197 research outputs found

    Highlights in Probiotic Research

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    The purpose of this research is to reveal how the secondary school English course comes true and how teaching practices are implemented in line with the opinions of English teachers. In this research, the case study was adopted from the qualitative research designs. The study group consists of two teachers working in the central school, one working in the religious vocational secondary school, two working in the district, and one teacher working in the village. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six English teachers working in different schools and settlements. For this purpose, semi-structured interview forms were used. In data analysis, the content analysis method was used. The obtained data were coded by the same investigator for two months, the resulting codes were collected under the themes and the obtained themes were presented in tables. As a result of the study it was seen that teachers did not prepare annual and weekly / daily plans, did not do enough activities to improve speech and listening skills, and did not teach grammar in an integrated manner in language skills. It was also seen that teachers have importance to reading skills and vocabulary teaching and that they use the textbooks and supplementary materials as basic teaching materials. Teachers think that the lack of a branch system and the lesson time has a negative effect on language teaching. According to the results of the research, a number of suggestions were made.  Article visualizations

    Topology optimization of double-curved double-layer grids

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    A topology optimization procedure for double layer grids which have square-on-square configuration and top and/or bottom layers are curved in one or two directions is presented. The number of nodes is treated as design variables during optimization process; as a result, the number of members varies. The configuration of grid structures is generated using the graph product operations. The coordinates of nodes and the cross sections of members are taken as continuous and discrete design variables, respectively. As an optimizer, a new swarm based optimization algorithm called Artificial Bee Colony algorithm is used. A design example is included to show the applicability of the presented procedure for optimization of double-curved double-layer grids

    Clinical assessment of epidural analgesia induced by xylazine-lidocaine combination accompanied by xylazine sedation in calves

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    <p/> <p>The aim of the present study was to investigate whether epidural administration of a xylazine-lidocaine combination accompanied by xylazine sedation would provide satisfactory analgesia for some surgical procedures on 10 calves admitted to the Department of Veterinary Surgery, University of Kafkas with perineal urolithiasis (n:2), rectovaginal fistula (n:1), atresia ani (n:2), omphalophlebitis (n:2), omphaloarteritis (n:1) and umbilical hernia (n:2).</p> <p>Following intramuscular injection of xylazine at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg for sedation, xylazine-lidocaine combination (0.2 mg/kg lidocaine + 0.02 mg/kg xylazine + 5 ml 0.9% NaCl) was administrated into the lumbosacral (L<sub>6</sub>-S<sub>1</sub>), sacrococcygeal (S<sub>5</sub>-Co<sub>1</sub>) or intercoccygeal (Co<sub>1</sub>-Co<sub>2</sub>) space. Heart rate, respiratory rate and rectal temperature were recorded prior to and during analgesia at 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes. Furthermore, depth and duration of analgesia were evaluated during surgical intervention.</p> <p>The study revealed that the combination of epidural xylazine-lidocaine with xylazine sedation was highly satisfactory for surgery of the lower urinary tract and the perineal region, but it was less so for surgery of the umbilical area.</p

    Je li limfopenija prediktor smrtnosti u bolesnika s COVID-19?

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    In this study, we evaluated the relation between the presence of lymphopenia and the need of intensive care unit (ICU) or mortality. A total of 1670 COVID-19 patients were divided according to the severity of lymphopenia developing at the time of COVID-19 infection. According to the symptoms and need of ICU, the infection was classified as mild or severe. The rates of severe infection, ICU admission, and mortality were evaluated between the groups. Among 1670 patients, 576 (34.4%) patients had severe disease and 1094 (65.6%) patients had a mild form of the disease; 213 (12.7%) patients with severe COVID-19 died. The severe form of COVID-19 was more common in patients with low lymphocyte levels (<500) than in those with normal lymphocytes count (64.7% vs. 5.2%; p<0.001). The odds ratio of lymphopenic patients was 2.4 (1.8-3.0; p=0.001). The risk of severe COVID-19 infection and mortality was 8.9 and 12.4 times higher in patients with low lymphocyte count compared to patients with normal lymphocyte count subsequently. ROC analysis showed that lymphocyte counts lower than 615 lym/mcL had 96.4% sensitivity for severe disease (AUC:0.89 (0.842-0.938); p<0.001). There was a significant negative correlation between lymphocyte count and mortality rate and severe COVID-19 disease (for severe COVID-19 r=-0.590; p<0.001and for mortality r=-0.511; p=0.001). In conclusion, we found a strong correlation between lymphopenia and COVID-19 outcomes. Lymphopenia in patients with COVID-19 was a prognostic factor in the course of the disease. Lymphopenia is an easy and inexpensive prognostic factor that can be used in the management of COVID-19 patients.U ovoj studiji procijenili smo odnos između prisutnosti limfopenije i potrebe za jedinicom intenzivnog liječenja (JIL) ili smrtnosti. Ukupno je 1670 bolesnika oboljelih od COVID-19 podijeljeno prema težini limfopenije koja se razvila u vrijeme bolesti COVID-19. Prema simptomima i potrebi za intenzivnim liječenjem infekcija je klasificirana kao blaga ili teška infekcija. Među skupinama procijenjene su stope teških infekcija, prijma u JIL i stope smrtnosti. Od 1670 bolesnika 576 (34,4%) ih je imalo tešku bolest, a 1094 (65,6%) bolesnika je imalo blaži oblik bolesti. Umrlo je 213 (12,7%) bolesnika s teškim oblikom COVID-19. Teški COVID-19 bio je češći u bolesnika s niskim razinama limfocita (<500) od onih s normalnim brojem limfocita (64,7% naspram 5,2%, p<0,001). Omjer vjerojatnosti limfopeničnih bolesnika bio je 2,4 (1,8-3,0, p=0,001). Rizik od teške infekcije COVID-19 i smrtnosti bio je 8,9 i 12,4 puta veći u bolesnika s niskim brojem limfocita u usporedbi s bolesnicima s normalnim brojem limfocita kasnije. ROC analiza je pokazala da broj limfocita manji od 615 lym/mcL ima 96,4% osjetljivost za tešku bolest (AUC: 0,89 (0,842-0,938, p<0,001). Postojala je značajna negativna korelacija između broja limfocita i stope smrtnosti i teške bolesti COVID-19 (za teški oblik COVID-19, r=-0,590; p<0,001 i za smrtnost r=-0,511; p=0,001). U zaključku; otkrili smo snažnu korelaciju između limfopenije i ishoda bolesti COVID-19. Limfopenični bolesnici s COVID-19 bili su prognostički čimbenik u tijeku bolesti. Limfopenija je jednostavan, jeftin prognostički čimbenik koji se može koristiti u liječenju bolesti COVID-19

    Wpływ chorób autoimmunologicznych tarczycy na rozwój otyłości brzusznej i hiperlipidemii

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    Background: Thyroid autoimmunity has been suggested as a risk factor for atherosclerosis independent of thyroid function in several studies. The aim of this study was to investigate whether thyroid autoimmunity had any effect on hyperlipidaemia, obesity and abdominal obesity independent of thyroid function. Material and methods: 184 premenopausal female patients with Hashimoto&#8217;s thyroiditis (HT) and 150 healthy premenopausal female volunteers as control group (CG) were included in the study. According to thyroid function status, the patients were divided into three subgroups: overt hypothyroid patients (ohp), subclinical hypothyroid patients (shp) and euthyroid patients (ep). Body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratios, waist circumference (WC), and serum lipid levels of all the participants were determined. These parameters of ep were compared with those of ohp, shp and CG. Relationships among thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroid autoantibodies and lipid levels were investigated. Results: There were no significant differences between serum total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels of ohp and ep with HT (P = 0.18, P = 0.07 respectively) and LDL-C levels of ep were higher than those of CG (P = 0.03, P = 0.042, respectively). Although TSH levels did not correlate with serum lipid levels, levels of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody correlated with triglyceride levels and WCs (r = 0.158; P = 0.013, r = 0.128; P = 0.048 respectively) and negatively correlated with high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels (r = &#8211;0.137; P = 0.031). Levels of anti-thyroglobulin antibody also correlated with triglyceride and nonHDL-C levels (r = 0.208; P = 0.007, r = 0.158; P = 0.043 respectively). Conclusion: Thyroid autoimmunity may have some effects on hyperlipidaemia and abdominal obesity independent of thyroid function. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (5): 421&#8211;428)Wstęp: Wyniki badań wskazują, że choroby autoimmunologiczne tarczycy są czynnikiem ryzyka miażdżycy, bez względu na czynność tego narządu. Celem badania było ustalenie, czy obecność chorób autoimmunologicznch tarczycy niezależnie od jej funkcji wpływa na rozwój hiperlipidemii, otyłości i otyłości brzusznej. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 184 kobiet przed menopauzą z zapaleniem tarczycy typu Hashimoto (HT) i 150 zdrowych ochotniczek przed menopauzą, które stanowiły grupę kontrolną (CG). Chore podzielono na 3 podgrupy w zależności od stanu czynnościowego tarczycy: osoby z jawną niedoczynnością tarczycy (ohp), z bezobjawową niewydolnością tarczycy (shp) i osoby z eutyreozą (ep). U wszystkich uczestniczek badania określono wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI), wskaźnik talia/biodra, obwód talii i stężenia lipidów w surowicy. Powyższe parametry porównano między grupą ep i pozostałymi grupami (ohp, shp, CG). Zbadano zależności między stężeniem TSH, przeciwciał przeciwtarczycowych i stężeniami lipidów. Wyniki: Nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic między stężeniami cholesterolu całkowitego i cholesterolu frakcji LDL między grupami ohp i ep (odpowiednio p = 0,18 i p = 0,07). Stężenia cholesterolu frakcji LDL w grupie ep były wyższe niż w grupie CG (odpowiednio p = 0,03 i p = 0,042). Stężenia TSH nie korelowały ze stężeniami lipidów w surowicy, jednak stwierdzono prostą zależność między stężeniami przeciwciał przeciw peroksydazie tarczycowej i stężeniami triglicerydów oraz obwodem talii (odpowiednio r = 0,158; p = 0,013, r = 0,128; p = 0,048) i odwrotną zależność między cholesterolem frakcji HDL (r = &#8211;0,137; p = 0,031). Stężenia przeciwciał przeciw tyreoglobulinie korelowały ze stężeniami triglicerydów i cholesterolu nie-HDL (odpowiednio r = 0,208; p = 0,007, r = 0,158; p = 0,043). Wnioski: Choroby autoimmunologiczne tarczycy mogą wpływać na rozwój hiperlipidemii i otyłości brzusznej niezależnie od stanu czynnościowego tego narządu. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (5): 421&#8211;428

    Necrotizing leukocytoclastic vasculitis mimicking necrotizing fasciitis: a case report

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    There are several subtypes of necrotizing leukocytoclastic vasculitis, which are classified according to their morphological features in biopsy specimens using immunofluorescence microscopy. Necrotizing leukocytoclastic vasculitis is limited to the skin, predominantly that of the lower extremities, and usually spares the palms and soles. The most common skin manifestation is palpable purpura. Other skin manifestations include maculopapular rash, bullae, papules, nodules, ulcers and livedo reticularis. There is no specific laboratory test to determine the diagnosis. There are various diseases presenting with these nonspecific symptoms, and a rapid differential diagnosis must be conducted, because the appropriate differentiation and diagnosis markedly influence the treatment strategy and survival of patients. In this study, we report a case of necrotizing leukocytoclastic vasculitis presenting with internal organ involvement and symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis, with emphasis on the clinical differentiation

    Design analysis of reusable surgical clothes and new product development

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    Kirurški ogrtači se upotrebljavaju da se spriječi prelaženje virusa i drugih patogenih organizama na pacijenta i da se zaštiti medicinsko osoblje od izloženosti krvnim patogenima. Osnovna svrha im je sprječavati infekcije i bolesti, a pritom trebaju dobro pristajati i ne smiju sputavati nositelje. U ovom radu ispitivana su svojstva modela odjeće koju nosi medicinsko osoblje u kirurškom okruženju. Provedena je detaljna analiza dizajna kirurške odjeće koja se koristi u bolnicama u Izmiru. Kao rezultat ove analize dane su sugestije o potrebnim svojstvima modela i mjerenju kirurške odjeće koju nosi medicinsko osoblje u kirurškom okruženju.Surgical gowns are used to prevent viruses from passing through to the patient and also to keep medical staff away from blood pathogen exposures. Surgical gowns must prevent infections and diseases and provide adequate freedom to move as well. They must fit well and must not restrict movement. In this study, it was aimed to determine the model properties of the garment worn by surgical staff in surgical environments. For this purpose, for product development, a detailed design analysis was carried out on surgical garments used in hospitals in Izmir. As a result of this analysis, suggestions were made about the model properties and measurements of surgical clothes used by the staff in surgical environments

    Design analysis of reusable surgical clothes and new product development

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    Kirurški ogrtači se upotrebljavaju da se spriječi prelaženje virusa i drugih patogenih organizama na pacijenta i da se zaštiti medicinsko osoblje od izloženosti krvnim patogenima. Osnovna svrha im je sprječavati infekcije i bolesti, a pritom trebaju dobro pristajati i ne smiju sputavati nositelje. U ovom radu ispitivana su svojstva modela odjeće koju nosi medicinsko osoblje u kirurškom okruženju. Provedena je detaljna analiza dizajna kirurške odjeće koja se koristi u bolnicama u Izmiru. Kao rezultat ove analize dane su sugestije o potrebnim svojstvima modela i mjerenju kirurške odjeće koju nosi medicinsko osoblje u kirurškom okruženju.Surgical gowns are used to prevent viruses from passing through to the patient and also to keep medical staff away from blood pathogen exposures. Surgical gowns must prevent infections and diseases and provide adequate freedom to move as well. They must fit well and must not restrict movement. In this study, it was aimed to determine the model properties of the garment worn by surgical staff in surgical environments. For this purpose, for product development, a detailed design analysis was carried out on surgical garments used in hospitals in Izmir. As a result of this analysis, suggestions were made about the model properties and measurements of surgical clothes used by the staff in surgical environments