48 research outputs found

    Physical activity in elderly patients – preliminary report

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    Background. The recent increase in the number of people over 60 forces the public opinion to take an interest in the problems of this group of people. One of those problems is physical activity, as it is one of the factors that will influence their health. It should be considered if the elderly have a positive attitude to exercise, what type of exercise is performed and whether they practiced any sport in their youth and what will be the most important goal of exercise. Aim of the study. The aim of this study was an initial self-assessment of their physical activity of the elderly patients. Material and methods. The study involved 50 patients from the Geriatric Clinic, University Hospital No. 1 in Bydgoszcz who were above 60 years of age. The subjects took part in an anonymous questionnaire on physical activity. Results. 32 (64%) of the patients declared a positive attitude toward exercise, 11 (22%) had a negative attitude, 5 (10%) connected it to their well-being, and 2 (4%) said that they must force themselves to perform physical activity. 16 (32%) of the respondents actively practiced sport in their youth, 28 (56%) did not, and 6 (12%) were not able to remember. The disciplines practiced by the respondents were: running (8, 44%), swimming (5, 28%), football (3, 17%) and gymnastics (2, 11%). The current preferred mode of physical activity in the free time of the respondents is: walking (26, 52%), cycling (18, 36%), Nordic walking (4, 8%), fishing (2, 4%). According to the patients, the purpose of physical exercise is: general fitness (30, 60%), fitness in everyday activities (9, 18%) and independence from others (11, 22%). Conclusions. Elderly patients mostly speak positively of exercise and they state that the primary goal of exercise is maintaining overall fitness, regardless of sex, age, place of residence, marital status or education.Wstęp. Zwiększająca się w ostatnich latach liczba osób powyżej 60 roku życia wymusza na społeczeństwie zainteresowanie się problemami tej grupy osób. Jednym z nich jest aktywność fizyczna, gdyż to ona będzie między innymi rzutować na późniejszy stan zdrowia. Zastanowić się można zatem czy osoby w starszym wieku są pozytywnie ustosunkowane do ćwiczeń fizycznych, jaki typ ćwiczeń wykonują najchętniej oraz czy w młodości trenowali sport oraz co będzie najważniejszym celem ćwiczeń. Celem pracy była wstępna samoocena aktywności fizycznej pacjentów w starszym wieku. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 50 pacjentów Poradni Geriatrycznej Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego Nr 1 im. dr A. Jurasza w Bydgoszczy powyżej 60 roku życia. Badani zostali poddani anonimowej ankiecie na temat aktywności fizycznej. Wyniki. Spośród 50 pacjentów 32 (64%) pacjentów deklarowało pozytywny stosunek do ćwiczeń fizycznych, 11 (22%) było do nich ustosunkowanych negatywnie, 5 (10%) uzależniało je od swojego samopoczucia, a 2 (4%) opowiedziało, że musi się zmuszać do wykonania aktywności fizycznej. Czynnie sport w młodości trenowało 16 (32%) ankietowanych, 28 (56%) nie wykonywało, natomiast 6 (12%) nie jest w stanie sobie przypomnieć. Dyscyplinami trenowanymi w młodości przez ankietowanych było: bieganie 8 (44%), pływanie 5 (28%), piłka nożna 3 (17%) oraz gimnastyka 2 (11%). Aktywnością fizyczną preferowaną obecnie w wolnych chwilach przez ankietowanych są: spacery 26 (52%), jazda na rowerze 18 (36%), 4 (8%) nordic walking, 2 (4%) wędkarstwo. Celem ćwiczeń fizycznych w opinii pacjentów jest całkowita sprawność fizyczna 30 (60%), sprawność na poziomie życia codziennego 9 (18%) oraz niezależność od osób drugich 11 (22%). Wnioski. Pacjenci w starszym wieku w większości pozytywnie wypowiadają się na temat ćwiczeń fizycznych, a za cel główny ćwiczeń stawiają utrzymanie całkowitej sprawności fizycznej bez względu na płeć, wiek, miejsce zamieszkania, stan cywilny czy wykształcenie

    Aktywność fizyczna pacjentów w starszym wieku – doniesienie wstępne

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    Background. The recent increase in the number of people over 60 forces the public opinion to take an interest in the problems of this group of people. One of those problems is physical activity, as it is one of the factors that will influence their health. It should be considered if the elderly have a positive attitude to exercise, what type of exercise is performed and whether they practiced any sport in their youth and what will be the most important goal of exercise. Aim of the study. The aim of this study was an initial self-assessment of their physical activity of the elderly patients. Material and methods. The study involved 50 patients from the Geriatric Clinic, University Hospital No. 1 in Bydgoszcz who were above 60 years of age. The subjects took part in an anonymous questionnaire on physical activity. Results. 32 (64%) of the patients declared a positive attitude toward exercise, 11 (22%) had a negative attitude, 5 (10%) connected it to their well-being, and 2 (4%) said that they must force themselves to perform physical activity. 16 (32%) of the respondents actively practiced sport in their youth, 28 (56%) did not, and 6 (12%) were not able to remember. The disciplines practiced by the respondents were: running (8, 44%), swimming (5, 28%), football (3, 17%) and gymnastics (2, 11%). The current preferred mode of physical activity in the free time of the respondents is: walking (26, 52%), cycling (18, 36%), Nordic walking (4, 8%), fishing (2, 4%). According to the patients, the purpose of physical exercise is: general fitness (30, 60%), fitness in everyday activities (9, 18%) and independence from others (11, 22%). Conclusions. Elderly patients mostly speak positively of exercise and they state that the primary goal of exercise is maintaining overall fitness, regardless of sex, age, place of residence, marital status or education.Wstęp. Zwiększająca się w ostatnich latach liczba osób powyżej 60 roku życia wymusza na społeczeństwie zainteresowanie się problemami tej grupy osób. Jednym z nich jest aktywność fizyczna, gdyż to ona będzie między innymi rzutować na późniejszy stan zdrowia. Zastanowić się można zatem czy osoby w starszym wieku są pozytywnie ustosunkowane do ćwiczeń fizycznych, jaki typ ćwiczeń wykonują najchętniej oraz czy w młodości trenowali sport oraz co będzie najważniejszym celem ćwiczeń. Celem pracy była wstępna samoocena aktywności fizycznej pacjentów w starszym wieku. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 50 pacjentów Poradni Geriatrycznej Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego Nr 1 im. dr A. Jurasza w Bydgoszczy powyżej 60 roku życia. Badani zostali poddani anonimowej ankiecie na temat aktywności fizycznej. Wyniki. Spośród 50 pacjentów 32 (64%) pacjentów deklarowało pozytywny stosunek do ćwiczeń fizycznych, 11 (22%) było do nich ustosunkowanych negatywnie, 5 (10%) uzależniało je od swojego samopoczucia, a 2 (4%) opowiedziało, że musi się zmuszać do wykonania aktywności fizycznej. Czynnie sport w młodości trenowało 16 (32%) ankietowanych, 28 (56%) nie wykonywało, natomiast 6 (12%) nie jest w stanie sobie przypomnieć. Dyscyplinami trenowanymi w młodości przez ankietowanych było: bieganie 8 (44%), pływanie 5 (28%), piłka nożna 3 (17%) oraz gimnastyka 2 (11%). Aktywnością fizyczną preferowaną obecnie w wolnych chwilach przez ankietowanych są: spacery 26 (52%), jazda na rowerze 18 (36%), 4 (8%) nordic walking, 2 (4%) wędkarstwo. Celem ćwiczeń fizycznych w opinii pacjentów jest całkowita sprawność fizyczna 30 (60%), sprawność na poziomie życia codziennego 9 (18%) oraz niezależność od osób drugich 11 (22%). Wnioski. Pacjenci w starszym wieku w większości pozytywnie wypowiadają się na temat ćwiczeń fizycznych, a za cel główny ćwiczeń stawiają utrzymanie całkowitej sprawności fizycznej bez względu na płeć, wiek, miejsce zamieszkania, stan cywilny czy wykształcenie

    Assessment of physical activity of residents of Bydgoszcz using the international physical activity questionnaire IPAQ

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    Introduction: Currently, we live in the age of promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging physical activity, which justifies conducting a survey on the level of physical activity of the population living in Bydgoszcz. The results of the observation carried out will allow for the analysis of changes in physical activity of Bydgoszcz residents over the years in the future. Material and methods: 199 people living in Bydgoszcz, 97 women and 102 men participated in the study. The mean age of the respondents is 37.7 years, mean BMI: 25.84. The study was conducted using the Polish version of the IPAQ - Long version. Results: 84.42% (n = 168) of respondents were physically active, 12.06% (n = 24) of respondents were sufficiently physically active, and 3.52% (n = 7) were insufficiently physically active. Conclusions: The physical activity of the inhabitants of Bydgoszcz is at a high level, but the in-depth analysis of the results encourages the education in the aim to increase the level even more and to conduct more research

    Testy poznawcze stosowane w badaniu efektów treningu fizycznego u osób starszych

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    Introduction. Cognitive tests are a valuable, sensitive and useful tool for examining the effectiveness of physical training.Purpose. To show which studies are sensitive in examining cognitive changes induced by physical training. We explored meta-analysis with healthy participants and patients with MCI.Materials and methods. Analysis of meta-analysis in the EBSCO database using keywords: meta-analysis, cognitive tests, physical training, elderly.Results. 4 meta-analysis have 10 researches in common; however, diverse of inclusion and exclusion criteria led to inability in obtaining reliable results.Discussion and conclusion. Some cognitive tests seems to be more sensitive in examining results of physical training. Diversity of research methodology induces much difficulties in comparing of studies.Wstęp. Testy poznawcze są wrażliwym i użytecznym narzędziem w badaniu skuteczności treningu fizycznego.Cel. Sprawdzenie, które testy są wrażliwe na badania zmian poznawczych wywołanych przez trening fizyczny. Przeanalizowaliśmy metaanalizy ze zdrowymi uczestnikami i pacjentami z MCI.Materiał i metody. Analiza metaanaliz w bazie danych EBSCO za pomocą słów kluczowych: metaanaliza, testy poznawcze, ćwiczenia fizyczne, osoby starsze.Wyniki. 4 metaanalizy posiadają 10 wspólnych badań, jednakże zróżnicowanie kryteriów włączenia i wyłą-czenia doprowadziły do niemożności w uzyskaniu wiary-godnych wyników.Dyskusja i wnioski. Niektóre testy poznawcze wydają się być bardziej czułe w badaniu wyników treningu fizycznego. Różnorodność metodologii wywołuje wiele trudności w porównywaniu bada

    Cognitive tests used in examining effects of physical training in elderly people

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    Introduction. Cognitive tests are a valuable, sensitive and useful tool for examining the effectiveness of physical training. Purpose. To show which studies are sensitive in examining cognitive changes induced by physical training. We explored meta-analysis with healthy participants and patients with MCI. Materials and methods. Analysis of meta-analysis in the EBSCO database using keywords: meta-analysis, cognitive tests, physical training, elderly. Results. 4 meta-analysis have 10 researches in common; however, diverse of inclusion and exclusion criteria led to inability in obtaining reliable results. Discussion and conclusion. Some cognitive tests seems to be more sensitive in examining results of physical training. Diversity of research methodology induces much difficulties in comparing of studies.Wstęp. Testy poznawcze są wrażliwym i użytecznym narzędziem w badaniu skuteczności treningu fizycznego. Cel. Sprawdzenie, które testy są wrażliwe na badania zmian poznawczych wywołanych przez trening fizyczny. Przeanalizowaliśmy metaanalizy ze zdrowymi uczestnikami i pacjentami z MCI. Materiał i metody. Analiza metaanaliz w bazie danych EBSCO za pomocą słów kluczowych: metaanaliza, testy poznawcze, ćwiczenia fizyczne, osoby starsze. Wyniki. 4 metaanalizy posiadają 10 wspólnych badań, jednakże zróżnicowanie kryteriów włączenia i wyłą-czenia doprowadziły do niemożności w uzyskaniu wiary-godnych wyników. Dyskusja i wnioski. Niektóre testy poznawcze wydają się być bardziej czułe w badaniu wyników treningu fizycznego. Różnorodność metodologii wywołuje wiele trudności w porównywaniu bada

    Challenges of modern medicine – a case study of a patient with ALS after age 60

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    Background. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a degenerative disease of the nervous system, neurodegenerative cerebral cortex, pad and spinal cord due to damage to the upper and lower motor neurons, with progressive course, various symptoms with varying intensity and duration (from several months to even 10 years), extremely unfavorable prognosis. As an incurable and progressive disease, due to the deterioration of mobility it leads to complete stopping of muscles, including respiratory ones, with the intellectual ability of the patients fully preserved Case report. A 65-year-old patient was hospitalized in Geriatrics Clinic in University Hospital A. Jurasza in Bydgoszcz. Patient with shortness of breath, present paradoxical chest movement, impaired chest mobility, present whirring, wheezing during auscultation examination. The patient was admitted to the ward because of pneumonia. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, chronic respiratory failure, hypertension, and hyperthyroidism were diagnosed. In the medical history she had swallowing problems, abdominal pain, insufficient cough reflex, dysphagia, increased body temperature, difficulty falling asleep, depressed mood. The patient did not consent to a tracheotomy for aspiration of secretions from the respiratory tract. The patient required suctioning of excessively accumulating secretions in the mouth. The patient was patted. Patient's skin without pathological changes. During the night, the patient requires non-invasive mechanical ventilation - BIPAP respirator. Patient under the care of the Palliative Medicine Clinic. Patient fed an industrial diet (Isosource Protein) for PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) - self-service. Results. Although the disease is incurable, many of its symptoms can be alleviated, and the goal of therapy should be to improve the quality of life and maintain patient independence for as long as possible. SLA patients and their relatives often experience depression, feelings of despair and anxiety. Therefore, psychological help is recommended for patients and their relatives. The continuous development of medicine remains a hope for this disease. There is a need to continue research into the search for an effective cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    The case of myelodysplastic syndrome after 65 years old

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    Background. The etiology of MDS syndromes (myelodysplastic syndromes) is unknown. MDS is a disease of the elderly, mostly affects people over 50 years of age. Elderly patients with MDS are diagnosed at an earlier stage of the disease compared to younger people. Therapeutic options in MDS include treatment with high-dose chemotherapy with / without hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, treatment with low-dose chemotherapy, supportive care and symptomatic treatment. Transfusion of RBC (Red Blood Cells) concentrate and platelet concentrate is used in the majority of patients with MDS and it is the only form of therapy recommended for both patients with good and bad prognosis. Case report. A 77-year-old patient repeatedly hospitalized in the Clinic of Geriatrics for symptomatic anemia in myelodysplastic syndrome. Independent patient in the field of self-care, living alone. Patient take many medicines from different groups. Patient with multidisease. Symptoms of the patient: weakness, depressed mood, reduced tolerance of physical exercise, dizziness, palpitations associated with slight physical effort, symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding, stenocardial complaints in 2017. A bone marrow biopsy was performed - in the myelogram MDS was diagnosed with features of low-grade triplicate dysplasia. Patient repeatedly hospitalized for transfusion of Irradiated Leukocyte-Depleted RBC Concentrate (since the beginning of 2018 11 times - average 1 x / month). From October 2012 to November 2018, a total of 49 Irradiated Leukocyte-Depleted RBC Concentrates units were transfused, reducing only the symptoms of the disease. Results. A careful assessment of the functional status, ability to tolerate treatment, disease progression and overall health can be helpful in determining treatment. To improve access to treatment, emphasis should be placed on oral drug therapies that can be easily administered on an outpatient basis to minimize transfusion. Palliative care and environmental care are important aspects of improving the health and quality of life of MDS patients

    Assessment of knowledge about body postural defects among parents

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    Introduction: Postural defects became in recent decades significant problem, both medical and social. Many examinations show that faulty posture affect about 60-80 per cent of children. The rapid development of technology has led to limiting of physical activity which manifests itself by massive occurrence of faulty posture. Therefore it is extremely important to increase the parents knowledge and awareness of the prevention and correction of faulty posture as well as benefit from physical activity. Aim: The aim of the present study was estimation parents knowledge about faulty posture and verification who knows more – parents who have children with correct posture or these who have children with postural defects as well as parents who encourage children to exercise or these who don’t do this. Materials and methods: A survey was conducted in a group of 60 parents. First group: 30 parents of children attending The Postural Defect Clinic, second group: 30 parents of children attending School Complex No. 8 in Bydgoszcz. The original questionnaire was used for the study. Questionnaire to the estimation of parents knowledge consisted of 19 questions: metric questions and knowledge test. The results were analyzed statistically (p<0,05). Results: Parents who enroll children for extra sports are more knowledgeable than parents who do not. Parents whose children have postural problems have no higher knowledge than parents whose children have a correct posture. Parents with higher education have more knowledge about posture defects. Conclusion: Parents knowledge on the prevention and correction of faulty posture is sufficient (mean: 56 per cent correct answers). Nowadays, knowledge should be at a higher level by looking at the frequency of postural defects

    Impact of the percentage of muscle and fat tissue and muscle strength on the quality of life of people over 60 years of age

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    Introduction: Physical activity is crucial in a person’s life. It has an impact on health, motor and mental fitness. Implementation of physical activity affects the percentage of human body tissues. The aim of the study is to conduct an analysis influence of the percentage of muscle and fatty tissue and muscle strength on the quality of life of people over 60 years of age.Material and methods: The study was conducted among 86 patients (the average age was: 72) from Geriatrics Clinic, qualified for Geriatric Comprehensive Assessment in scheduled mode. Measurements of anthropometric parameters were performed: 1) for body composition was used TANITA weight; 2) for muscle strength measurement of the upper limbs was used a hand dynamometer; 3) quality of life measurement by the FACIT scale.Results: In case of the higher percentage of adipose tissue, the lower muscular strength of the patients. Incase of the higher percentage of muscle mass, the higher muscular strength of the patients. Correlation of muscle strength (kg) with the quality of life (4 domains measured by FACIT scale) was significant and amounted respectively: physical domain R = 0.34 (p &lt; 0.001), social domain R = 0.25 (p = 0.031), emotional domain R = 0.27 (p = 0.021), functional domain R = 0.35 (p &lt; 0.001).Conclusions: The results clearly present that the higher muscle strength of older people has an influence on a higher level of quality of life. It is necessary to aware carers of the elderly people that physical activity maintain as much muscle mass and strength as possible which contributes to ensuring the best quality of life for the elderly

    Impact of Climate Change on Forest Management: Białowieża Primeval Forest Case Study

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    Ecosystems of the Białowieża Primeval Forest are characterized by a high degree of naturalness and biodiversity. Changes in species and age structure in the long-term period resulted from both natural processes and human impact (indirectly and directly). The assessment of changes and knowledge about the current state allows to decide what protective measures should be taken to improve the condition of forest ecosystems. One can also evaluate the processes taking place and their direction, and therefore also assess the need for any actions. In the conducted research, the changes occurring in forest ecosystems with particular emphasis on spruce were assessed. An almost 100-year process of evolution of the species share in stands was analyzed up to 2015 using historical forest management and present spatial information data. Habitat data were used to assess the suitable and unsuitable conditions for spruce dominance. In addition, long-term development model was used for forecasting of the share of this species using data from beginning of 2015. Those results were compared with data from more than 500 sample plots measured in 2016–2018, just after bark beetle (Ips typographus) outbreak in 2015. Spruce has doubled, from 12% to 25%, its share of the Bialowieża Forests area in the first half of 20th century and was stable for the second half. The development model run just before the outbreak suggested stable decrease of spruce share in the horizon of 2065 down to 23%. The habitat model from 2015 was suggesting that spruce suitable sites covered only 12% of the area and only 50% of that area being dominated by spruce; the residue growing in unfavorable habitat conditions. The recent outbreak, with no management control, has dwindled spruce share down below 9%, showing habitual model results being better than the development model scenario