25 research outputs found

    Leczenie nieswoistych chorób zapalnych jelit w czasie ciąży i karmienia

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    Planowanie ciąży, jej przebieg, poród oraz stan zdrowia dziecka stanowią istotne zagadnienia w opiece nad pacjentami z chorobami zapalnymi jelit. Większość pacjentek wymaga utrzymania leczenia choroby w czasie ciąży i karmienia, czasami konieczne jest wprowadzenie w tym okresie nowych leków. W artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy dotyczący bezpieczeństwa terapii w okresie przed i w czasie ciąży oraz w okresie karmienia dziecka, zwrócono również uwagę na konieczność edukacji pacjentów oraz zapewnienia wielospecjalistycznej opieki w przypadku zaostrzenia przebiegu choroby lub wystąpienia jej powikłań


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    Artykuł stanowi przyczynek do ograniczenia niedostatku literatury polskiej poświęconej procesom oszczędzania przez gospodarstwa domowe na świecie poprzez diagnozę kierunków zmian w procesach oszczędzania gospodarstw domowych w Japonii. W artykule wskazano, że stopa oszczędzania japońskich gospodarstw domowych była wysoka zarówno w ujęciu bezwzględnym, jak i w porównaniu z wartościami wskaźnika w innych krajach, jednak od lat 90. występuje silna, długotrwała tendencja spadkowa. W celu wyjaśnienia tego zjawiska zidentyfikowano determinanty zmian w procesach oszczędzania gospodarstw domowych w Japonii. Do najistotniejszych uwarunkowań zaliczono: zmiany demograficzne, zmiany dochodów gospodarstw domowych, zmiany w systemie ubezpieczeń społecznych. Wskazano, że postępujące na niespotykaną skalę starzenie się społeczeństwa będzie negatywnie oddziaływać na stopę oszczędzania gospodarstw domowych

    Grocery shopping behaviour in the era of Covid-19 : panel data analysis from convenience store sector in England, Scotland and Wales

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    To the best of our knowledge this is the first attempt to address the consistencies and inconsistencies between the grocery shopping behaviour shifts in the era of Covid-19 across three devolved nations of the mainland UK. We address the strictness of ‘lockdown style’ closure and containment policies that primarily restrict people’s behaviour (stringency index). We use a unique dataset of transactional data (778,305 observations) drawn from 1,282 convenience stores located in England, Scotland and Wales. Panel data analysis covers the pre-pandemic (Jan 2018 – Feb 2020) and pandemic period (March 2020 – Dec 2020). This research reveals that, despite the consistent decrease of single item transactions and increase of average spend per transaction across England, Scotland and Wales, the dynamics of these shifts in time varies meaningfully. All these shifts highly correlate with the stringency index. Analysis of additional explanatory variables i.e. store size, location, affiliation shows further dimensions

    Consumers' response to pandemic threat: Purchase behaviour in convenience stores. Evidence from British panel data

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    1) Background: Consumers’ response to threat is an important topic and needs further exploration, especially in times of Covid-19 pandemic. This paper contributes towards widening its understanding from the perspective of consumers’ purchase behaviour in the context of convenience stores. It adds to the debate on the influence of the Covid-19 threat and all unprecedented pandemic circumstances (exogenous and endogenous impacts) on consumers’ purchase routines and habits. 2) Methods: This study analyses a unique dataset of transactional data (783,502 observations) drawn from 1,291 convenience stores located in the United Kingdom (thanks to The Retail Data Partnership Ltd). The captured period includes 36 months (from January 2018 till December 2020). This panel data study concentrates on the particular aspects of purchase behaviour (one item transactions, average spend per transaction) in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period. 3) Results: This investigation reveals that the share of one item transactions fundamentally decreased in the analysed pandemic period (especially in April 2020) both in the overall number and value of transactions. The average transaction (basket) value increased in that period. Further analysis concerning the stores’ location, affiliation and size adds depth to our contribution. 4) Conclusions: Our findings show the meaning of convenience sector in times of threat. We demonstrate specific aspects of the claim that purchase behaviour habits and patterns have significantly changed in the era of Covid-19 pandemic. Understanding this change underpins the long-term process of knowledge building in the field of consumers’ purchase behaviour. It also makes business practitioners, policymakers and consumers more proactive than reactive in the case of future

    Diagnostic Difficulties in Woman with Crohn’s Disease, Ascites, and Elevated Value of Serum CA125 Antigen

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    Variety of symptoms and atypical clinical course of Crohn’s disease (CD) often create the need for additional diagnostic procedures. In the described case of woman with CD, there was a suspicion of coexistence of ovarian cancer. This issue is particularly important in patients treated with immunosuppressants and biological agents. The discussion focused on the usefulness of CA125 (cancer antigen 125, mucin 16) serum level estimation in clinical practice and draws attention to the possible reasons for the increase of its value which is not associated to ovarian cancer

    Improvement in health-related quality of life after therapy with omeprazole in patients with coronary artery disease and recurrent angina-like chest pain. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the SF-36 survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) have overlapping gastroenterological causes of recurrent chest pain, mainly due to gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and aspirin-induced gastrointestinal tract damage. These symptoms can be alleviated by proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). The study addressed whether omeprazole treatment also affects general health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with CAD.</p> <p>Study</p> <p>48 patients with more than 50% narrowing of the coronary arteries on angiography without clinically overt gastrointestinal symptoms were studied. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study design, patients were randomized to take omeprazole 20 mg bid or a placebo for two weeks, and then crossed over to the other study arm. The SF-36 questionnaire was completed before treatment and again after two weeks of therapy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patients treated with omeprazole in comparison to the subjects taking the placebo had significantly greater values for the SF-36 survey (which relates to both physical and mental health), as well as for bodily pain, general health perception, and physical health. In comparison to the baseline values, therapy with omeprazole led to a significant increase in the three summarized health components: total SF-36; physical and mental health; and in the following detailed health concept scores: physical functioning, limitations due to physical health problems, bodily pain and emotional well-being.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A double dose of omeprazole improved the general HRQL in patients with CAD without severe gastrointestinal symptoms more effectively than the placebo.</p

    Depressive and anxiety symptoms among patients with inflammatory bowel diseases

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    Introduction. This study was conducted on a population of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and was based on an assessment of the prevalence and severity of depression and anxiety symptoms in various clinical aspects. The psychological features of IBD patients are very important in the perception of symptoms, but crucial as triggers of IBD or as a releasing factor for IBD symptoms recurrence. Methods. The study included 130 patients with IBD, including 68 with Crohn’s disease (CD) and 62 with ulcerative colitis (UC). The severity of anxiety and depression symptoms were examined by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Patients were also subjected to assessment of anthropometric attributes, clinical factors, quality of life, and symptoms of the disease, with dedicated clinical scales. Results. The occurrence of significant symptoms of anxiety was estimated at 45.5% in patients with CD and 30.5% in the UC patients. Significant depressive symptoms related to 20.5% of people with CD and 17.5% of patients with UC. The parameters of anxiety and depression showed significant associations with parameters of quality of life, BMI, and the scales describing the exacerbation of the diseases. Conclusions. The analyses did not reveal significant differences in the severity and prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and depression in subgroups with IBD. The expansion of relevant symptoms of anxiety and depression in this population was greater than in the general population. In addition, there was a significant correlation between parameters of HADS and clinical factors


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    The following paper elaborates on the significance of saving for the financial stability. The changes in the propensity to save of households in Poland between 1997-2010 are discussed. A regression analysis was carried out in order to test the influence of changes in consumer confidence on the household saving rate. It has been demonstrated that a change in consumer confidence for the positive has a negative impact on the saving rate and a change for the negative contributes to a greater propensity to save


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    Artykuł stanowi przyczynek do ograniczenia niedostatku literatury polskiej poświęconej procesom oszczędzania przez gospodarstwa domowe na świecie poprzez diagnozę kierunków zmian w procesach oszczędzania gospodarstw domowych w Japonii. W artykule wskazano, że stopa oszczędzania japońskich gospodarstw domowych była wysoka zarówno w ujęciu bezwzględnym, jak i w porównaniu z wartościami wskaźnika w innych krajach, jednak od lat 90. występuje silna, długotrwała tendencja spadkowa. W celu wyjaśnienia tego zjawiska zidentyfikowano determinanty zmian w procesach oszczędzania gospodarstw domowych w Japonii. Do najistotniejszych uwarunkowań zaliczono: zmiany demograficzne, zmiany dochodów gospodarstw domowych, zmiany w systemie ubezpieczeń społecznych. Wskazano, że postępujące na niespotykaną skalę starzenie się społeczeństwa będzie negatywnie oddziaływać na stopę oszczędzania gospodarstw domowych

    Mental and behavioral disorders in the population of homeless patients admitted to hospital emergency departments

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    The aim of the study is to identify the most common mental and behavioral disorders diagnosed in homeless patients admitted to hospital emergency departments and to identify performed medical procedures including diagnostic and therapeutic measures in this range