420 research outputs found


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    Pada umumnya museum yang didirikan pada suatu daerah, biasanya berfungsi memuat hasil local genius dari daerah tersebut dan dalam hal ini akan berkaitan dengan nama museum dan penampilan dari bangunan museum itu sendiri untuk memperkuatidentitas atau jati diri dari local genius yang ditampilkan pada display-display museum itu sendiri.Kunjungan pertama saya ke Museum Bahari memberikan kesan terhadap fungsi museum di Indonesia. Selain menyimpan benda-benda kuno, Museum Bahari menawarkan simulasi pelayaran sehingga saya, sebagai pengunjung, dapat merasakansedang berlayar selama berada di museum dengan dipandu Pak Laksamana Yosafat selaku pemilik dan pengelola museum

    Painting in Sangam Era from a Psychological Perspective

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    Evidence of the existence of painting in the Sangam period is found in the Sangam hymns. Sangam songs are proof that the art of painting was developed in our Tamil Nadu. Most of the paintings in our country are wall paintings. In ancient literature, the intuitions and thoughts of the mind were expressed through art. Romantic and physical realities, habits etc. can be found in sculptures and paintings. The moral values of the people living in five land forms are known through sculptures and paintings. These sculptures and paintings can be seen in temples even today. The relationship between the hero and heroine are artistically expressed. That is why the sculptures in the temples are referred by psychologists as examples of events in the lives of those who are attached to them. This article examines painting and sculpture in the Sangam poems from a psychological perspective

    A Tablet Screen Cast Receiver for Classroom with Low End Android Devices

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    Salah satu aktivitas menggunakan tablet adalah presentasi. Saat ini, kebanyakan aktivitas presentasi dilakukan menggunakan adapter VGA untuk bisa tersambung dengan LCD Proyektor. Konfigurasi ini memungkin presentasi berbasis kabel. Dan ini adalah hal yang menyulitkan penggunaannya untuk perangkat tablet yang memiliki sifat mobilitas tinggi. Beruntung, sudah ada banyak vendor yang menyediakan sistem presentasi yang bersahabat dengan membuatnya menjadi nirkabel. Tapi sistem tersebut hanya mendukung perangkat tablet high end. Pada makalah ini, kami mengajukan sebuah penerima tablet screen cast untuk perangkat tablet android low end. Yang memiliki potensi untuk diimplementasikan di kelas. Dari eksperimen, kami memperoleh hasil 9 FPS dengan delay sebesar 2 detik

    Delving into Geospatial Data Services: Monitoring Earth for Covid-19 Impact Measure and Decision Making

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    Geospatial technologies are crucial for many applications and can facilitate decision-making to benefit society.  When the Covid-19 pandemic restricted most of the services, geospatial technologies like satellite remote sensing, geographical information systems, and other allied technologies were found essential.  They speed up many critical decision-making processes in the fight against the pandemic.  This paper explores the significant contributions from the geospatial aspects throughout the pandemic in various research domains.  The potential applications of geospatial technology to assist humanity during the pandemic are thoroughly examined.  We categorized the entire study into i) environmental monitoring services, ii) disease control and management services, and iii) forecasting and decision-making services.  Many valuable findings are derived based on the systematic review of some remarkable works.  The outcome helps us understand how decision-making and forecasting are essential in the fight against the pandemic, with profound implications for future multidisciplinary research using geospatial technology

    Tanggung Jawab Dokter dalam Melakukan Aborsi tanpa Seijin Ibu yang Mengandung atau Keluarga dalam Perspektif Hukum Positif di Indonesia

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    A doctors liable criminally to do an abortion without any permission orexplanation before an abortion to the pregnant or the family. A doctor's Criminalliability that does an abortion as a medical indication without any permissionfrom the pregnant mother or the family is considered as a subjection to criminalpenalties if the abortion is not done under emergency situation. Otherwise, doctoris not liable to the law. The writing uses juridical normative approach andobserved using primary, secondary and tertiary literature. The technique ofcollecting data is obtained by researching the literature. After observing, theliterature is analyzed by qualitative method. The result of this research is that anabortion case as a medical indication without any permission from the pregnantmother or the family is subject to criminal penalties, civil liability andadministrative sanctions. It is stipulated in criminal code and civil code, so thatabortion is absolutely prohibited

    Pengembangan Aplikasi E-learning dengan Menggunakan PHP Framework Prado

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    Electronic-learning or e-learning as a tool to make teaching process to be more effective and efficient in Blended learning system. One of the technology that suitable to make effective and efficient learing system come true is using web site. But in order to make the web site easy to maintain, a suitable framework is needed. Prado framework, as a combonent-based and event-driven framework, can be the solution to create a web site hich is easy to maintain. These framework is can be run on PHP framework and can used in this e-learning web application to create web site which is easy to maintain and complete on teaching’s feature that needed. The features which is provided on this application are manage user, manage institution, manage course, manage exam, manage exercise, manage assignment, and communication features such as messaging, forum and disscussion board to enrich interaction between users in the e-learning application

    Effects of Boko Haram Insurgency on Public Schools and Responses by Government of Borno State, Nigeria

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    Boko Haram insurgency in the Northeast affected all sectors of human endeavour including education. This study examined the effects of the insurgency on the education sector in Borno State. Heads of institutions from five primary, four junior secondary and four senior secondary schools in each of the three senatorial zones were selected based on the availability of the heads of the schools and interviewed with a structured 24 item questionnaire consisting of both open ended and close ended questions. This was triangulated with official data obtained from Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) and other sources. Analysis showed that schools in Borno Central (23.3%) and Southern (15.8%) senatorial zones are severely damaged in terms of infrastructure. where classrooms, laboratories and hostels were damaged. As a response measure, government embarked on immediate closure of schools, and later their merger into learning centres in Maiduguri and Biu, development of Educational Sector plan and securing of schools including fencing and barb wire. Other measures include increased government spending on education to provide facilities, free lunch and transportation services to pupils through the school bus transit scheme. It was recommended that recruitment of more teachers into both primary and secondary schools as well as sustenance of the school feeding programme are required.
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