517 research outputs found


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    For reducing the area and improving the performance of logical circuits, a combination of Lookup Table (LUT) with multiplexer methodology is applied together. By implementing this kind of architecture a new MUX: LUT structure is designed, which works based on the number of comparators and logical circuits. This implementation is more suitable for both accounting for complex logic block and routing area while maintaining mapping depth. Interconnections are increasingly the dominant contributor to delay, area and energy consumption in Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) digital circuits. The proposed implementation overcomes several limitations found in previous quaternary implementations published so far, such as the need for special features in the CMOS process or power-hungry current-mode cells. We have to use the 512bit quaternary Lookup Table for a high level of operations in the FPGA. The proposed architecture of this paper will be planned to implemented and also analysis the output current, output voltage, area using Xilinx 14.3

    Efficacy of growth hormone in improving the pregnancy rate in poor responders in ART

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    Background: Poor responders impose a great challenge to ART clinicians. Research to improve their pregnancy rate is going on. This study was conducted to analyze the effect of growth hormone in poor responders in ART.Methods: This study was done from January 2015 to December 2015. It was a retrospective, single centre, cohort study in which 36 poor responders were selected and allotted into group A (18) with growth hormone and group B (18) without growth hormone. High dose of gonadotrophins was used for ovarian stimulation and antagonist protocol was followed in all patients. Group A received 4 IU of growth hormone along with usual treatment from day 2 till ovulation trigger with HCG injection, group B usual protocol.Results: Statistical analysis was done with independent T test, and p value <0.05 was considered significant. Higher number of mature oocytes and pregnancy rates were observed in growth hormone group. Number of MII oocytes was 5.8, on an average in group A and 3.7 in group B, the difference was statistically significant (p 0.0000001).  Clinical pregnancy rates were 27.7% in group A and 16.6% in group B, statistical significance (p 0.02).Conclusions: Addition of growth hormone shows increase in number of oocytes retrieved and pregnancy rates in poor responders in ART patients


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    Home Automation agency is growing hastily; that is fuelled with the resource of providing helping structures for the elderly and the disabled, in particular people who live alone. Coupled with this, the world population is confirmed to be getting old. Home automation systems need to comply with the own family necessities and comfort of utilization. The GSM modem is used to ship the alert messages to the user if any of the sensors fees goes beyond the brink degree. All the sensor stages and the overall huge style of devices fed on had been sent to the predefined net web page with the aid of the use of using the Wi-Fi module. The Wi-Fi module changed into interfaced to the controller via the UART port. The emergency transfer supplied became to get the reputation of all of the sensors values inside the form of SMS

    Outcome of laparoscopic surgeries during pregnancy for non-obstetric emergencies

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    Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the surgical and obstetric outcome, safety and feasibility of various laparoscopic surgeries for non-obstetric indications in pregnancy.Methods: We did a retrospective analysis of 18 pregnant patients who underwent laparoscopic surgeries. Study period was from October 2013 till September 2015 conducted in Radhakrishna multispeciality hospital /IVF center Bangalore. Patients operated are 6 cases cholicystectomy, 6 cases appendicectomy, 5 adnexal mass removals, one salpingectomy for heterotopic pregnancy resulted from ART. All patients were between 11 to 32 weeks of gestation, with mean gestational age 21±6.5 weeks at the time of surgery and mean duration of surgery was 46±16.3 minutes.Results: All eighteen pregnant patients had uneventful hospital courses after laparoscopic procedures. Mean duration of hospital stay after surgery was 43±8.5 hours. One pregnancy was terminated at 11 weeks for suspected ovarian malignancy and 16 delivered full-term babies without complications, one patient delivered preterm at 35 weeks with NICU admission. The mean birth weight at the time of delivery was 2.8±550 gms. There was no maternal morbidity or mortality, or any identifiable neonatal birth defect. No conversion to laparotomy required in any case.Conclusions: Laparoscopic surgeries can be done in any trimester of pregnancy, but more safe and feasible during the second and early third trimester of pregnancy. Laparoscopic surgeries are as safe as laparotomy in the hands of experienced laparoscopic surgeon with no deleterious effects on either mother or fetus

    Cardiovascular outcomes following a respiratory tract infection among adults with non-CF bronchiectasis: a general population based study

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    Rationale: Studies suggest that people with bronchiectasis are at increased risk of cardiovascular co-morbidities. Objectives: We aimed to quantify the relative risk of incident cardiovascular events following a respiratory tract infection amongst people with bronchiectasis. Methods: Using UK electronic primary care records, we conducted a within-person comparison using the self-controlled case series method. We calculated the relative risk of first time cardiovascular events (either first myocardial infarction [MI] or stroke) following a respiratory tract infection compared with the individual’s baseline risk. Results: Our cohort consisted of 895 individuals with non-CF bronchiectasis with a first MI or stroke and at least one respiratory tract infection. There was an increased rate of first time cardiovascular events in the 91 day period after a respiratory tract infection (Incidence Rate Ratio [IRR] 1.56; 95% CI 1.20 to 2.02). The rate of a first cardiovascular event was highest in the first three days following a respiratory tract infection (IRR 2.73, 95% CI 1.41 to 5.27). Conclusions: These data suggest that respiratory tract infections are strongly associated with a transient increased risk of first time MI or stroke amongst people with bronchiectasis. As respiratory tract infections are six times more common in people with bronchiectasis than the general population, the increased risk has a disproportionately greater impact in these individuals. These findings may have implications for including cardiovascular risk modifications in airway infection treatment pathways in this population

    Assessment of genetic diversity in Trigonella foenum-graecum and Trigonella caerulea using ISSR and RAPD markers

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    BACKGROUND: Various species of genus Trigonella are important from medical and culinary aspect. Among these, Trigonella foenum-graecum is commonly grown as a vegetable. This anti-diabetic herb can lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Another species, Trigonella caerulea is used as food in the form of young seedlings. This herb is also used in cheese making. However, little is known about the genetic variation present in these species. In this report we describe the use of ISSR and RAPD markers to study genetic diversity in both, Trigonella foenum-graecum and Trigonella caerulea. RESULTS: Seventeen accessions of Trigonella foenum-graecum and nine accessions of Trigonella caerulea representing various countries were analyzed using ISSR and RAPD markers. Genetic diversity parameters (average number of alleles per polymorphic locus, percent polymorphism, average heterozygosity and marker index) were calculated for ISSR, RAPD and ISSR+RAPD approaches in both the species. Dendrograms were constructed using UPGMA algorithm based on the similarity index values for both Trigonella foenum-graecum and Trigonella caerulea. The UPGMA analysis showed that plants from different geographical regions were distributed in different groups in both the species. In Trigonella foenum-graecum accessions from Pakistan and Afghanistan were grouped together in one cluster but accessions from India and Nepal were grouped together in another cluster. However, in both the species accessions from Turkey did not group together and fell in different clusters. CONCLUSIONS: Based on genetic similarity indices, higher diversity was observed in Trigonella caerulea as compared to Trigonella foenum-graecum. The genetic similarity matrices generated by ISSR and RAPD markers in both species were highly correlated (r = 0.78 at p = 0.001 for Trigonella foenum-graecum and r = 0.98 at p = 0.001 for Trigonella caerulea) indicating congruence between these two systems. Implications of these observations in the analysis of genetic diversity and in supporting the possible Center of Origin and/or Diversity for Trigonella are discussed

    Evaluation of different media for cell proliferation in mantle tissue culture of the green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    The aim of the present study was to establish a suitable culture system for tissue explants from the mantle of the green mussel, Perna viridis. The experiments were conducted using healthy, live green mussels in the size range of 75 to 110 g collected from Pulicat Lake, Tamil Nadu. Three different culture media namely M199, Leibovitz L-15 and sterile seawater were used to assess the most suitable medium for growth, proliferation and viability of mantle epithelial cells. The effect of the addition of two supplements viz., 10% foetal calf serum (FCS) and 0.1% yeast extract to the culture media was also evaluated. After carefully isolating the pallial layer from the mantle tissue, 1-2 mm2 size explants were successfully cultured in 12-well plates at 25°C for up to 14 days. Cultures were monitored under light and phase contrast objectives in an inverted microscope. Cell counts were made and cell size was measured for each treatment. Cells were observed to migrate from the periphery of the explant within 24 h after initiation of cultures. The liberated cells were mostly round and were either granulocytes or hyalinocytes. Fibroblast-like cells were also observed. Our results showed that proliferation of epithelial cells from mantle tissue was maximum in seawater medium (7.4x104 cells ml-1), followed by L-15 medium (2.55x104 cells ml-1). Average cell size in seawater medium was 10.72 μm and that in L-15 and M199 media was 8.56 and 6.39 μm, respectively. Adherent cells were also more prominent and higher in number in seawater medium. Supplementation of culture media with 10% FCS and 0.1% yeast extract improved both cell proliferation and cell size in all the three culture media. Four concentrations of 0.1% yeast extract (@ 50 μl, 75 μl, 100 μl, 150 μl ml-1 medium) were tested in the present study and best results were obtained with 100 μl ml-1, with respect to both cell counts and size

    Growth pattern of stock cultures of five selected species of marine microalgae maintained under indoor controlled environment and under outdoor conditions

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    Growth pattern of five species of microalgae viz., Chaetoceros calcitrans, Dunaliella sp., Isochrysis galbana, Tetraselmis tetrahele and Nannochloropsis salina were studied under indoor controlled conditions (at 230C) and under outdoor (at 28-30°C) conditions. The variations in ammonia and pH levels in the culture flasks over a period of 90 days were also studied. Results revealed that the pattern of growth of all five species of algae were significantly different (p<0.05) in the two different conditions. The results clearly showed that the growth of all the five species of algae were faster in outdoor conditions and outdoor cultures were able to maintain only for a maximum period of three months. Ammonia and pH levels recorded were higher in outdoor cultures which indicated higher physiological activities and growth. Ammonia and pH levels were found to increase gradually in all the cultures, upto 30 days under both conditions and subsequently found almost constant throughout the study. Even though ammonia levels were found to rise with increase in pH and temperature, it did not increase to a level that is detrimental to the microalgal cultures

    Oyster Farming Techniques

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    Oysters, mussels, clams, scallops, cockles and abalones are major groups of molluscs which are cultured in different parts of the world. Edible oysters are the most important among them, as they are great delicacy and there is growing demand. There is an increasing interest in oyster culture in tropical countries in recent years. In India there is a growing demand for oyster meat in some parts of the country. They are highly esteemed sea food and considered a delicacy in USA, Europe, Japan etc. It is said that ‘oyster’ is scientifically the best known marine animal. It is one of the most widely cultivated species. As early as the first century BC the Romans were the first to develop simple methods of collecting oyster seeds and growing them for food

    Mussel Culture

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    Mariculture of bivalves greater importance in meeting the increasing protein demands of the human population. Bivalve groups such as oyster, mussel and clam are the most important cultivable organisms all over the world. Of these, P. viridis andP.indica forms the most dominant cultivable species. The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has developed eco-friendly techniques for mussel culture. Recently, CMFRI has taken up efforts to popularize mussel culture in all coastal districts of Kerala