5 research outputs found

    A note on the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche on the economic thought of Joseph A. Schumpeter

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    Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950) tarafından eserlerinde ortaya konulan en özgün ve iddialı fikir, bir kahramanın, yaratıcı girişimcinin, dinamik iktisadî yapının öncüsü olmasıdır. Bu mükemmel insan iktisadın üretici güçlerine yeni olanaklar sağlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Nietzsche'nin görüşlerinin Schumpeter'inkiler ile çok sayıda benzerliği vardır. Diğer taraftan, Schumpeter'in vizyonunda Nietzsche'nin tanımladığı anlamda bir yaratıcı unsur da bulunmaktadır. Zamanla bu unsur, iktisadî olgunun gerçek doğasını anlamaya yönelik, daha tutarlı analitik bir önermeye dönüşmüştür. Dolayısıyla, Schumpeter'in girişimcinin önem yitirmesi veya kapitalizmin çöküşü gibi bazı analitik önermelerine, test edilemeyen karakterlerine rağmen, rasyonelleştirilmeleri kaydıyla hoşgörü gösterilebilir.The more original and provocative these which Joseph A. Schumpeter (1883-1950) developed in his work is that an heroic individual, the creative entrepreneur is the innovator of the dynamic economic system. This is the greatest personality who introduces new abilities to the productive forces of the economy. In this context, Nietzsche's thoughts have many similarities with those of Schumpeter's. On the other hand, there is a Nietzschean creative element in the vision of Schumpeter. As time passed, this element has been transformed into a more coherent analytical proposition to understand the very nature of the economic phenomenon. Despite the untestable character of some Schumpeterian analytical propositions, like the obsolescence of the entrepreneur or the danger of the decline of capitalism, we could have tolerance towards them in a rationally justified manner

    The Investigation of University Students’ Knowledge on Nutrition and Eating Habits

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    DergiPark: 481901tmsjAims: The aim of this study is to analyze Trakya University School of Medicine students’ knowledge on nutrition and their eating habits. In addition, it is aimed to determine whether there is a relation between knowledge and nutrition habits and whether medical education is enough to learn the correct information. Methods: The study conducted in May 2018 was carried out by questionnaires given to 681 students, which were composed of 240 first graders, 98 second graders, 78 third graders, 143 fourth graders, and 110 fifth graders. Chi-square method was used to determine the relation between the class and the gender. Results: Out of all students 30.4% of them thought that it is harmful to eat fish and yogurt together. 80.3% of them had the idea that consuming calcium in their diet does not increase iron absorption. 66.9% of the participants declared that they drink tea without sugar.Conclusion: It was determined that the students do not apply the information they know correctly to their daily lives. In some questions, it was observed that the students’ knowledge about nutrition is insufficient. In order to correct the eating habits and to create public awareness of nutrition, courses about nutrition should be included in the curriculum of medical students

    Bir büyük iktisatçının metafizik değer yargılarına bakışı: Joseph A. Schumpeter’in vizyon kavramı

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    Joseph A. Schumpeter’in teorik çalışması üzerinde belki de en önemli odaklanma kapitalizm problemi etrafında yoğunlaşmıştır. Tabiî onun eserlerinin çoğu da bu problemin aşamaları ile ilgilidir. Ancak bu, Schumpeter’in çalışmalarının tüm içeriğini yansıtmamaktadır. Dolayısıyla, Schumpeter’in daha fazla analiz edilmeyi hak eden vizyon kavramı hakkında en azından birkaç söz söylemek gereklidir. Ayrıca bu makale, Schumpeter’in pozitif anlam yüklediği ideoloji kavramı ile vizyon kavramını birbirlerinden ayrıştırarak, bilim adamının analitik önermelerini oluştururken maruz kaldığı metafizik nitelikli değer yargılarının etkilerini tartışmaktadır. Son olarak, Schumpeter’in bilim öncesi bilişsel hareket olarak tanımladığı vizyon teorisinin hem savunulabilir hem de yararlı olduğu iddiası ileri sürülmektedir.Probably the widest focus for examining Joseph A. Schumpeter’s theoretical work revolves around the problem of capitalism. And most of his work was concerned with probing some phase of this problem. But this is not all of Schumpeter’s work. Thus, it is necessary to say a few words about Schumpeter’s notion of vision, a concept that deserves to be much more analyzed. And distinguishing Schumpeter’s positive notion of ideology from his vision, the article discuss the impact of the metaphysical colored value judgments on the formulation of scientist’s analytical propositions. Finally, the argument is made that, Schumpeter’s theory of vision as an preanalytic cognitive act is both tenable and useful