27 research outputs found

    Grazing Cover Crops in the Eastern US: Performance of Sheep, Goats, and Cattle Grazing \u3ci\u3eBrassica\u3c/i\u3e Cover Crops

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    Grazing annual forage crops has attained new interest with the increase in use of cover crops. Grazing annual forages grown as cover crops not only allows livestock producers to extend the grazing season but also gives row crop growers a way to recoup the cost of planting cover crops through grazing leases. Species in the Brassicaceae family (turnip, rape, kale, radish, and hybrids) have wide adaptability across the eastern US, excellent forage yield potential, and extremely high nutritional value. Brassicas are sometimes described as “high-moisture concentrates.” Their low effective fiber content drives the common recommendation to grow them with annual grasses in grazed mixtures to provide the fiber needed by livestock, species biodiversity also improves cover crop value. In this review, I will summarize performance of sheep, meat goats, and cattle grazing Brassicas and Brassica mixtures from research across the eastern US, including the impact of Brassica yield and forage quality on animal gain, animal health, carcass characteristics, meat and milk quality

    A Framework for Promoting Diverse Perennial Circular Forage Systems for More Resilient Agricultural Landscapes: Developing Extension and Educational Tools for Resilience and Sustainability

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    The Resilience CAP Team seeks to use diverse, perennial, circular forage systems (DPCFS) to enhance biodiversity, improve soil and plant health, support ecosystem service, all towards achieving greater resilience to global change and improving the farm economy and quality of life. Our project will design a transdisciplinary framework that combines agronomic, ecological, economic, and sociological factors to achieve greater resilience and stability in agricultural systems through use of DPCFS. In this paper, we describe two of the project’s six objectives. Objective 5 is our extension/outreach arm where we will develop extension media, activities, and actionable decision tools to communicate concepts about the benefits of DPCFS to all stakeholders including farmers, consumers, lenders, and policy makers. To this end, our Extension Team is developing an interactive network of farmers, researchers, and other stakeholders that use multidirectional communication to help reduce barriers to forage use in production systems. Our network will be supported by traditional print and face-to-face approaches, a website, online programming, interactive online decision tools, and social media. Objective 6 is our education arm, where we will develop educational materials on the importance of resilience, ecosystem services, and economic value of DPCFS and integrate the materials into K-12 and university curricula. The activities are designed to develop knowledge and skills associated with sustainable agriculture, with emphasis on DPCFS. Currently, we seek to have multi-institutional internship and graduate seminar programs throughout the year

    Developing a Simple Bioassay for Detection of Alfalfa Autotoxicity in Field Soils

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    Alfalfa autotoxicity causes yield reductions in alfalfa production by inhibiting plant establishment and decreasing plant productivity. Accurate predictions regarding autotoxic potential of the soil in a given field at a given time are an essential tool for alfalfa growers to make appropriate planting decisions. To address this issue, we are developing a soil bioassay that can be conducted as a mail-in soil test for alfalfa growers through plant diagnostic service laboratories. We hypothesize that we will detect differences in seed germination, emergence, root length, and root morphology between control and autotoxic soils. A preliminary trial testing alfalfa field soils and fallow field soils against a potting soil control found significant response of percent abnormal roots (P \u3c 0.001) and average root length (P \u3c 0.05) to soil variety. There were significantly lower percentages of abnormal roots in the control and fallow soils than in alfalfa soils (P \u3c 0.05) and significantly longer roots in the control soil than in alfalfa soils (P \u3c 0.05). An ongoing field trial encompassing multiple alfalfa varieties and termination dates will be used to validate the bioassay methodology for detecting autotoxicity. Implementing this bioassay could inform alfalfa establishment decisions, reduce yield losses from autotoxicity, and allow collection of data that can be used to further understand alfalfa autotoxicity

    Alfalfa as an Alternative Forage for Summer Pasture for Stocker Calves

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    Last updated: 6/12/200

    Corn Silage Yield and Quality, and Soil Health Metrics After Fall Cover Crop Grazing

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    Integrated crop-livestock systems can potentially produce more product per unit of land with minimal impacts on soil health and cash crop quality. In the Upper Midwest there is an opportunity to graze fall cover crops (CC) after winter wheat in a corn-wheat rotation. In East Lansing, Michigan, two CC treatments: 1) a pure brassica mixture (PURE), and 2) a complex mixture containing legumes, warm and cool season grasses, and brassicas (MIX) were planted after wheat, and grazed by lambs in the fall seasons of 2019 to 2021. The following year, soil health, corn yield and quality were measured from plots corresponding to a non-grazed control and plots grazed in October, November, and December. There was no significant effect on spring soil bulk density and penetration resistance (PR) regardless of CC mixture or the timing of grazing, although PR was numerically higher in the grazed plots. Corn crude protein, acid detergent fiber, and neutral detergent fiber were not different across graze date or CC treatments (P \u3e 0.05), although corn contained more starch when grown after MIX grazed in November (P=0.02). The difference in starch was possibly an artifact of spatial variability across the site. Corn dry matter yield was lower in the non-grazed control (15.35 Mg ha-1) when compared to the grazing treatments in October (17.37 Mg ha-1) and December (17.19 Mg ha-1) (P=0.03). Grazing cover crops in the fall may improve corn yield the following year without causing soil compaction or changing corn quality

    Influence of beef genotypes on animal performance, carcass traits, meat quality, and sensory characteristics in grazing or feedlot-finished steers

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    A 2-yr study was conducted to evaluate the effects of beef genotypes and feeding systems on performance, carcass traits, meat quality, and sensory attributes. A 2×2 factorial experiment was used to randomly allocate 60 steers in year 1 (YR1) and 44 steers in year 2 (YR2). The two beef genotypes evaluated were Red Angus (RA), and RA x Akaushi (AK) crossbreed. The steers were allotted to two finishing feeding systems: grazing, a multi-species forage mixture (GRASS) and feedlot finishing, conventional total mixed ration (GRAIN). All steers were slaughtered on the same day, at 26 and 18 mo of age (GRASS and GRAIN, respectively), and carcass data were collected 48 h postmortem. Growth and slaughter characteristics were significantly impacted by the finishing system (P 0.10) between the two genotypes, except that steaks from AK tended to be juicier than RA (P = 0.06). Thawing loss and color variables were impacted by the finishing system (P < 0.01). L* (lightness) and hue angle presented greater values while a* (redness), b* (yellowness), and chroma presented lower values in GRAIN compared to GRASS. Sensory attributes were scored better in GRAIN than GRASS beef (P < 0.01). There was a genotype by system interaction for flavor (P = 0.02), where beef from RA had a lower flavor rating in GRASS than in GRAIN, and no difference was observed for AK. Within each system, no difference was observed for flavor between RA and AK. Beef from steers in GRASS had greater (P < 0.01) WBSF than those from GRAIN. These results indicate that steers from GRAIN had superior performance and carcass merit and that AK enhanced these traits to a greater degree compared to RA. Furthermore, the beef finishing system had a marked impact on the steaks’ sensory attributes and consumer acceptability. The favorable results for texture and juiciness in GRAIN, which likely impacted overall acceptability, may be related to high marbling

    30 Years of Progress toward Increased Biomass Yield of Switchgrass and Big Bluestem

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    Breeding to improve biomass production of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) for conversion to bioenergy began in 1992. The purpose of this study was (i) to develop a platform for uniform regional testing of cultivars and experimental populations for these species, and (ii) to estimate the gains made by breeding during 1992 to 2012. A total of 25 switchgrass populations and 16 big bluestem populations were planted in uniform regional trials at 13 locations in 2012 and 2014. The reference region was USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 6 in the humid temperate United States. Significant progress toward increased biomass yield was made in big bluestem and within upland-ecotype populations, lowland-ecotype populations, and hybrid-derived populations of switchgrass. Four mechanisms of increasing biomass yield were documented: (i) increased biomass yield per se, (ii) later flowering to extend the growing season, (iii) combined later flowering from the lowland ecotype with survivorship of the upland ecotype in hybrid-derived populations, and (iv) increased survivorship of late-flowering lowland populations in hardiness zones that represent an expansion of their natural adaption zone. Switchgrass exhibited all four mechanisms in one or more improved populations, whereas improved populations of big bluestem were likely influenced by two of the four mechanisms. The uniform testing program was successful at documenting increases in biomass yield, identifying the mechanisms for increased yield, and determining adaptation characteristics and limitations of improved populations

    30 Years of Progress toward Increased Biomass Yield of Switchgrass and Big Bluestem

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    Breeding to improve biomass production of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) for conversion to bioenergy began in 1992. The purpose of this study was (i) to develop a platform for uniform regional testing of cultivars and experimental populations for these species, and (ii) to estimate the gains made by breeding during 1992 to 2012. A total of 25 switchgrass populations and 16 big bluestem populations were planted in uniform regional trials at 13 locations in 2012 and 2014. The reference region was USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 6 in the humid temperate United States. Significant progress toward increased biomass yield was made in big bluestem and within upland-ecotype populations, lowland-ecotype populations, and hybrid-derived populations of switchgrass. Four mechanisms of increasing biomass yield were documented: (i) increased biomass yield per se, (ii) later flowering to extend the growing season, (iii) combined later flowering from the lowland ecotype with survivorship of the upland ecotype in hybrid-derived populations, and (iv) increased survivorship of late-flowering lowland populations in hardiness zones that represent an expansion of their natural adaption zone. Switchgrass exhibited all four mechanisms in one or more improved populations, whereas improved populations of big bluestem were likely influenced by two of the four mechanisms. The uniform testing program was successful at documenting increases in biomass yield, identifying the mechanisms for increased yield, and determining adaptation characteristics and limitations of improved populations

    Alfalfa as an Alternative Forage for Summer Pasture for Stocker Calves

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    Last updated: 6/12/200