4,258 research outputs found

    An economic analysis of adaptation to climate change under uncertainty

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    Dit proefschrift presenteert een economische analyse van klimaatadaptatie onder onzekerheid. De economische evaluatiemethoden, multi-criteria analyse en kosten-batenanalyse worden toegepast. Een investeringsmodel gebaseerd op kosten-batenanalyse onder onzekerheid is ontwikkeld om de besluitvorming op het gebied van klimaatadaptatie te analyseren en te ondersteunen. De beleidsconclusie van dit proefschrift geeft een vijfstappenplan aan voor beleidsmakers die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het nemen van optimale investeringbeslissingen in klimaatadaptatie

    Costs and benefits of adapting to climate change at six meters below sea level

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    Climate change increases the vulnerability of low-lying coastal areas. Careful spatial planning can reduce this vulnerability. An assessment framework aimed at reducing vulnerability to climate change enables decision-makers to make better informed decisions about investments in adaptation to climate change through spatial planning. This paper presents and evaluates an approach to assess adaptation options, with the use of cost-benefit analysis

    Mindful awareness as a mechanism of change for natural childbirth in pregnant women with high fear of childbirth: a randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) is effective in increasing natural childbirth in pregnant women with high fear of childbirth (FOC) as compared to enhanced care as usual (ECAU). We aimed to examine through which pathway of action MBCP reaches this effect, based on a model of approaching or avoiding the challenges related to childbirth. METHODS: One hundred eleven pregnant women with high FOC were measured pre- and post-intervention on FOC (emotion pathway), catastrophic beliefs about labour pain (cognition pathway) and mindful awareness (attention pathway). A multiple mediation model was used to examine through which pathway the mechanism of change operated in relation to approach (i.e., natural childbirth) versus avoidance (i.e., self-requested caesarean section). RESULTS: It was found that greater mindful awareness (18% R(2) = 0.18, F[1107] = 22.77, p < 0.0001) was the only significant mechanism of change operating through the attentional pathway leading to natural childbirth. More specifically, nonreactivity to inner experience (a facet of mindful awareness) showed to be the strongest mechanism of change. More extensive meditation practice was positively associated with natural childbirth; however, the number of completed MBCP sessions was not associated with the outcome. CONCLUSIONS: An increase in mindful awareness was the strongest mechanism of change for better adaptation to the challenges of childbirth. Decreases in neither FOC nor catastrophic beliefs about labour pain were identified as mechanisms of change. Additionally, the more one meditated, the more one was inclined towards a natural childbirth. MBCP enhances adaptation to the challenges of childbirth and less use of obstetric interventions in the presence of high FOC. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The Netherlands Trial Register (NTR; 4302). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12884-022-04380-0

    A modular agent-based environment for studying stock markets

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    Artificial stock markets are built with diffuse priors in mind regarding trading strategies and price formation mechanisms. Diffuse priors are a natural consequence of the unknown relation between the various elements that drive market dynamics and the large variety of market organizations, findings, however, might hold only within the specific market settings. In this paper we propose a framework for building agent-based artificial stock markets. We present the mechanism of the framework based on a previously identified list of organizational and behavioural aspects. Within the framework experiments with arbitrary many trading strategies, acting in various market organizations can be conducted in a flexible way, without changing its architecture. In this way experiments of other artificial stock markets, as well as theoretical models can be replicated and their findings compared. Comparisons of the different experimental results might indicate whether findings are due to traders’ behaviour or to the chosen market structure and could suggest how to improve market quality

    Volatile aldehydes in libraries and archives

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    Volatile aldehydes are produced during degradation of paper-based materials. This may result in their accumulation in archival and library repositories. However, no systematic study has been performed so far. In the frame of this study, passive sampling was carried out at ten locations in four libraries and archives. Despite the very variable sampling locations, no major differences were found, although air-filtered repositories were found to have lower concentrations while a non-ventilated newspaper repository exhibited the highest concentrations of volatile aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, furfural and hexanal). Five employees in one institution were also provided with personal passive samplers to investigate employees’ exposure to volatile aldehydes. All values were lower than the presently valid exposure limits. The concentration of volatile aldehydes, acetic acid, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in general was also compared with that of outdoor-generated pollutants. It was evident that inside the repository and particularly inside archival boxes, the concentration of VOCs and acetic acid was much higher than the concentration of outdoor-generated pollutants, which are otherwise more routinely studied in connection with heritage materials. This indicates that further work on the pro-degradative effect of VOCs on heritage materials is necessary and that monitoring of VOCs in heritage institutions should become more widespread

    Equilibrium states for potentials with \sup\phi - \inf\phi < \htop(f)

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    In the context of smooth interval maps, we study an inducing scheme approach to prove existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for potentials ϕ\phi with he `bounded range' condition \sup \phi - \inf \phi < \htop, first used by Hofbauer and Keller. We compare our results to Hofbauer and Keller's use of Perron-Frobenius operators. We demonstrate that this `bounded range' condition on the potential is important even if the potential is H\"older continuous. We also prove analyticity of the pressure in this context.Comment: Added Lemma 6 to deal with the disparity between leading eigenvalues and operator norms. Added extra references and corrected some typo

    News avoidance during the Covid-19 Crisis:Understanding information overload

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    This study investigates the degree of news avoidance during the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Netherlands. Based on two panel surveys conducted in the period April–June 2020, this study shows that the increased presence of this behavior, can be explained by negative emotions and feelings the news causes by citizens. Moreover, news avoidance indeed has a positive effect on perceived well-being. These findings point to an acting balance for individual news consumers. In a pandemic such as Covid-19 news consumers need to be informed, but avoiding news is sometimes necessary to stay mentally healthy

    A Modular Agent-Based Environment for Studying Stock Markets

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    Artificial stock markets are built with diffuse priors in mind regarding trading strategies and price formation mechanisms. Diffuse priors are a natural consequence of the unknown relation between the various elements that drive market dynamics and the large variety of market organizations, findings, however, might hold only within the specific market settings. In this paper we propose a framework for building agent-based artificial stock markets. We present the mechanism of the framework based on a previously identified list of organizational and behavioural aspects. Within the framework experiments with arbitrary many trading strategies, acting in various market organizations can be conducted in a flexible way, without changing its architecture. In this way experiments of other artificial stock markets, as well as theoretical models can be replicated and their findings compared. Comparisons of the different experimental results might indicate whether findings are due to traders’ behaviour or to the chosen market structure and could suggest how to improve market quality

    On the Design of Artificial Stock Markets

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    Artificial stock markets are designed with the aim to study and understand market dynamics by representing (part of) real stock markets. Since there is a large variety of real stock markets with several partially observable elements and hidden processes, artificial markets differ regarding their structure and implementation. In this paper we analyze to what degree current artificial stock markets reflect the workings of real stock markets. In order to conduct this analysis we set up a list of factors which influence market dynamics and are as a consequence important to consider for designing market models. We differentiate two categories of factors: general, well-defined aspects that characterize the organization of a market and hidden aspects that characterize the functioning of the markets and the behaviour of the traders