35 research outputs found


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    The article describes the developed method for determining the degree of damage to wheat grain by smut fungi, which allows to determine its non-toxic level, increase the measurement accuracy and reliability of the results, to ensure the simplicity of processing the results, to prevent further damage to wheat grain and to ensure its safety without compromising quality. As smut reduces the yield, worsens the quality of grain and grain products, and improving the sanitary condition of grain raw materials is an urgent problem. It was established that the developed method allows to significantly reduce the cost of analysis by 300-320 rubles, reduce the time for analysis by 20-25 minutes, reduce the measurement error from 15% to 10%

    Влияние короткого курса терапии мовалисом на качество жизни пациентов с остеоартрозом

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    Tsel' issledovaniya. Otsenivali vliyanie korotkogo kursa terapii movalisom na kachestvo zhizni patsientov s osteoartrozom. Materialy i metody. Dlya opredeleniya kachestva zhizni bol'nykh ispol'zovalsya obshchiy oprosnik EQ-5D. V techenie 10 dney patsienty poluchali nesteroidnyy protivovospalitel'nyy preparat movalis, provodilas' takzhe terapiya soputstvuyushchikh zabolevaniy. Anketu kachestva zhizni EQ-5D bol'nye zapolnyali pri vklyuchenii v issledovanie i posle okonchaniya kursa terapii. Rezul'taty issledovaniya. Na fone 10-dnevnogo kursa lecheniya dostoverno uluchshilsya sredniy pokazatel' kachestva zhizni po «termometru» oprosnika EQ. Pri analize sostavlyayushchikh kachestva zhizni vyyavleno, chto dostovernogo uluchsheniya pokazateley v kategoriyakh «peredvizhenie», «samoobsluzhivanie» i «povsednevnaya aktivnost'» ne dostignuto. Statisticheski dostovernaya polozhitel'naya dinamika poluchena v kategoriyakh «bol'/diskomfort», «trevoga/depressiya» i v otsenke obshchego sostoyaniya zdorov'ya po sravneniyu s takovym god nazad (tak nazyvaemaya perekhodnaya tochka zdorov'ya). Zaklyuchenie. Dazhe korotkiy kurs terapii movalisom statisticheski dostoverno uluchshaet kachestvo zhizni patsientov s osteoartrozom.Цель исследования. Оценивали влияние короткого курса терапии мовалисом на качество жизни пациентов с остеоартрозом. Материалы и методы. Для определения качества жизни больных использовался общий опросник EQ-5D. В течение 10 дней пациенты получали нестероидный противовоспалительный препарат мовалис, проводилась также терапия сопутствующих заболеваний. Анкету качества жизни EQ-5D больные заполняли при включении в исследование и после окончания курса терапии. Результаты исследования. На фоне 10-дневного курса лечения достоверно улучшился средний показатель качества жизни по «термометру» опросника EQ. При анализе составляющих качества жизни выявлено, что достоверного улучшения показателей в категориях «передвижение», «самообслуживание» и «повседневная активность» не достигнуто. Статистически достоверная положительная динамика получена в категориях «боль/дискомфорт», «тревога/депрессия» и в оценке общего состояния здоровья по сравнению с таковым год назад (так называемая переходная точка здоровья). Заключение. Даже короткий курс терапии мовалисом статистически достоверно улучшает качество жизни пациентов с остеоартрозом

    Предикторы отмены генно-инженерных биологических препаратов ввиду развития нежелательных явлений у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом

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    Currently, a large number of highly effective biologic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) and targeted synthetic DMARDs (tsDMARDs) are used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, in addition to effectiveness, it is necessary to evaluate the risk of adverse events (AEs) when using them.Objective: to determine the predictors of bDMARDs and tsDMARDs discontinuation due to AEs in patients with RA.Patients and methods. The study included 661 patients with RA who took bDMARDs and tsDMARDs. The search for predictors of targeted therapy discontinuation due to AEs was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, using the Kaplan-Meier method, we selected indicators that showed the greatest significant single-factor relationship with the duration of retention on therapy. At the second stage, significant independent indicators were obtained by iterative selection of variables within the multivariate proportional risk model according to Cox.Results and discussion. The presence of rheumatoid nodules (p<0.001), high doses of glucocorticoids (GC; p<0.001), low doses of methotrexate (MT; p=0.009) are significant independent factors for increasing the risk of drugs discontinuation due to the development of AEs. The type of bDMARDs/tsDMARD used also significantly correlated with the risk of discontinuation of therapy due to AEs. A relatively high risk of treatment discontinuation was observed with infliximab (IFN) and certolizumab pegol (CZP). Cancellation of IFN was associated with the occurrence of infusion reactions and infectious complications, and CZP was associated with infectious complications.Conclusion. An increase in the dose of MT and decrease in the use of GCs can help prevent the development of AEs leading to the abolition of biologics and tsDMARDs. Significant differences were found between bDMARDs in terms of the risk of their cancellation due to AEs.В настоящее время для лечения ревматоидного артрита (РА) используется большое число генно-инженерных биологических (ГИБП) и таргетных синтетических базисных противовоспалительных препаратов (тсБПВП), которые обладают высокой эффективностью. Однако, помимо эффективности, необходимо оценивать риск возникновения нежелательных явлений (НЯ) при их использовании.Цель исследования — определить предикторы отмены ГИБП и тсБПВП из-за НЯ у пациентов с РА.Пациенты и методы. В исследование включен 661 пациент с РА, принимавший ГИБП и тсБПВП. Поиск предикторов отмены таргетной терапии ввиду НЯ проводился в два этапа. На первом этапе с помощью метода Каплана—Майера были отобраны показатели, которые демонстрировали наибольшую значимую однофакторную связь с длительностью удержания на терапии. На втором этапе значимые независимые показатели были получены путем пошагового отбора переменных в рамках многофакторной модели пропорционального риска по Коксу.Результаты и обсуждение. Наличие ревматоидных узелков (p<0,001), высокие дозы глюкокортикоидов (ГК; p<0,001), низкие дозы метотрексата (МТ; p=0,009) являются значимыми независимыми факторами увеличения риска отмены препаратов из-за развития НЯ. Используемый ГИБП/тсБПВП также значимо коррелировал с риском отмены терапии из-за НЯ. Относительно высокий риск прекращения лечения был отмечен у инфликсимаба (ИНФ) и цертолизумаба пэгола (ЦЗП). Отмена ИНФ была связана с возникновением инфузионных реакций и инфекционных осложнений, а ЦЗП — с инфекционными осложнениями.Заключение. Увеличение дозы МТ, уменьшение использования ГКмогут способствовать предотвращению развития НЯ, приводящих к отмене ГИБП и тсБПВП. Выявлены существенные различия между ГИБП в отношении риска их отмены вследствие НЯ

    Vliyanie korotkogo kursa terapii movalisom na kachestvo zhizni patsientov s osteoartrozom

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    Tsel' issledovaniya. Otsenivali vliyanie korotkogo kursa terapii movalisom na kachestvo zhizni patsientov s osteoartrozom. Materialy i metody. Dlya opredeleniya kachestva zhizni bol'nykh ispol'zovalsya obshchiy oprosnik EQ-5D. V techenie 10 dney patsienty poluchali nesteroidnyy protivovospalitel'nyy preparat movalis, provodilas' takzhe terapiya soputstvuyushchikh zabolevaniy. Anketu kachestva zhizni EQ-5D bol'nye zapolnyali pri vklyuchenii v issledovanie i posle okonchaniya kursa terapii. Rezul'taty issledovaniya. Na fone 10-dnevnogo kursa lecheniya dostoverno uluchshilsya sredniy pokazatel' kachestva zhizni po «termometru» oprosnika EQ. Pri analize sostavlyayushchikh kachestva zhizni vyyavleno, chto dostovernogo uluchsheniya pokazateley v kategoriyakh «peredvizhenie», «samoobsluzhivanie» i «povsednevnaya aktivnost'» ne dostignuto. Statisticheski dostovernaya polozhitel'naya dinamika poluchena v kategoriyakh «bol'/diskomfort», «trevoga/depressiya» i v otsenke obshchego sostoyaniya zdorov'ya po sravneniyu s takovym god nazad (tak nazyvaemaya perekhodnaya tochka zdorov'ya). Zaklyuchenie. Dazhe korotkiy kurs terapii movalisom statisticheski dostoverno uluchshaet kachestvo zhizni patsientov s osteoartrozom

    Assessment of sorption properties of sorbent based on silicon dioxide

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    Effective sorbents are used to address the issues of improving food safety. The economic feasibility of cleaning increases when using food production wastes as sorbents. With the help of modern methods were studied the composition and properties of the sorbent ADC obtained from rice husk. Sorbent is a type of pyrogenic silica. With the help of modern methods for assessing the quality of substances, the chemical composition and morphological features of the surface of the sorbent were studied. In addition, the static exchange capacity for various pollutants was investigated. It is established that the ADC well detains inorganic compounds, which included iron, manganese and aluminum. Desorption of chemical compounds from the used sorbent does not have a significant effect on the content of heavy metals in water. This indicates the strength of sorption bonds. To establish the nature of the moisture in the sorbent with the determination of temperature intervals at which dehydration occurs, a simultaneous thermal analysis was carried out, which allowed determining the temperature zones that correspond to moisture removal, moisture removal with different binding energy, and predict the mode parameters of the moisture removal process and select the most effective way to remove them. dehydration. The operation of the device used is based on the continuous recording of the dependence of the change in mass of the material on time or temperature when it is heated in accordance with the selected temperature program in a given gas atmosphere. At the same time, the release or absorption of heat by the sample due to phase transitions or chemical reactions was recorded. Investigations were carried out under the following conditions: pressure — atmospheric, maximum temperature 600 K, rate of change of temperature 5 °C/min. The experiments were carried out in aluminum crucibles with a total weight of 10 mg. The analysis made it possible to identify periods of dehydration of water during thermal effects on the ADC, as well as to identify temperature zones that correspond to the release of moisture with different shapes and binding energy

    Use of Janus kinase inhibitors in COVID-19: a prospective observational series in 522 individuals

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    Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors for the treatment of hospitalised patients with COVID-19 have been extensively studied. Initially, at the start of the pandemic outside of China, baricitinib was shown using artificial intelligence to have a potential dual anticytokine and antiviral effect, computer predictions that were then supported by mechanistic data.1–3 This included kinase assays demonstrating inhibition of host numb-associated kinases, notably AP-2-associated protein kinase 1 (AAK1) and cyclin G-associated kinase (GAK), responsible for activating protein-1 (AP-1)-mediated viral propagation and super-resolution microscopy which showed inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 entry into primary human liver spheroids.4 Based on double-blind randomised data from the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial-II (ACTT-II) under the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,5 it received an Emergency Use Authorisation from the United States Food and Drug Administration in November 2020, in combination with remdesevir for the treatment of hospitalised individuals with COVID-19...</p