349 research outputs found

    [Accepted Manuscript] Systems thinking in public health: a bibliographic contribution to a meta-narrative review.

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    Research across the formal, natural and social sciences has greatly expanded our knowledge about complex systems in recent decades, informing a broadly inclusive, cross-disciplinary conceptual framework referred to as Systems Thinking (ST). Its use in public health is rapidly increasing, although there remains a poor understanding of how these ideas have been imported, adapted and elaborated by public health research networks worldwide. This review employed a mixed methods approach to narrate the development of ST in public health. Tabulated results from a literature search of the Web of Science Core Collection database were used to perform a bibliometric analysis and literature review. Annual publication counts and citation scores were used to analyse trends and identify popular and potential 'landmark' publications. Citation network and co-authorship network diagrams were analysed to identify groups of articles and researchers in various network roles. Our search string related to 763 publications. Filtering excluded 208 publications while citation tracing identified 2 texts. The final 557 publications were analysed, revealing a near-exponential growth in literature over recent years. Half of all articles were published after 2010 with almost a fifth (17.8%) published in 2014. Bibliographic analysis identified five distinct citation and co-authorship groups homophilous by common geography, research focus, inspiration or institutional affiliation.As a loosely related set of sciences, many public health researchers have developed different aspects of ST based on their underlying perspective. Early studies were inspired by Management-related literature, while later groups adopted a broadly inclusive understanding which incorporated related Systems sciences and approaches. ST is an increasingly popular subject of discussion within public health although its understanding and approaches remain unclear. Briefly tracing the introduction and development of these ideas and author groups in public health literature may provide clarity and opportunities for further learning, research and development

    Morbidity and mortality among very preterm singletons following fertility treatment in Australia and New Zealand, a population cohort study

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Background: Due to high rates of multiple birth and preterm birth following fertility treatment, the rates of mortality and morbidity among births following fertility treatment were higher than those conceived spontaneously. However, it is unclear whether the rates of adverse neonatal outcomes remain higher for very preterm (<32 weeks gestational age) singletons born after fertility treatment. This study aims to compare adverse neonatal outcomes among very preterm singletons born after fertility treatment including assisted reproductive technology (ART) hyper-ovulution (HO) and artificial insemination (AI) to those following spontaneous conception. Methods: The population cohort study included 24069 liveborn very preterm singletons who were admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Australia and New Zealand from 2000 to 2010. The in-hospital neonatal mortality and morbidity among 21753 liveborn very preterm singletons were compared by maternal mode of conceptions: spontaneous conception, HO, ART and AI. Univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association between mode of conception and various outcome factors. Odds ratio (OR) and adjusted odds ratio (AOR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated. Results: The rate of small for gestational age was significantly higher in HO group (AOR 1.52, 95% CI 1.02-2.67) and AI group (AOR 2.98, 95% CI 1.53-5.81) than spontaneous group. The rate of birth defect was significantly higher in ART group (AOR 1.71, 95% CI 1.36-2.16) and AI group (AOR 3.01, 95% CI 1.47-6.19) compared to spontaneous group. Singletons following ART had 43% increased odds of necrotizing enterocolitis (AOR 1.43, 95% CI 1.04-1.97) and 71% increased odds of major surgery (AOR 1.71, 95% CI 1.37-2.13) compared to singletons conceived spontaneously. Other birth and NICU outcomes were not different among the comparison groups. Conclusions: Compared to the spontaneous conception group, risk of congenital abnormality significantly increases after ART and AI; the risk of morbidities increases after ART, HO and AI. Preconception planning should include comprehensive information about the benefits and risks of fertility treatment on the neonatal outcomes

    Использование терминообразующего потенциала классических языков современными языками (на примере экономической терминологии современного французского языка)

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    It is imperative to fascinate young children at an early stage in their education for the analytical sciences. The exposure of the public to mass spectrometry presently increases rapidly through the common media. Outreach activities can take advantage of this exposure and employ mass spectrometry as an exquisite example of an analytical science in which children can be fascinated. The presented teaching modules introduce children to mass spectrometry and give them the opportunity to experience a modern research laboratory. The modules are highly adaptable and can be applied to young children from the age of 6 to 14 y. In an interactive tour, the students explore three major scientific concepts related to mass spectrometry; the building blocks of matter, charged particle manipulation by electrostatic fields, and analyte identification by mass analysis. Also, the students carry out a mass spectrometry experiment and learn to interpret the resulting mass spectra. The multistage, inquiry-based tour contains flexible methods, which teach the students current-day research techniques and possible applications to real research topics. Besides the scientific concepts, laboratory safety and hygiene are stressed and the students are enthused for the analytical sciences by participating in “hands-on” work. The presented modules have repeatedly been successfully employed during laboratory open days. They are also found to be extremely suitable for (early) high school science classes during laboratory visit-focused field trips

    An Internet of Things based bed-egress alerting paradigm using wearable sensors in elderly care environment

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    The lack of healthcare staff and increasing proportions of elderly population is alarming. The traditional means to look after elderly has resulted in 255,000 reported falls (only within UK). This not only resulted in extensive aftercare needs and surgeries (summing up to £4.4 billion) but also in added suffering and increased mortality. In such circumstances, the technology can greatly assist by offering automated solutions for the problem at hand. The proposed work offers an Internet of things (IoT) based patient bed-exit monitoring system in clinical settings, capable of generating a timely response to alert the healthcare workers and elderly by analyzing the wireless data streams, acquired through wearable sensors. This work analyzes two different datasets obtained from divergent families of sensing technologies, i.e., smartphone-based accelerometer and radio frequency identification (RFID) based accelerometer. The findings of the proposed system show good efficacy in monitoring the bed-exit and discriminate other ambulating activities. Furthermore, the proposed work manages to keep the average end-to-end system delay (i.e., communications of sensed data to Data Sink (DS)/Control Center (CC) + machine-based feature extraction and class identification + feedback communications to a relevant healthcare worker/elderly) below 1 10 th of a second

    Разработка и применение современных лабораторных методов в эпидемиологическом мониторинге, диагностики и лечении энтеровирусных инфекций

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    У роботі проведена порівняльна оцінка специфічності й чутливості тест-системи ПЛР, зі специфічним праймером до ДНК 207 п.н. 5'-нетрансльованої області генома энтеровируса для всіх типів ентеровірусів (крім вірусу поліомієліту) у порівнянні із класичним культуральним методом. А також методологічний підхід спільного використання вищеописаної реакції ПЦР із визначенням антитіл класу Іg до вірусів Коксаки й ЕСНО у системі ІФА діагностики, розробленої авторами, і спектр застосування розробленого комплекс.In work the estimation of specificity and sensitivity of test system PTSR, with specific primers to DNA 207 n.n is spent comparative. 5 '-not broadcast areas генома an enterovirus for all types of enteroviruses (except a poliomyelitis virus) in comparison with classical the virology a method. And also the methodological approach of sharing of above described reaction PCR with definition of antibodies of a class ІgG to viruses Cocsaki and ЕСНО in system IFA of diagnostics developed by authors, and a spectrum of application of the developed complex

    Measurements of the Composite Fermion masses from the spin polarization of 2-D electrons in the region 1<ν<21<\nu<2

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    Measurements of the reflectivity of a 2-D electron gas are used to deduce the polarization of the Composite Fermion hole system formed for Landau level occupancies in the regime 1<\nu<2. The measurements are consistent with the formation of a mixed spin CF system and allow the density of states or `polarization' effective mass of the CF holes to be determined. The mass values at \nu=3/2 are found to be ~1.9m_{e} for electron densities of 4.4 x 10^{11} cm^{-2}, which is significantly larger than those found from measurements of the energy gaps at finite values of effective magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 fig

    Pressure stresses generated due to supersonic steam jet induced hydrodynamic instabilities

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    The phenomenon that involves direct contact of steam with water is called Direct Contact Condensation (DCC). This phenomenon has been observed/prevailed in most of the power and process industries. The phenomenon of direct contact condensation involves heat, mass and momentum transfer across the highly fluctuating interface between steam jet and surrounding water giving this process an intricate nature to be studied. More recently the observation of hydrodynamic instabilities at the interface between supersonic steam jet and water has given a new facet to the study of DCC. In the current study the equivalent von-Mises Stress, equivalent elastic strain and total deformation in the Perspex vessel that has been incurred due to the pressure stresses has been studied. These pressure stresses have been generated due to the condensing supersonic steam jet induced hydrodynamic instabilities. It has been investigated first by experimentally observing the temperature fluctuations in axial and radial directions across supersonic steam jet which actually depicts these instabilities. Then Direct Contact Condensation (DCC) model has been used to conduct the CFD study using a commercial code Ansys®. Accompanied with this a mock up study has been done in which the pressure loads computed using DCC model have been coupled to the Perspex vessel structure using one way Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis in Ansys® to compute the true scale equivalent von-Mises Stress, equivalent elastic strain and total deformation generated by hydrodynamic instabilities induced pressure stresses. On true scale, hundreds of Pico scale deformation has been computed in the Perspex vessel confinement

    Pulmonary function measures predict mortality differently in IPF versus combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema

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    The composite physiologic index (CPI) was derived to represent the extent of fibrosis on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), adjusting for emphysema in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). We hypothesised that longitudinal change in CPI would better predict mortality than forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) or diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) in all patients with IPF, and especially in those with combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE). Cox proportional hazard models were performed on pulmonary function data from IPF patients at baseline (n=321), 6 months (n=211) and 12 months (n=144). Presence of CPFE was determined by HRCT. A five-point increase in CPI over 12 months predicted subsequent mortality (HR 2.1, p=0.004). At 12 months, a 10% relative decline in FVC, a 15% relative decline in DLCO or an absolute increase in CPI of five points all discriminated median survival by 2.1 to 2.2 yrs versus patients with lesser change. Half our cohort had CPFE. In patients with moderate/severe emphysema, only a 10% decline in FEV1 predicted mortality (HR 3.7, p=0.046). In IPF, a five-point increase in CPI over 12 months predicts mortality similarly to relative declines of 10% in FVC or 15% in DLCO. For CPFE patients, change in FEV1 was the best predictor of mortality.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91949/1/2011 ERJ - Pulmonary function measures predict mortality differently in IPF versus combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema.pd

    Clinical Study Pathologic Outcomes following Urethral Diverticulectomy in Women

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    properly cited. Purpose. Although most urethral diverticula in women are benign, there is a subset of patients who develop malignant changes. Limited studies report the pathologic findings associated with this relatively rare entity. We describe the clinicopathologic findings of women who underwent urethral diverticulectomy. Methods. A consecutive series of 29 women who underwent surgical resection of a urethral diverticulum were identified between 1992 and 2013. Clinical and radiographic data was collected by retrospective review of patient medical records. All pathological slides were rereviewed by a single urologic pathologist. Results. Of the 14 women with clinical data, 9 (64%) presented with urgency, 7 (50%) with urinary frequency, 3 (21%) with urinary incontinence, and 3 (21%) with dysuria. Mean diverticular size was 2.3 (±1.4) cm. Although one patient (3%) had invasive adenocarcinoma on final pathology, the remaining 28 cases (97%) demonstrated benign features. The most common findings were inflammation (55%) and nephrogenic adenoma (21%). Conclusions. Although most urethral diverticula in women are benign, there is a subset of patients who develop malignancy in association with the diverticulum. In this series, 97% of cases had a benign histology. These findings are important when counseling patients regarding treatment options

    Pathologic Outcomes following Urethral Diverticulectomy in Women

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    Purpose. Although most urethral diverticula in women are benign, there is a subset of patients who develop malignant changes. Limited studies report the pathologic findings associated with this relatively rare entity. We describe the clinicopathologic findings of women who underwent urethral diverticulectomy. Methods. A consecutive series of 29 women who underwent surgical resection of a urethral diverticulum were identified between 1992 and 2013. Clinical and radiographic data was collected by retrospective review of patient medical records. All pathological slides were rereviewed by a single urologic pathologist. Results. Of the 14 women with clinical data, 9 (64%) presented with urgency, 7 (50%) with urinary frequency, 3 (21%) with urinary incontinence, and 3 (21%) with dysuria. Mean diverticular size was 2.3 (±1.4) cm. Although one patient (3%) had invasive adenocarcinoma on final pathology, the remaining 28 cases (97%) demonstrated benign features. The most common findings were inflammation (55%) and nephrogenic adenoma (21%). Conclusions. Although most urethral diverticula in women are benign, there is a subset of patients who develop malignancy in association with the diverticulum. In this series, 97% of cases had a benign histology. These findings are important when counseling patients regarding treatment options