49 research outputs found

    The Cytoplasmic Domain of MUC1 Induces Hyperplasia in the Mammary Gland and Correlates with Nuclear Accumulation of β-Catenin

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    MUC1 is an oncoprotein that is overexpressed in up to 90% of breast carcinomas. A previous in vitro study by our group demonstrated that the cytoplasmic domain of MUC1 (MUC1-CD), the minimal functional unit of MUC1, contributes to the malignant phenotype in cells by binding directly to β-catenin and protecting β-catenin from GSK3β-induced degradation. To understand the in vivo role of MUC1-CD in breast development, we generated a MUC1-CD transgenic mouse model under the control of the MMTV promoter in a C57BL/6J background, which is more resistant to breast tumor. We show that the expression of MUC1-CD in luminal epithelial cells of the mammary gland induced a hyperplasia phenotype characterized by the development of hyper-branching and extensive lobuloalveoli in transgenic mice. In addition to this hyperplasia, there was a marked increase in cellular proliferation in the mouse mammary gland. We further show that MUC1-CD induces nuclear localization of β-catenin, which is associated with a significant increase of β-catenin activity, as shown by the elevated expression of cyclin D1 and c-Myc in MMTV-MUC1-CD mice. Consistent with this finding, we observed that overexpression of MUC1-C is associated with β-catenin nuclear localization in tumor tissues and increased expression of Cyclin D1 and c-Myc in breast carcinoma specimens. Collectively, our data indicate a critical role for MUC1-CD in the development of mammary gland preneoplasia and tumorigenesis, suggesting MUC1-CD as a potential target for the diagnosis and chemoprevention of human breast cancer

    Effects of FVB/NJ and C57Bl/6J strain backgrounds on mammary tumor phenotype in inducible nitric oxide synthase deficient mice

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    The ability to genetically manipulate mice has led to rapid progress in our understanding of the roles of different gene products in human disease. Transgenic mice have often been created in the FVB/NJ (FVB) strain due to its high fecundity, while gene-targeted mice have been developed in the 129/SvJ-C57Bl/6J strains due to the capacity of 129/SvJ embryonic stem cells to facilitate germline transmission. Gene-targeted mice are commonly backcrossed into the C57Bl/6J (B6) background for comparison with existing data. Genetic modifiers have been shown to modulate mammary tumor latency in mouse models of breast cancer and it is commonly known that the FVB strain is susceptible to mammary tumors while the B6 strain is more resistant. Since gene-targeted mice in the B6 background are frequently bred into the polyomavirus middle T (PyMT) mouse model of breast cancer in the FVB strain, we have sought to understand the impact of the different genetic backgrounds on the resulting phenotype. We bred mice deficient in the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) until they were congenic in the PyMT model in the FVB and B6 strains. Our results reveal that the large difference in mean tumor latencies in the two backgrounds of 53 and 92 days respectively affect the ability to discern smaller differences in latency due to the Nos2 genetic mutation. Furthermore, the longer latency in the B6 strain enables a more detailed analysis of tumor formation indicating that individual tumor development is not stoichastic, but is initiated in the #1 glands and proceeds in early and late phases. NO production affects tumors that develop early suggesting an association of iNOS-induced NO with a more aggressive tumor phenotype, consistent with human clinical data positively correlating iNOS expression with breast cancer progression. An examination of lung metastases, which are significantly reduced in PyMT/iNOS(−/−) mice compared with PyMT/iNOS(+/+) mice only in the B6 background, is concordant with these findings. Our data suggest that PyMT in the B6 background provides a useful model for the study of inflammation-induced breast cancer

    Differentiation Generates Paracrine Cell Pairs That Maintain Basaloid Mouse Mammary Tumors: Proof of Concept

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    There is a paradox offered up by the cancer stem cell hypothesis. How are the mixed populations that are characteristic of heterogeneous solid tumors maintained at constant proportion, given their high, and different, mitotic indices? In this study, we evaluate a well-characterized mouse model of human basaloid tumors (induced by the oncogene Wnt1), which comprise mixed populations of mammary epithelial cells resembling their normal basal and luminal counterparts. We show that these cell types are substantially inter-dependent, since the MMTV LTR drives expression of Wnt1 ligand in luminal cells, whereas the functional Wnt1-responsive receptor (Lrp5) is expressed by basal cells, and both molecules are necessary for tumor growth. There is a robust tumor initiating activity (tumor stem cell) in the basal cell population, which is associated with the ability to differentiate into luminal and basal cells, to regenerate the oncogenic paracrine signaling cell pair. However, we found an additional tumor stem cell activity in the luminal cell population. Knowing that tumors depend upon Wnt1-Lrp5, we hypothesized that this stem cell must express Lrp5, and found that indeed, all the stem cell activity could be retrieved from the Lrp5-positive cell population. Interestingly, this reflects post-transcriptional acquisition of Lrp5 protein expression in luminal cells. Furthermore, this plasticity of molecular expression is reflected in plasticity of cell fate determination. Thus, in vitro, Wnt1-expressing luminal cells retro-differentiate to basal cell types, and in vivo, tumors initiated with pure luminal cells reconstitute a robust basal cell subpopulation that is indistinguishable from the populations initiated by pure basal cells. We propose this is an important proof of concept, demonstrating that bipotential tumor stem cells are essential in tumors where oncogenic ligand-receptor pairs are separated into different cell types, and suggesting that Wnt-induced molecular and fate plasticity can close paracrine loops that are usually separated into distinct cell types

    Ectodermal Influx and Cell Hypertrophy Provide Early Growth for All Murine Mammary Rudiments, and Are Differentially Regulated among Them by Gli3

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    Mammary gland development starts in utero with one or several pairs of mammary rudiments (MRs) budding from the surface ectodermal component of the mammalian embryonic skin. Mice develop five pairs, numbered MR1 to MR5 from pectoral to inguinal position. We have previously shown that Gli3Xt-J/Xt-J mutant embryos, which lack the transcription factor Gli3, do not form MR3 and MR5. We show here that two days after the MRs emerge, Gli3Xt-J/Xt-J MR1 is 20% smaller, and Gli3Xt-J/Xt-J MR2 and MR4 are 50% smaller than their wild type (wt) counterparts. Moreover, while wt MRs sink into the underlying dermis, Gli3Xt-J/Xt-J MR4 and MR2 protrude outwardly, to different extents. To understand why each of these five pairs of functionally identical organs has its own, distinct response to the absence of Gli3, we determined which cellular mechanisms regulate growth of the individual MRs, and whether and how Gli3 regulates these mechanisms. We found a 5.5 to 10.7-fold lower cell proliferation rate in wt MRs compared to their adjacent surface ectoderm, indicating that MRs do not emerge or grow via locally enhanced cell proliferation. Cell-tracing experiments showed that surface ectodermal cells are recruited toward the positions where MRs emerge, and contribute to MR growth during at least two days. During the second day of MR development, peripheral cells within the MRs undergo hypertrophy, which also contributes to MR growth. Limited apoptotic cell death counterbalances MR growth. The relative contribution of each of these processes varies among the five MRs. Furthermore, each of these processes is impaired in the absence of Gli3, but to different extents in each MR. This differential involvement of Gli3 explains the variation in phenotype among Gli3Xt-J/Xt-J MRs, and may help to understand the variation in numbers and positions of mammary glands among mammals

    Clonal analysis of Notch1-expressing cells reveals the existence of unipotent stem cells that retain long-term plasticity in the embryonic mammary gland.

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    Recent lineage tracing studies have revealed that mammary gland homeostasis relies on unipotent stem cells. However, whether and when lineage restriction occurs during embryonic mammary development, and which signals orchestrate cell fate specification, remain unknown. Using a combination of in vivo clonal analysis with whole mount immunofluorescence and mathematical modelling of clonal dynamics, we found that embryonic multipotent mammary cells become lineage-restricted surprisingly early in development, with evidence for unipotency as early as E12.5 and no statistically discernable bipotency after E15.5. To gain insights into the mechanisms governing the switch from multipotency to unipotency, we used gain-of-function Notch1 mice and demonstrated that Notch activation cell autonomously dictates luminal cell fate specification to both embryonic and basally committed mammary cells. These functional studies have important implications for understanding the signals underlying cell plasticity and serve to clarify how reactivation of embryonic programs in adult cells can lead to cancer.Wellcome Trus

    Key signaling nodes in mammary gland development and cancer: β-catenin

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    β-Catenin plays important roles in mammary development and tumorigenesis through its functions in cell adhesion, signal transduction and regulation of cell-context-specific gene expression. Studies in mice have highlighted the critical role of β-catenin signaling for stem cell biology at multiple stages of mammary development. Deregulated β-catenin signaling disturbs stem and progenitor cell dynamics and induces mammary tumors in mice. Recent data showing deregulated β-catenin signaling in metaplastic and basal-type tumors suggest a similar link to reactivated developmental pathways and human breast cancer. The present review will discuss β-catenin as a central transducer of numerous signaling pathways and its role in mammary development and breast cancer

    Lef1 is required for the transition of Wnt signaling from mesenchymal to epithelial cells in the mouse embryonic mammary gland

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    Inductive reciprocal signaling between mesenchymal and adjacent epithelia gives rise to skin appendages such as hair follicles and mammary glands. Lef1-mediated canonical Wnt signaling is required for morphogenesis of these skin appendages during embryogenesis. In order to define the role of canonical Wnt signaling during early embryonic mammary gland development, we determined the temporal and spatial changes in Wnt signaling during embryogenesis in wild-type and Lef1-deficient embryos harboring a Tcf/Lef1-βgal reporter (TOPGAL) transgene. In contrast to previous studies using TOPGAL mice from a distinct founder, we observe that Wnt signaling acts initially on mesenchymal cells associated with the sequential appearance of mammary placodes. As placode development progresses between 12.5 and 15.5 dpc, Wnt signaling progressively accumulates in the mammary epithelial compartment. By 18.5 dpc, βgal activity is confined to mesenchymal and epithelial cells near the nipple region. In Lef1-deficient embryos, the transition of Wnt signaling from mesenchyme to the mammary epithelia is blocked for placodes #1, 4 and 5 despite the expression of Tcf1 in epithelial cells. These placodes ultimately disappear by 15.5 dpc, while placodes 2 and 3 typically did not form in the absence of Lef1. Progressive loss of placodes 1, 4, and 5 is accompanied by increased apoptosis in mesenchymal cells adjacent to the mammary epithelial placodes. While factors important for embryonic mammary gland development, such as FGF7, are expressed normally in Lef1-deficient animals, one mediator of the Hedgehog (Hh)-signaling pathway is aberrantly expressed. Specifically, Shh, Ihh, and Gli2 are expressed in mammary epithelial cells at levels in Lef1-deficient animals similar to wild-type littermates. However, the signal for Ptc-1 is strongly reduced in mesenchymal cells surrounding the mammary placode in Lef1 mutants relative to wild-type embryos. The loss of Ptc-1, both a receptor for and transcriptional target of Hh signaling, suggests that Hh signaling is blocked in Lef1-deficient embryos. Thus, these data reveal distinct requirements of different mammary placodes for Lef1-dependent Wnt signaling. They further define dynamic changes in which cells integrate Lef1-dependent Wnt signaling during progression of embryonic mammary gland development