196 research outputs found

    Quantum network architecture of tight-binding models with substitution sequences

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    We study a two-spin quantum Turing architecture, in which discrete local rotations \alpha_m of the Turing head spin alternate with quantum controlled NOT-operations. Substitution sequences are known to underlie aperiodic structures. We show that parameter inputs \alpha_m described by such sequences can lead here to a quantum dynamics, intermediate between the regular and the chaotic variant. Exponential parameter sensitivity characterizing chaotic quantum Turing machines turns out to be an adequate criterion for induced quantum chaos in a quantum network.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. mod. Optics [Proc. Workshop "Entanglement and Decoherence", Gargnano (Italy), Sept 1999], 3 figure

    Analysis and control of bifurcation and chaos in averaged queue length in TCP/RED model

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    This paper studies the bifurcation and chaos phenomena in averaged queue length in a developed Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) model with Random Early Detection (RED) mechanism. Bifurcation and chaos phenomena are nonlinear behaviour in network systems that lead to degradation of the network performance. The TCP/RED model used is a model validated previously. In our study, only the average queue size k q − is considered, and the results are based on analytical model rather than actual measurements. The instabilities in the model are studied numerically using the conventional nonlinear bifurcation analysis. Extending from this bifurcation analysis, a modified RED algorithm is derived to prevent the observed bifurcation and chaos regardless of the selected parameters. Our modification is for the simple scenario of a single RED router carrying only TCP traffic. The algorithm neither compromises the throughput nor the average queuing delay of the system

    Phase transition in a class of non-linear random networks

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    We discuss the complex dynamics of a non-linear random networks model, as a function of the connectivity k between the elements of the network. We show that this class of networks exhibit an order-chaos phase transition for a critical connectivity k = 2. Also, we show that both, pairwise correlation and complexity measures are maximized in dynamically critical networks. These results are in good agreement with the previously reported studies on random Boolean networks and random threshold networks, and show once again that critical networks provide an optimal coordination of diverse behavior.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, revised versio

    Dynamical estimates of chaotic systems from Poincar\'e recurrences

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    We show that the probability distribution function that best fits the distribution of return times between two consecutive visits of a chaotic trajectory to finite size regions in phase space deviates from the exponential statistics by a small power-law term, a term that represents the deterministic manifestation of the dynamics, which can be easily experimentally detected and theoretically estimated. We also provide simpler and faster ways to calculate the positive Lyapunov exponents and the short-term correlation function by either realizing observations of higher probable returns or by calculating the eigenvalues of only one very especial unstable periodic orbit of low-period. Finally, we discuss how our approaches can be used to treat data coming from complex systems.Comment: subm. for publication. Accepted fpr publication in Chao

    Bifurcation Phenomena in Two-Dimensional Piecewise Smooth Discontinuous Maps

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    In recent years the theory of border collision bifurcations has been developed for piecewise smooth maps that are continuous across the border, and has been successfully applied to explain nonsmooth bifurcation phenomena in physical systems. However, many switching dynamical systems have been found to yield two-dimensional piecewise smooth maps that are discontinuous across the border. The theory for understanding the bifurcation phenomena in such systems is not available yet. In this paper we present the first approach to the problem of analysing and classifying the bifurcation phenomena in two-dimensional discontinuous maps, based on a piecewise linear approximation in the neighborhood of the border. We explain the bifurcations occurring in the static VAR compensator used in electrical power systems, using the theory developed in this paper. This theory may be applied similarly to other systems that yield two-dimensional discontinuous maps

    Delay-Coordinates Embeddings as a Data Mining Tool for Denoising Speech Signals

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    In this paper we utilize techniques from the theory of non-linear dynamical systems to define a notion of embedding threshold estimators. More specifically we use delay-coordinates embeddings of sets of coefficients of the measured signal (in some chosen frame) as a data mining tool to separate structures that are likely to be generated by signals belonging to some predetermined data set. We describe a particular variation of the embedding threshold estimator implemented in a windowed Fourier frame, and we apply it to speech signals heavily corrupted with the addition of several types of white noise. Our experimental work seems to suggest that, after training on the data sets of interest,these estimators perform well for a variety of white noise processes and noise intensity levels. The method is compared, for the case of Gaussian white noise, to a block thresholding estimator

    Bifurcations in the Lozi map

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    We study the presence in the Lozi map of a type of abrupt order-to-order and order-to-chaos transitions which are mediated by an attractor made of a continuum of neutrally stable limit cycles, all with the same period.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Chaotic and pseudochaotic attractors of perturbed fractional oscillator

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    We consider a nonlinear oscillator with fractional derivative of the order alpha. Perturbed by a periodic force, the system exhibits chaotic motion called fractional chaotic attractor (FCA). The FCA is compared to the ``regular'' chaotic attractor. The properties of the FCA are discussed and the ``pseudochaotic'' case is demonstrated.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Conedy: a scientific tool to investigate Complex Network Dynamics

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    We present Conedy, a performant scientific tool to numerically investigate dynamics on complex networks. Conedy allows to create networks and provides automatic code generation and compilation to ensure performant treatment of arbitrary node dynamics. Conedy can be interfaced via an internal script interpreter or via a Python module

    Time--Evolving Statistics of Chaotic Orbits of Conservative Maps in the Context of the Central Limit Theorem

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    We study chaotic orbits of conservative low--dimensional maps and present numerical results showing that the probability density functions (pdfs) of the sum of NN iterates in the large NN limit exhibit very interesting time-evolving statistics. In some cases where the chaotic layers are thin and the (positive) maximal Lyapunov exponent is small, long--lasting quasi--stationary states (QSS) are found, whose pdfs appear to converge to qq--Gaussians associated with nonextensive statistical mechanics. More generally, however, as NN increases, the pdfs describe a sequence of QSS that pass from a qq--Gaussian to an exponential shape and ultimately tend to a true Gaussian, as orbits diffuse to larger chaotic domains and the phase space dynamics becomes more uniformly ergodic.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication as a Regular Paper in the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, on Jun 21, 201
