330 research outputs found

    The Tonkolili Iron Occurrence of Sierrra Leone: A Petrological Enigma?*

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    This paper endeavours to resolve, by petrological and mineralogical interrogations, the apparent puzzle being caused by the different names and classifications that have been assigned to the Tonkolili iron occurrence of Sierra Leone by different authors. The mineralogy and petrography of drill core samples of iron occurrences from Tonkolili district of Sierra Leoneare used to investigate the type of iron deposit, its environment of formation and classification. Three main rock types that host the Fe mineralisation have been identified as amphibolites, tuffs and mafic volcanic rocks. The amphibolites which crop out and are mapped on the surface are underlain by tuffs. Two types of tuffs were identified,namely as rhyolitic and crystal tuffs. The mafic volcanic rocks lie underneath the tuffs. The Fe mineralisations occur as bands and lenses in the tuff and are encountered from depths of 120 to 160 m in the drill holes. The Fe mineralisations which are mainly of Precambrian age are chemical sediments, contain about 55 % Fe and occur as mappable bands and lenses that have ironstone layers defining their top and bottom and thus satisfy Kimberly (1978)’s classification as “iron formation”.It is therefore the conclusion of this paper that with the realisation that the primary Fe mineral is magnetite rather than haematite and since there is an intimate association between the volcanic rocks and the Fe mineralisations, the Tonkolili Fe deposits can be classified as an Algoma type of Banded Iron Formation according to the classifications of James (1954) and definition of Cannon et al., (1986)

    The geology of the gold deposits of Prestea gold belt of Ghana

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    This paper presents the geology of the gold deposits along the Prestea gold belt of Ghana to assist exploration work for new orebodies along the belt. Prestea district is the third largest gold producer in West Africa after Obuasi and Tarkwa districts (over 250 metric tonnes Au during the last century). The gold deposits are structurally controlled and occur in a deep-seated fault or fissure zone that is regarded as the ore channel. This structure, which lies at the contact between metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in Birimian rocks, is more open (and contains more quartz lodes) at the southern end around Prestea than at Bogoso to the north. The gold deposits consist of the Quartz Vein Type, (QVT) and the Disseminated Sulphide Type (DST). The QVT orebodies, which generally carry higher Au grades, lie within a graphitic gouge in the fissure zones whilst the DST is found mostly in sheared or crushed rocks near the fissure zones. Deposits were grouped into three in terms of geographic location and state of development; The deposits south of Prestea are the least developed but have been extensively explored by Takoradi Gold Company. Those at Prestea have been worked exclusively as underground mines on QVT orebodies by Prestea Goldfields Limited and its forerunners; Ariston and Ghana Main Reef companies until 1998 whilst the deposits north of Prestea, which were first worked as surface mines (on DST orebodies) by Marlu Mines up to 1952, were revived by Billiton Bogoso Gold in 1990. Bogoso Gold Limited, a subsidiary of Golden Star Resources, now runs the mines, which are currently working “Oxide ore” (the oxidised derivate of the DST ore) by surface operations in open cut mines at Bogoso and Prestea. Active exploration is presently underway to find extensions to the orebodies and extend the life of the mines. The summary of the special attributes of the deposits presented in this paper may be useful in re-evaluation of the orebodies.

    Impact of Quality Improvement in Primary Schools (QUIPS) Programme on the Academic Performance of Pupils in New Edubiase Methodist Primary School in the Adansi East District of Ghana

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    Since the inception of Ghana’s Educational Reform Programme in 1987, so many interventions have been put in place by the government and various donor organizations. Among them is the Quality Improvement in Primary School (QUIPS) programme sponsored by the USAID, which started in 1997, aimed at improving teaching and learning at the basic level. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of improvement in academic performance of pupils in New Edubiase Methodist Primary School since the inception of the QUIPS programme. It was also to find out what impact the programme has had on the teachers in the school as well as the assistance that the programme has given to parents and the community. The sample for the study included teachers of the New Edubiase Methodist Primary School and the parents who have their children in the school, numbering 58. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaire and interview. In analyzing the data, frequencies and percentages were used. The study revealed the following: The introduction of the QUIPS programme has helped to improve academic performance of the pupils in New Edubiase Methodist Primary School; The teachers in the school have improved their professional expertise through in-service training organized during the intervention; The parents and the community have also benefited indirectly from the programme; and that the District Assembly has contributed towards the implementation of the QUIPS programme

    The Relationship Between Annual Rainfall Totals, Rainfall Onsets and Cocoa Yields in Ashanti Region of Ghana: A Reality or Farce?

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    Cocoa production in Ghana is basically rain fed and this makes it vulnerable to climate change and variability. This paper is part of an on-going research, which is investigating how changes in the climatic conditions in Ghana are affecting production levels of the cocoa industry. The study uses basically secondary data from the Ghana Cocoa Marketing Company and the Ghana Meteorological Service Weather stations at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi and the Kumasi Airport between 1970 and 2010. Findings from the study reveal a decline in cocoa production of about 100,000 metric tonnes between 1970 and 1984 in the study region and increasing trend of rainfall totals. Notwithstanding, a direct correlation between rainfall totals and rainfall onsets; and cocoa yields could not be established. However, the study found a highly significant effect of climate variability in rainfall onset and annual rainfall totals on cocoa yield (p-value 0.01). The study thus concludes that climatic change and variability have influence on Ghana’s cocoa sector which calls for effective mitigation measures. Keywords: cocoa production, climate change and variabilit

    Barriers to Communication: The Views of People with Learning Disabilities with Epilepsy and Their Careers

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    People with learning disabilities experienced more health inequalities compared with the general population. Under-diagnosis is common among people with learning disabilities leading to unmet health needs compared with the general population. Numerous communication barriers have been reported in the literature but little is known regarding people with epilepsy and learning disabilities. The presence of epilepsy may further compound the communication needs of people with learning disabilities. The study investigated communication barriers between people with epilepsy and learning disabilities and carers.Method: Exploratory qualitative approach was adopted. Pictures and photographs were used when necessary to facilitate and elicit responses from participants. The interviews were recorded with participant consent.Analysis: The recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically (Miles and Huberman, 1994).Findings: Service users and carers reported a range of communication barriers. These included; Stigma, discrimination, lack of knowledge, impairments and lack of alternative augmentative communication methods Keywords: Communication, epilepsy, learning disabilities, carers, healthcare professionals

    Impact of ERP Implementation on Business Process Outcomes: A Replication of a United States Study in a Sub-Saharan African Nation

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    This study is a conceptual replication of Karimi et al.’s (2007) study on the impact of ERP implementations on business process outcomes among US manufacturing firms in a Sub-Saharan African (SSA) nation. The results of the measurement model are valid and reliable, which are consistent and comparable with that of the original study, enhancing the external validity of the constructs proposed in the original model. However, only one of the four hypotheses tested in the structural model was confirmed in the current study although all four were supported in the original study. While the original model was tested on manufacturing firms in the US, the replicated study was carried out in several industries in Ghana, a SSA nation. Thus the differences in the structural model results do not invalidate the original model but suggest the need for capturing contextual or environmental variables such as culture, industry, ethical behavior, and data culture in order to enhance the external validity and theoretical contribution of the original model in the SSA context

    Metal Sorption Capabilities of Two Common Plants in Tropical Wetlands - Bambusa vulgaris and Raffia bambusa

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    In most developing countries, careless disposal of waste dry cell batteries and Ni-Cd batteries from mobile phones and rechargeable lamps has led to an increase in some metal contaminants including copper, lead, nickel and cadmium in soils and water bodies. These metals have the potential to cause serious, and sometimes, irreversible health effects if they are consumed. Unfortunately, in most cases, either the water bodies are not treated prior to consumption or the water treatment methods do not target the removal of these metals. This study therefore sought to mimic the bio-filtering effect of wetlands by assessing the capabilities of two common plants in tropical wetlands; Raffia bambusa and Bambusa vulgaris to remove Cu2+, Pb2+, Ni2+ and Cd2+ from wastewater. Spectroscopic characterisation indicated that some of the functional groups on the biomass were the OH, C=O and COOH, and R. bambusa appeared to have more pronounced groups than B. vulgaris. The results show maximum sorption of 95% Cu and Pb by biomass derived from roots of these plants. Sorption of Cd and Ni were lower at about 40%. By using a 3-stage sorption system of live plants, sorption of Cd and Ni increased up to 80%. Keywords: Heavy Metals, Sorption, Biomass, Bambusa vulgaris, Raffia bambus

    Роль систем электронного правительства в обеспечении эффективности государственного управления и контроля коррупции

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    Дата поступления 7 марта 2019 г.; дата принятия к печати 4 июня 2019 г.Received March 7, 2019; accepted June 4, 2019.E-government systems are a part of the general process of digital transformation in the public sector: countries with efficient e-government manage to reduce the administrative burden on private citizens and businesses and to improve government performance, transparency and accountability. This article brings to light the connection between the development of e-government systems and such factors as the rule of law and control of corruption. The study relies on a path model, which was built and statistically tested by using linear regression analysis to authenticate the veracity of the model’s components. The model uses three indicators adopted from the World Bank’s Governance Indicator project – the rule of law, control of corruption, and government effectiveness. The data to measure the e-Government Development Index (EGDI) in fifteen countries was provided by the e-Government 2016 Survey conducted by the United Nations. The findings reveal a positive complementary relationship between the rule of law in a country and the development of an e-government system, which enhances the government’s effectiveness. The article describes a shift towards a more citizen-centric e-government implementation strategy, which can be recommended in particular to policy-makers in developing economies. The proposed model can be recommended as a measurement tool to assess effective governance in any given country.Системы электронного правительства являются частью общего процесса цифровой трансформации в государственном секторе: странам с эффективным электронным правительством удается снизить административную нагрузку на частные лица и предприятия, а также повысить эффективность, прозрачность и подотчетность правительства. Эта статья раскрывает связь между развитием систем электронного правительства и такими факторами, как верховенство закона и борьба с коррупцией. Исследование опирается на модель роста, которая была построена и статистически протестирована с использованием линейного регрессионного анализа для проверки достоверности элементов модели. В модели используются три показателя, рассчитываемые Всемирным банком: верховенство закона, борьба с коррупцией и эффективность правительства. Данные для измерения индекса развития электронного правительства (EGDI) в пятнадцати странах были предоставлены в рамках Обзора электронного правительства 2016 года, проведенного ООН. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о позитивной взаимодополняющей взаимосвязи между верховенством закона в стране и развитием системы электронного правительства, которая повышает эффективность правительства. В статье описывается сдвиг в сторону более ориентированной на граждан стратегии внедрения электронного правительства, которая может быть рекомендована, в частности, лицам, определяющим политику в развивающихся странах. Предложенная модель может быть рекомендована в качестве инструмента оценки эффективности государственного управления в любой стране

    Biophysical characterization of watersheds in northern Ghana

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