13 research outputs found


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    The reported positions of 964 suspected nova eruptions in M31 recorded through the end of calendar year 2013 have been compared in order to identify recurrent nova candidates. To pass the initial screen and qualify as a recurrent nova candidate two or more eruptions were required to be coincident within 0.1', although this criterion was relaxed to 0.15' for novae discovered on early photographic patrols. A total of 118 eruptions from 51 potential recurrent nova systems satisfied the screening criterion. To determine what fraction of these novae are indeed recurrent the original plates and published images of the relevant eruptions have been carefully compared. This procedure has resulted in the elimination of 27 of the 51 progenitor candidates (61 eruptions) from further consideration as recurrent novae, with another 8 systems (17 eruptions) deemed unlikely to be recurrent. Of the remaining 16 systems, 12 candidates (32 eruptions) were judged to be recurrent novae, with an additional 4 systems (8 eruptions) being possibly recurrent. It is estimated that ~4% of the nova eruptions seen in M31 over the past century are associated with recurrent novae. A Monte Carlo analysis shows that the discovery efficiency for recurrent novae may be as low as 10% that for novae in general, suggesting that as many as one in three nova eruptions observed in M31 arise from progenitor systems having recurrence times <~100 yr. For plausible system parameters, it appears unlikely that recurrent novae can provide a significant channel for the production of Type Ia supernovae

    Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies

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    Dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies, with blue absolute magnitudes typically fainter than MB=16M_B = -16, are the most numerous type of galaxy in the nearby universe. Tremendous advances have been made over the past several years in delineating the properties of both Local Group satellite dE's and the large dE populations of nearby clusters. We review some of these advances, with particular attention to how well currently available data can constrain 1) models for the formation of dE's, 2) the physical and evolutionary connections between different types of galaxies (nucleated and nonnucleated dE's, compact E's, irregulars, and blue compact dwarfs) that overlap in the same portion of the mass-spectrum of galaxies, 3) the contribution of dE's to the galaxy luminosity functions in clusters and the field, 4) the star-forming histories of dE's and their possible contribution to faint galaxy counts, and 5) the clustering properties of dE's. In addressing these issues, we highlight the extent to which selection effects temper these constraints, and outline areas where new data would be particularly valuable.Comment: 63p, uuencoded compressed postscript, 2/8 figs included, A&A Review in press, request paper copies from [email protected], STScI 86