1,707 research outputs found

    On Minimal Valid Inequalities for Mixed Integer Conic Programs

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    We study disjunctive conic sets involving a general regular (closed, convex, full dimensional, and pointed) cone K such as the nonnegative orthant, the Lorentz cone or the positive semidefinite cone. In a unified framework, we introduce K-minimal inequalities and show that under mild assumptions, these inequalities together with the trivial cone-implied inequalities are sufficient to describe the convex hull. We study the properties of K-minimal inequalities by establishing algebraic necessary conditions for an inequality to be K-minimal. This characterization leads to a broader algebraically defined class of K- sublinear inequalities. We establish a close connection between K-sublinear inequalities and the support functions of sets with a particular structure. This connection results in practical ways of showing that a given inequality is K-sublinear and K-minimal. Our framework generalizes some of the results from the mixed integer linear case. It is well known that the minimal inequalities for mixed integer linear programs are generated by sublinear (positively homogeneous, subadditive and convex) functions that are also piecewise linear. This result is easily recovered by our analysis. Whenever possible we highlight the connections to the existing literature. However, our study unveils that such a cut generating function view treating the data associated with each individual variable independently is not possible in the case of general cones other than nonnegative orthant, even when the cone involved is the Lorentz cone

    Research on male flower structure of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) genotypes identified by selection

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    Bu çalışma, Aydın ili Nazilli ilçesinde yapılan seleksiyon çalışması sonucu belirlenmiş olan kestane (Castanea sativa Mill.) genotiplerinde erkek çiçek yapılarının incelenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. 2012 yılı çiçeklenme döneminde alınan erkek çiçek püsküllerinde;püskül boyu,erkek çiçek küme sayısı, erkek ordganların tepale göre boyları, püskül üzerinde bulunan kümelerde çiçek sayıları, çiçek içerisinde erkek organ sayıları, anterlerin boyutları gibi özelliklere ilişkin ölçümler ve mikroskop altında incelemeler yapılmıştır. Araştırmalar sonucunda, N-2-5, N-3-4, N-23-1 genotiplerinin anter oluşturmadıkları için stamensiz tip olarak nitelendirildiği ve bu nedenle kısır oldukları için tozlayıcılık yeteneği bulunmadığı saptanmıştır. Denemede yer alan N-7-3 genotipinin orta stamenli ve N-20-2 genotipinin uzun stamenli olduğu yapılan mikroskobik inceleme sonucu ortaya konmuştur.The study aims to analyzethe structure of male flowers of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.)genotypes selected as a result of selection study in district of Aydın Province Nazilli. The catkin lenght, the number of male flower cluster according to tepal male organs, height, number of flower cluster on the catkin, the male organ in the number of flowers, anters on features such as size measurements of male flowers selected among the stamen during the blooming period in 2012 were measured and the related study was carried out under a microscope. This study shows that genotypes N-2-5, N-3-4 and N-23-1 are defined as no-stamen genotypeas they do not form any anthers and owing to this fact they do not have the ability of duster since they are sterile The Microscopic study showed that the genotype N-7-3 has a mesostaminate and the genotype N-20-2 has a longstaminate

    Sayyid Qutb and the Origins of Radical Islamism

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    In August 2013, the Egyptian military, which deposed the elected president Mohammed Mursi a month earlier, harshly cracked down on the protestors. The protestors, led by the Muslim Brotherhood, aimed to restore the Mursi government through their sit-ins. The military crackdown left hundreds, if not thousands, died and several thousand arrests behind. While scholars are trying to account for what is happening in Egypt and states are searching for relevant policies to respond to these developments, only a few books can offer as nuanced insights as John Calvert’s Sayyid Qutb and the Origins of Radical Islamism offers. Based on diligent research, Calvert writes on the life and thinking of one of the most influential Islamist thinkers, Sayyid Qutb, with a special attention to the social, cultural, economic and political context within which Qutb lived. Throughout the book, Calvert sophisticatedly shows the interaction between the formation of Qutb’s thoughts and the Egyptian socio-political context. This academically rigorous but still accessible study shows the transformation of a literary critic to a romantic nationalist, to a mainstream Islamist, and to a religious revolutionary as social, cultural and political turbulences unfolded in Egypt over the years

    Searching for "Alternative Diaspora Spaces" : Highly-skilled Turkish Migrants' Social and Professional Life Experiences in Europe

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    Nilay Kılınç is a social anthropologist who works in the field of migration studies. She has an interdisciplinary background, with a BA degree in International Relations (Turkey) and an MA degree in European Studies (Sweden). She obtained her PhD degree from the University of Surrey (UK). Her doctoral thesis was supervised by Prof. Allan Williams and explored the lifestyle motivations of second generation Turkish-Germans on their “return” journeys to Turkey and during their post-“return” lives. She has worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the New Europe College (Romania) and the University of Rijeka (Croatia), and as a visiting research fellow at the University of Leipzig (Germany). During March–July 2020, she was based in Sofia (Bulgaria), working as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for Advanced Study. Currently, she holds a postdoctoral researcher position at the University of Helsinki (Finland), undertaking research on the social and professional networks of highly-skilled Turkish migrants in the Nordic countries.This paper explores highly-skilled Turkish migrants’ social and professional life experiences with several Others (i.e., “Turkish,” “European,” “international”) in their respective European host societies. Based on the life-story narratives collected from 40 highly-skilled Turkish migrants residing in Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden, the paper offers a qualitative analysis on how the sample group perceive and evaluate their individual identities vis-à-vis the general group identities (i.e., the Turkish diaspora and the host society). Moreover, the paper reveals the ways in which they build/maintain alternative social networks based on such perceptions, their social statuses, professions and lifestyles. The premise is, on one hand, that they feel a gap between themselves and the older Turkish diasporas, and, on the other hand, that they are unable to cross certain cultural boundaries of the wider European society. Subsequently, they find ways to navigate through “cultures of rejection” by searching for “alternative diaspora spaces” which promote openness, fairness and pluralism


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    In this study, it is specified \emph{the sequence space} l(F(r,s),p)l\left( F\left( r,s\right),p\right) , (where p=(pk)p=\left( p_{k}\right) is any bounded sequence of positive real numbers) and researched some algebraic and topological features of this space. Further, α,\alpha -, β,\beta -, γ\gamma - duals and its Schauder Basis are given. The classes of \emph{matrix transformations} from the space l(F(r,s),p)l\left( F\left( r,s\right) ,p\right) to the spaces l,c,l_{\infty },c, and % c_{0} are qualified. Additionally, acquiring qualifications of some other \emph{matrix transformations} from the space l(F(r,s),p)l\left( F\left( r,s\right) ,p\right) to the \emph{Euler, Riesz, difference}, etc., \emph{sequence spaces} is the other result of the paper

    Effect of active learning techiques on 4th grade students' listening comprehension skills and attidudes towards listening

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    In this research, it was aimed to determine the effect of active learning techniques on 4th grade students‟ listening comprehension skills and attitudes towards listening. The research was carried out with the participation of the 4th grade students who enrolled in Tire Merkez Menderes Primary school in city of Ġzmir. Study group of the research was composed of 56 4th grade students. In order to assess the listening skills of the students, one narrative and one instructive text have been chosen and a listening comprehension achievement test was developed. Achievement test and Attitudes Towards Listening Scale developed by the researcher were administered as pretest measures. Data obtained from students‟ responses was analyzed with SPSS 18 package program and it was observed that there were no significant differences between the 4th grade class sections. Therefore, 4/A class (28 students) was assigned as experimental group and 4/B class (28 students) was assigned as control group. Listening training composed of course plans organized with active learning techniques were provided to students in experimental group through 8-weeks by the researcher. However, courses of control group were carried out by the classroom teacher. In order to evaluate mean group differences, Achievement Test and Attitudes Towards Listening Scale used as pretest measures were administered again as post-test measures. In the end of the research, when Achievement Test scores and Attitudes Towards Listening Scale scores were examined, it was determined that there were significant differences in favor of experimental group. As a result, it can be said that active learning techniques improved listening skills and attitudes towards listening positively.Bu çalışma; aktif öğrenme teknikleriyle hazırlanmış ders içeriklerinin öğrencilerin dinlediğini anlama becerisini ve dinlemeye yönelik tutumlarını nasıl etkilediğini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma 2013-2014 eğitim öğretim yılında, İzmir ili Tire ilçesindeki Merkez Menderes İlkokulu‟nda uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 4/A ve 4/B sınıflarında öğrenim gören 56 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Öğrencilerin dinleme düzeylerini belirlemek için bir adet öyküleyici, bir adet bilgilendirici metin seçilmiş ve bu metinlere yönelik dinlediğini anlama başarı testi geliştirilmiştir. Başarı testleriyle beraber öğrencilere, araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen Dinlemeye Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği ön test olarak uygulanmıştır. Öğrencilerin vermiş oldukları cevaplar SPSS 18 programında analiz edilmiş ve aralarında anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığı görülmüştür. Aralarında anlamlı farklılık bulunmayan bu sınıflardan 4/B sınıfı deney (28 öğrenci) , 4/A sınıfı (28 öğrenci) kontrol grubu olarak belirlenmiştir. Deney grubundaki öğrencilere 8 hafta boyunca aktif öğrenme teknikleriyle düzenlenmiş ders planları aracılığıyla dinleme eğitimi verilmiştir. Kontrol grubundaki dersler sınıf öğretmeni aracılığıyla yürütülmüştür. Uygulamaların sonunda ön test olarak sunulan başarı testleri ve tutum ölçeği gruplar arasında farklılıkları değerlendirmek amacıyla son test olarak da kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonunda, deney ve kontrol grubundaki öğrencilerin başarı testlerinden ve Dinlemeye Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği‟ nden elde ettikleri puanlar incelendiğinde deney grubu lehine anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçtan hareketle aktif öğrenme tekniklerinin ilkokul 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin dinleme becerilerini geliştirdiği ve dinlemeye yönelik tutumlarını olumlu yönde değiştirdiği söylenebilir

    Ribbon development in Aydın along Denizli-İzmir Highway

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, City and Regional Planning, Izmir. 2000Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 108-111)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 112 leavesThe purpose of this thesis is to show that the ribbon development is an important practicein the formation of urban-rural fabric.Thisthesis analyses the structure and problems of ribbon development with its attributes on environment and planning practice. The attributes of ribbon development are defined as; loss of agricultural lands, environmental and scenic quality damage, decrease in capacityof roads, problem of traffic and uneconomic extension of utilities. Considering these attributes, the level of impacts of ribbon development on urban-rural fabric can be analysed through an empirical study. Therefore, with such an empirical study the structural characteristics of ribbon development and degree of importance of attributes of ribbon development become clear. In addition to this, how the developments of transportation and planning mechanisms on agenda affect the process of ribbon development,is justified

    Factors constraining the development of professional project management in Turkey's urban design practice

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, City and Regional Planning, Izmir, 2004Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 75)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxii, 142 leavesProject success is achieved via the obtainment of the product which provides desired quality within definite time and limited resources and with maximum performance. Project management is an occupation which requires utilizing modern management techniques to provide this. Today, project management concepts are utilized in many different fields such as medicine, chemistry, industry.etc. Western countries utilize project management approach in extensive urban design projects aiming especially urban renewal and transformation, too. However, it is not, yet, possible to say that this approach is widely utilized in our country.s urban design practice.This study investigates the perception of project management understanding in Turkey.s urban design practice and the factors constraining the development of professional project management in this field

    Global Imbalances, Current Account Rebalancing and Exchange Rate Adjustments

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    We analyze the global imbalances and the required adjustments for rebalancing in current accounts and real exchange rates. We set up a two-country two-sector model for the US- China with two asymmetries. First, we assume that the size of China initially is one third of the US but its size becomes half of the US in the next ten years consistent with the fast growth expectations in China. Secondly, we assume that China initially runs a net export surplus against the US. Then we quantitatively study two adjustment scenarios. First scenario,called Slow Adjustment, assumes that in the process of growth, Chinese demand composition moves more towards domestic non-tradable sector. In this case, Chinese real exchange rate appreciates gradually and net export surplus also decreases slowly. Second scenario, called Quick Adjustment, assumes that in addition to the higher non-tradable share in output, net export surplus against US goes to zero quickly in fi�ve years. In this case, net export adjustment happens quickly and real exchange rates in China also appreciate faster and at a higher rate than Slow Adjustment case. Even though, global imbalances are eliminated faste in the Quick Adjustment case, high real appreciation in China hurts importers in the US. A comparison in terms of output shows that Slow Adjustments is preferred for both countries.Global imbalances, Current accounts, Exchange rate adjustments