans dissolved 41% Ni and 35% Co at 308K and pH 2.0 in 60 days from the mixed size (<200 gm) particles. Pyrite (10 wt%) was found to be an effective additive resulting in bioleaching of 81% Ni and 45% Co under above condition; biorecovery being high (90% Ni and 61% Co) from the finest size particles (<50 /an). A. ferrooxidans strains of another source (OU, Hyderabad) adapted over copper concentrate serially for four times at 2.3 pH and used for leaching, improved the kinetics showing biorecovery of 83% Ni and 88% Co in 30 days only with the mixed size particles

    Lax Operator for the Quantised Orthosymplectic Superalgebra U_q[osp(2|n)]

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    Each quantum superalgebra is a quasi-triangular Hopf superalgebra, so contains a \textit{universal RR-matrix} in the tensor product algebra which satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation. Applying the vector representation π\pi, which acts on the vector module VV, to one side of a universal RR-matrix gives a Lax operator. In this paper a Lax operator is constructed for the CC-type quantum superalgebras Uq[osp(2n)]U_q[osp(2|n)]. This can in turn be used to find a solution to the Yang-Baxter equation acting on VVWV \otimes V \otimes W where WW is an arbitrary Uq[osp(2n)]U_q[osp(2|n)] module. The case W=VW=V is included here as an example.Comment: 15 page

    Bio-Hydrometallurgy for Extraction of Nonferrous Metals

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    The advent of microbial leaching process has opened scope for supplementing the availability of different non-ferrous metals globally, and has made the exploitation of poor grade and discarded ores/tailings, refractory ores, dirty concentrates and complex resources possible for metal recovery. The importance of various types of micro organisms has been recognised in the origin of minerals and metals beneath earth crust and in dissolution of various sulfidic and oxidic ores and concentrates. Since over a decade, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans has been commercially exploited in recovery of copper and uranium from ores, and gold and silver from refractory sulfide / arsenopyrite concentrates. Biotechnology is poised to have an explicit role in mineral processing in the next millennium