594 research outputs found

    On D-branes in the Nappi-Witten and GMM gauged WZW models

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    We construct D-branes in the Nappi-Witten (NW) and Guadagnini-Martellini-Mintchev (GMM) gauged WZW models. For the SL(2,R)×SU(2)/U(1)×U(1)SL(2,R)\times SU(2)/U(1)\times U(1) NW and SU(2)×SU(2)/U(1)SU(2)\times SU(2)/U(1) GMM models we present the explicit equations describing the D-brane hypersurfaces in their target spaces. In the latter case we show that the D-branes are classified according to the Cardy theorem. We also present the semiclassical mass computation and find its agreement with the CFT predictions.Comment: 16 pages, harvma

    Pion Structure Function in the Nambu and Jona-Lasinio model

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    The pion structure function is studied in the Nambu and Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. We calculate the forward scattering amplitude of a virtual photon from a pion target in the Bjorken limit, and obtain valence quark distributions of the pion at the low energy hadronic scale, where the NJL model is supposed to work. The calculated distribution functions are evolved to the experimental momentum scale using the Altarelli-Parisi equation. The resulting distributions are in a reasonable agreement with experiment. We calculate also the kaon structure function and compare the ratio of kaon to pion valence u-quark distributions with experiment.Comment: 15 pages with 5 figures as uuencoded postscript files, TMU-NT-930301 (plain LaTeX

    Space-time Structure of Initial Parton Production in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The space and time evolution of initial parton production in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions is investigated within the framework of perturbative QCD which includes both initial and final state radiations. Uncertainty principle is used to relate the life time of a radiating parton to its virtuality and momentum. The interaction time of each hard or semihard parton scattering is also taken into account. For central Au+AuAu+Au collisions at s=200\sqrt{s}=200 GeV, most of the partons are found to be produced within 0.5 fm/c after the total overlap of the two colliding nuclei. The local momentum distribution is approximately isotropical at that time. The implication on how to treat correctly the the secondary scattering in an ultimate parton cascading model is also discussed.Comment: 19 pages in REVTEX with 12 figures in separate uuencoded postscript files, LBL-3415

    The effects of meson mixing on dilepton spectra

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    The effect of scalar and vector meson mixing on the dilepton radiation from hot and dense hadronic matter is estimated in different isospin channels. In particular, we study the effect of σ\sigma-ω\omega and ρa0\rho-a_0 mixing and calculate the corresponding rates. Effects are found to be significant compared to standard π\pi-π\pi and KK-Kˉ{\bar K} annihilations. While the mixing in the isoscalar channel mostly gives a contribution in the invariant mass range between the two-pion threshold and the ω\omega peak, the isovector channel mixing induces an additional peak just below that of the ϕ\phi. Experimentally, the dilepton signals from ρ\rho-a0a_0 mixing seem to be more tractable than those from σ\sigma-ω\omega mixing.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Characterising competitive equilibrium in terms of opportunity

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    This paper analyses alternative profiles of opportunity sets for individuals in an exchange economy, without assuming that individuals’ choices reveal coherent preferences. It introduces the concept of a ‘market-clearing single-price regime’, representing a profile of opportunity sets consistent with competitive equilibrium. It also proposes an opportunity-based normative criterion, the Strong Opportunity Criterion, which is analogous with the core in preference-based analysis. It shows that every market-clearing single-price regime satisfies the Strong Opportunity Criterion and that, in the limit as an economy is replicated, only such regimes have this property

    Loop Operators and the Kondo Problem

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    We analyse the renormalisation group flow for D-branes in WZW models from the point of view of the boundary states. To this end we consider loop operators that perturb the boundary states away from their ultraviolet fixed points, and show how to regularise and renormalise them consistently with the global symmetries of the problem. We pay particular attention to the chiral operators that only depend on left-moving currents, and which are attractors of the renormalisation group flow. We check (to lowest non-trivial order in the coupling constant) that at their stable infrared fixed points these operators measure quantum monodromies, in agreement with previous semiclassical studies. Our results help clarify the general relationship between boundary transfer matrices and defect lines, which parallels the relation between (non-commutative) fields on (a stack of) D-branes and their push-forwards to the target-space bulk.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Generalised permutation branes

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    We propose a new class of non-factorising D-branes in the product group GxG where the fluxes and metrics on the two factors do not necessarily coincide. They generalise the maximally symmetric permutation branes which are known to exist when the fluxes agree, but break the symmetry down to the diagonal current algebra in the generic case. Evidence for the existence of these branes comes from a Lagrangian description for the open string world-sheet and from effective Dirac-Born-Infeld theory. We state the geometry, gauge fields and, in the case of SU(2)xSU(2), tensions and partial results on the open string spectrum. In the latter case the generalised permutation branes provide a natural and complete explanation for the charges predicted by K-theory including their torsion.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, v2: Extended discussion of K-theory interpretation of our branes for products of higher rank groups in the conclusions; v3: Correction of formula (35) and adjustment of the discussion below equation (45) (no change of result). Footnote 9 points out a previously unnoticed subtlety and provides a reference to a more detailed discussio

    Signatures of Thermal Dilepton Radiation at RHIC

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    The properties of thermal dilepton production from heavy-ion collisions in the RHIC energy regime are evaluated for invariant masses ranging from 0.5 to 3 GeV. Using an expanding thermal fireball to model the evolution through both quark-gluon and hadronic phases various features of the spectra are addressed. In the low-mass region, due to an expected large background, the focus is on possible medium modifications of the narrow resonance structures from ω\omega and ϕ\phi mesons, whereas in the intermediate-mass region the old idea of identifying QGP radiation is reiterated including effects of chemical under-saturation in the early stages of central Au+Au collisions.Comment: 17 pages ReVTeX including 16 figure

    Geometric K-Homology of Flat D-Branes

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    We use the Baum-Douglas construction of K-homology to explicitly describe various aspects of D-branes in Type II superstring theory in the absence of background supergravity form fields. We rigorously derive various stability criteria for states of D-branes and show how standard bound state constructions are naturally realized directly in terms of topological K-cycles. We formulate the mechanism of flux stabilization in terms of the K-homology of non-trivial fibre bundles. Along the way we derive a number of new mathematical results in topological K-homology of independent interest.Comment: 45 pages; v2: References added; v3: Some substantial revision and corrections, main results unchanged but presentation improved, references added; to be published in Communications in Mathematical Physic