938 research outputs found

    Genetic architecture of biparental progenies for yi eld in Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)

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    The type of gene action for yield and its components was determined using biparental progenies devel-oped from the F2 generation of an intervarietal cross Swarna Pratibha × Hisar Shyamal (SP × H-8) of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) using North Carolina Design - 1. The experiment was conducted during the Kharif (April- November) 2012 and 2013. The biparental and F3 progenies differed. Biparental progenies were superior in mean performance than were F3’s generated by selfing. Dominance variances were greater than additive variance for most characters. For fruit diameter, plant height, branches per plant and total soluble solid, the additive component of genetic variance was of higher magnitude. The average degree of dominance was in over-dominance range for most traits. Plant height, branches per plant, fruit diameter and total soluble solids was in the partial dominance range. Heritability estimates were generally low to medium. Fruit weight exhibited moderate to high heritability. The pre-ponderance of additive and non-additive genetic components of variance for most traits indicated role for addi-tive and non-additive gene action for inheritance of marketable fruit yield and its component traits. These could be utilized through reciprocal recurrent selection and heterosis breeding for the development of high yielding and quality cultivars in eggplant

    Estimation of Rheological Properties of Snow Subjected to Creep

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    Creep is one of the most important phenomenons to determine the settlement of snow. Snow,in natural conditions, exists at temperature quite close to its melting point and deforms very fast.The settlement of snow is the result of creep phenomenon under the action of overburdenpressure as well as due to metamorphic processes going on within the snowpack. In thiscommunication, creep behaviour of snow is simulated with four-parameter viscoelastic fluidmodel. This viscoelastic character is basically controlled or monitored by various rheologicalconstants. Estimation of all the rheological constants in the four-parameter viscoelastic fluidmodel appropriate for the creep properties of snow is done. Total 91 uniaxial unconfined constantstress experiments on sieved snow were conducted at controlled temperature conditions. Theeffect of density and varying temperature on these constants is found to be remarkable

    Fluidized bed incineration of hospital waste

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    This paper describes the use of incinerators for the treatment of hospital wastes and the problems faced at present. It describes how the existing units fail to comply with the emission standards and give suggestions for improving the performance. Use of fluidized bed incinerators is described briefly

    Short review on domperidone tablet

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    Oral route is presently the gold standard in the pharmaceutical industry where it is regarded as the safest, most economical and most convenient method of drug delivery resulting in highest patient compliance. Pediatric and geriatric patients find it difficult to swallow solid dosage forms like tablets. Mouth dissolving tablet that dissolve or disintegrate rapidly in oral cavity result in solution, is an ultimate remedy for this problem in addition they give pleasing mouth feeling. ODT has advantages such as patient compliance, quick onset of action, improved bioavailability. Domperidone tablet (ODT) gives relief from nausea, vomiting. This review gives us all information about pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, uses, precautions, side effects of domperidone tablet

    Ethnoveterinary practices in Jawalamukhi,Himachal Pradesh, India

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    Jawalamukhi shakti peeth is located in district Kangra Himachal Pradesh, endowed with a diverse plant wealth. The present study highlights the traditional knowledge on the ethnoveterinary medicinal plants used by the gujjar community of Jawalamukhi. They live with their livestock and their economy is dependent on selling milk. They use surrounding medicinal plants for the treatment of various ailments of their livestock. Documentation of such knowledge is required in view of the day by day disappearing knowledge among the new generations. Therefore in the present study, an attempt has been made to document some locally available plants utilized traditionally by the tribal community of this area. The study includes plant species, belonging to families commonly employed in ethnoveterinary practice by community
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