798 research outputs found

    Delayed birth of distillable entanglement in the evolution of bound entangled states

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    The dynamical creation of entanglement between three-level atoms coupled to the common vacuum is investigated. For the class of bound entangled initial states we show that the dynamics of closely separated atoms generates stationary distillable entanglement of asymptotic states. We also find that the effect of delayed sudden birth of distillable entanglement occurs in the case of atoms separated by a distance comparable with the radiation wavelength.Comment: published versio

    Classical fields approximation for cold weakly interacting bosons without free parameters

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    Classical fields approximation to cold weakly interacting bosons allows for a unified treatment of condensed and uncondensed parts of the system. Until now, however, the quantitative predictions were limited by a dependence of the results on a grid chosen for numerical implementation of the method. In this paper we propose replacing this unphysical ambiguity by an additional postulate: the temperature of the gas at thermal equilibrium should be the same as that of an ideal Bose gas with the same fraction of condensed atoms. As it turns-out, with this additional assumption, nearly all atoms are within the classical fields, thus the method applies to the whole system

    Bronzkori tájakon a Benta völgyében : Kutatások a központ és „hátországa” kapcsolatának megismerésére | Bronze Age Landscapes in the Benta Valley : Research on the Hinterland of Bronze Age Centres

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    Közép-Európában a bronzkori települések hálózatának és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó temetkezéseknek a kutatása a régészeti terepmunkának mindig is meghatározó irányvonalát alkotta. Az elmúlt évszázadok kutatói elsősorban a nagyobb központi települések, tellek, földvárak megismerését tűzték ki célul. Az utóbbi bő évtizedben alapvető változás kezdődött ezen a területen is. A központi települések tanulmányozása mellett hangsúlyosabbá váltak a mikroregionális kutatások, az eltérő funkciójú és szerkezetű települések és temetkezések vizsgálata. A bronzkori tájhasználat tágan értelmezett kérdéseinek megválaszolására csak komplex kutatási programok vállalkozhatnak. A kutatás során többek között a következő kérdések merülnek fel: 1) Miként definiálhatók regionálisan és mikroregionálisan a bronzkor különböző időszakaiban a települési struktúrák? 2) Léteztek-e valódi központok, specializált települések a bronzkorban Közép-Európában? 3) Hogyan befolyásolta a kulturális háttér az adott régió tájhasználatát? 4) A temetőkben hogyan nyilvánul meg a társadalmi és politikai szerveződés? Ilyen komplex, nemzetközi kutatási programok keretében került sor Százhalombatta vidéke bronzkori településtörténetének vizsgálatára. | Research on the network of Bronze Age settlements and their burial grounds has always been a priority of archaeological fieldwork in Central Europe. Researchers of the past centuries tended to focus on the large central settlements such as tells and hillforts. The past decade has seen a shift in research perspectives: while the study of central settlements has lost none of its importance, interest has grown in micro-regional research and the investigation of settlements with differing function and layout. Only complex research projects can address broad issues of Bronze Age land use. We sought answers to the following questions: 1) Did differences exist between the regional and micro-regional settlement patterns during successive periods of the Bronze Age? 2) Were there genuine centres and specialised settlements during the Bronze Age in Central Europe? 3) How did a communityʼs cultural background influence landscape use in a particular region? 4) How is social and political organisation reflected in cemeteries? The Bronze Age settlement history of the Százhalombatta area was investigated as part of an international research project

    Vibration damping of the anti-vibration platform intended for use in combination with audio/music devices

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    The article presents research on the damping properties of an anti-vibration platform (designed and manufactured by Stacore), which is intended for use in combination with high class audio devices. The platform comprises two parts that are capable of passive vibration damping. The design of this platform is unique and has been developed by applying several technical solutions in a combination not found on any other anti-vibration platform on the audio market. These solutions are described in the article. The first part of the platform is pneumatically operated and the second part uses ball bearings. The casing also fulfils the most important function – vibration damping. It is made of amorphous slate (known for its good vibration-damping properties) and includes a metal plate covered with a special visco-elastic layer that fulfils the role of binding material. The first part of the platform realises the pneumatic damping. It comprises four elastomer pneumatic springs, each with its own air tank. The air tanks are designed to operate at a maximum pressure of 5 bar. The second vibration-damping part of the platform is located above the first part (pneumatic) and consists of ball bearings, used for the isolation of transverse vibration, being relatively difficult to deal with pneumatic springs. The upper part consists of three bearings, each of which comprises of a polished, deep hardened steel racings and a ball made of tungsten carbide. The scientific literature describes many solutions enabling vibration damping, including many anti-vibration platforms. However, the literature lacks the descriptions of analyses conducted on anti-vibration platforms for audio devices. This article is a novelty in the literature as it concerns the experimental research aimed at verifying the vibration-damping capacity of the anti-vibration platform that can be used with audio devices owned by people who appreciate high-quality music. The article describes in detail the whole measurement procedure applied to the vibration damping platform. For research purposes, the anti-vibration platform was suspended on flexible ropes. At first, an electromagnetic vibration exciter was attached to the base on which the platform rested, and then the displacements of the upper and lower part of the platform were measured using laser sensors. Based on these signals, the vibration damping capability (transmissibility) of the platform was determined in two mutually perpendicular directions. In addition to the graph that shows the vibration damping capability of the anti-vibration platform, the signals of the applied force and displacements measured during the research are also presented in this article

    Vacuum - induced stationary entanglement in radiatively coupled three - level atoms

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    We consider a pair of three - level atoms interacting with a common vacuum and analyze the process of entanglement production due to spontaneous emission. We show that in the case of closely separated atoms, collective damping can generate robust entanglement of the asymptotic states.Comment: published versio

    Polish-French Bilingualism and Bicultural Identity: Cross-Cultural Studies on Immigrants in France and Belgium, and French Language Students in Poland

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    In the present study, the authors applied the Cultural Values and Script Questionnaire, together with language measures (bidirectional translation, listening comprehension tasks), to explore the relationship between Polish-French bilinguality and bicultural identity among Polish migrants in France and Belgium and students learning French at a Polish University. We hypothesized that the Francophone acculturative context will lead to (i) integrated bicultural identity, as well as (ii) a balanced bilingual profile. Thirdly, we assumed there is a link between an individual’s bicultural identity and his or her bilinguality. The data partially confirm the two first hypotheses. An unexpected contrast effect revealed that students in Poland identify more strongly with French cultural values than with Polish values