1,289 research outputs found

    Turbulent Mixing in the Outer Solar Nebula

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    The effects of turbulence on the mixing of gases and dust in the outer Solar nebula are examined using 3-D MHD calculations in the shearing-box approximation with vertical stratification. The turbulence is driven by the magneto-rotational instability. The magnetic and hydrodynamic stresses in the turbulence correspond to an accretion time at the midplane about equal to the lifetimes of T Tauri disks, while accretion in the surface layers is thirty times faster. The mixing resulting from the turbulence is also fastest in the surface layers. The mixing rate is similar to the rate of radial exchange of orbital angular momentum, so that the Schmidt number is near unity. The vertical spreading of a trace species is well-matched by solutions of a damped wave equation when the flow is horizontally-averaged. The damped wave description can be used to inexpensively treat mixing in 1-D chemical models. However, even in calculations reaching a statistical steady state, the concentration at any given time varies substantially over horizontal planes, due to fluctuations in the rate and direction of the transport. In addition to mixing species that are formed under widely varying conditions, the turbulence intermittently forces the nebula away from local chemical equilibrium. The different transport rates in the surface layers and interior may affect estimates of the grain evolution and molecular abundances during the formation of the Solar system.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal; 20 pages, 9 figure

    Multiscale Design of Materials

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    Current methods of materials development, relying mostly on experimental tests, are slow and expensive. It often takes over a decade and costs many millions of dollars to develop and certify new materials for critical applications. With evolving constraints being placed on the use of materials arising from concerns with energy and materials resource sustainability, new approaches for materials development is essential. Moreover, it is increasingly important for materials development to be integrated into overall product design and development, allowing for optimal use of materials as well as enhancing our ability to recycle and reuse. In this paper, we discuss a new program in which we link methodologies developed over the past few decades in computational materials science to a modern computational design platform (VE-Suite) to enable the multiscale design of materials. Development of such multiscale design platforms is essential for the successful implementation of integrated computational materials engineering (ICME), an emerging discipline within materials development. We will present the basic framework of our program and discuss progress to date

    Common Warm Dust Temperatures Around Main-sequence Stars

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    We compare the properties of warm dust emission from a sample of main-sequence A-type stars (B8-A7) to those of dust around solar-type stars (F5-K0) with similar Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Spectrograph/MIPS data and similar ages. Both samples include stars with sources with infrared spectral energy distributions that show evidence of multiple components. Over the range of stellar types considered, we obtain nearly the same characteristic dust temperatures (~190 K and ~60 K for the inner and outer dust components, respectively)—slightly above the ice evaporation temperature for the inner belts. The warm inner dust temperature is readily explained if populations of small grains are being released by sublimation of ice from icy planetesimals. Evaporation of low-eccentricity icy bodies at ~150 K can deposit particles into an inner/warm belt, where the small grains are heated to T_(dust)~ 190 K. Alternatively, enhanced collisional processing of an asteroid belt-like system of parent planetesimals just interior to the snow line may account for the observed uniformity in dust temperature. The similarity in temperature of the warmer dust across our B8-K0 stellar sample strongly suggests that dust-producing planetesimals are not found at similar radial locations around all stars, but that dust production is favored at a characteristic temperature horizon

    Forming the first planetary systems: debris around Galactic thick disc stars

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    The thick disc contains stars formed within the first Gyr of Galactic history, and little is known about their planetary systems. The Spitzer MIPS instrument was used to search 11 of the closest of these old low-metal stars for circumstellar debris, as a signpost that bodies at least as large as planetesimals were formed. A total of 22 thick disc stars has now been observed, after including archival data, but dust is not found in any of the systems. The data rule out a high incidence of debris among star systems from early in the Galaxy's formation. However, some stars of this very old population do host giant planets, at possibly more than the general incidence among low-metal Sun-like stars. As the Solar System contains gas giants but little cometary dust, the thick disc could host analogue systems that formed many Gyr before the Sun.Comment: accepted by MNRAS Letters; 5 pages, 4 figure

    The circumbinary disk of HD 98800B: Evidence for disk warping

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    The quadruple young stellar system HD 98800 consists of two spectroscopic binary pairs with a circumbinary disk around the B component. Recent work by Boden and collaborators using infrared interferometry and radial velocity data resulted in a determination of the physical orbit for HD 98800B. We use the resulting inclination of the binary and the measured extinction toward the B component stars to constrain the distribution of circumbinary material. Although a standard optically and geometrically thick disk model can reproduce the spectral energy distribution, it cannot account for the observed extinction if the binary and the disk are coplanar. We next constructed a dynamical model to investigate the influence of the A component, which is not in the Ba‐Bb orbital plane, on the B disk. We find that these interactions have a substantial impact on the inclination of the B circumbinary disk with respect to the Ba‐Bb orbital plane. The resulting warp would be sufficient to place material into the line of sight and the noncoplanar disk orientation may also cause the upper layers of the disk to intersect the line of sight if the disk is geometrically thick. These simulations also support that the dynamics of the Ba‐Bb orbit clear the inner region to a radius of~3 AU. We then discuss whether the somewhat unusual properties of the HD 98800B disk are consistent with material remnant from the star formation process or with more recent creation by collisions from larger bodies

    The Human Right to Science

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    Human rights may be game changers to science. Science is under pressure. The ability to do science, to gain scientific educations, and to make and implement public policies based on science are under attack globally. Harms from doing science continue despite greater attention. Individuals are harmed in the name of science and scientists are persecuted for doing their work. The human right to science may change these scenarios. The human right to science belongs to everyone. Discrimination along lines of nationality, gender, skin color, beliefs, and other markers is not permitted. The human right to science bolsters other rights, including health, and is fostered by other rights, such as education and conscience. This session will present scholarship on the human right to science, including: -while the human right to science is not universally available, using research policy makers and NGOs can identify places where this right is strong, and where this right is under attack; -research demonstrates that on-going discrimination in scientific education will continue to undermine advancements in scientific careers and dissemination of scientific progress, including people marginalized in spheres of education, research, and scholarship; and, -research shows that collaborations, a key aspect of the human right to science, are not supported in many parts of the world, limiting global impacts of this human right. This session will point to ways the human right to science may have real-world impacts on studying and doing science, as well as protections from harms of science. The session will highlight information useful to UN experts and NGO leaders who advocate for the human right to science. The session is timely given efforts of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on this human right, which is expected to publish a General Comment on the Human Right to Science in 2020

    People with Dementia, Contributing to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Innovative Practice

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    Patients and service users have a well-established role in teaching and learning on professional qualifying programmes such as such as social work and nursing. However, the role of people with dementia in contributing to educational initiatives at higher educational level remains under explored. Four people with dementia were recruited as Expert by Lived Experience Tutors for the Foundation Degree in Dementia Studies at a University in the United Kingdom. They met students regularly to support their learning. We were interested in researching whether and how this enhanced the ability of students to enable people to live well with dementia. However, we also discovered that the initiative gave insight into psychosocial aspects of dementia, and a new opportunity to explore personhood, co-production and social citizenship. That is the focus of this article

    Is there really a debris disc around ζ2Reticuli\zeta^2\,\mathrm{Reticuli} ?

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    The presence of a debris disc around the Gyr-old solar-type star ζ2Reticuli\zeta^2\,\mathrm{Reticuli} was suggested by the Spitzer\mathit{Spitzer} infrared excess detection. Follow-up observations with Herschel\mathit{Herschel}/PACS revealed a double-lobed feature, that displayed asymmetries both in brightness and position. Therefore, the disc was thought to be edge-on and significantly eccentric. Here we present ALMA/ACA observations in Band 6 and 7 which unambiguously reveal that these lobes show no common proper motion with ζ2Reticuli\zeta^2\,\mathrm{Reticuli}. In these observations, no flux has been detected around ζ2Reticuli\zeta^2\,\mathrm{Reticuli} that exceeds the 3σ3\sigma levels. We conclude that surface brightness upper limits of a debris disc around ζ2Reticuli\zeta^2\,\mathrm{Reticuli} are 5.7μJy/arcsec25.7\,\mathrm{\mu Jy/arcsec^2} at 1.3 mm, and 26μJy/arcsec226\,\mathrm{\mu Jy/arcsec^2} at 870 microns. Our results overall demonstrate the capability of the ALMA/ACA to follow-up Herschel\mathit{Herschel} observations of debris discs and clarify the effects of background confusion.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Spitzer Mid-IR Spectra of Dust Debris Around A and Late B Type Stars: Asteroid Belt Analogs and Power-Law Dust Distributions

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    Using the Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) low-resolution modules covering wavelengths from 5 to 35 μm, we observed 52 main-sequence A and late B type stars previously seen using Spitzer/Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) to have excess infrared emission at 24 μm above that expected from the stellar photosphere. The mid-IR excess is confirmed in all cases but two. While prominent spectral features are not evident in any of the spectra, we observed a striking diversity in the overall shape of the spectral energy distributions. Most of the IRS excess spectra are consistent with single-temperature blackbody emission, suggestive of dust located at a single orbital radius—a narrow ring. Assuming the excess emission originates from a population of large blackbody grains, dust temperatures range from 70 to 324 K, with a median of 190 K corresponding to a distance of 10 AU. Thirteen stars however, have dust emission that follows a power-law distribution, F_ν = F 0λ^α, with exponent α ranging from 1.0 to 2.9. The warm dust in these systems must span a greater range of orbital locations—an extended disk. All of the stars have also been observed with Spitzer/MIPS at 70 μm, with 27 of the 50 excess sources detected (signal-to-noise ratio > 3). Most 70 μm fluxes are suggestive of a cooler, Kuiper Belt-like component that may be completely independent of the asteroid belt-like warm emission detected at the IRS wavelengths. Fourteen of 37 sources with blackbody-like fits are detected at 70 μm. The 13 objects with IRS excess emission fit by a power-law disk model, however, are all detected at 70 μm (four above, three on, and six below the extrapolated power law), suggesting that the mid-IR IRS emission and far-IR 70 μm emission may be related for these sources. Overall, the observed blackbody and power-law thermal profiles reveal debris distributed in a wide variety of radial structures that do not appear to be correlated with spectral type or stellar age. An additional 43 fainter A and late B type stars without 70 μm photometry were also observed with Spitzer/IRS; results are summarized in Appendix B