13 research outputs found

    Medijska pismenost i razvojni zadaci: Savezna Republika Njemačka kao studija slučaja

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    This article presents a skill-based media literacy model which can help to explain digital inequalities. The model integrates the everyday life of children and their developmental tasks. Under this concept, users are media literate if they are able to fulfil their developmental tasks successfully by using the media and to reflect upon the consequences and risks of their media use. In 2011, 82 German boys and girls were interviewed to gain a better understanding of the connections between internet use, media literacy and digital inequalities.U radu je predstavljen model medijske pismenosti koji se temelji na vještinama. Pretpostavlja se da taj model može pomoći da se objasne digitalne nejednakosti. Model ujedinjuje svakodnevni život djece i njihove razvojne zadatke. Prema predloženom konceptu za korisnike se može reći da su medijski pismeni ako su sposobni uspješno ispuniti razvojne zadatke koristeći medije, a očekuje se i da promišljaju o posljedicama i rizicima korištenja medija. 2011. godine intervjuirano je 82 djece u Njemačkoj s ciljem da se dobije bolji uvid u poveznice između korištenja interneta, medijske pismenosti i digitalnih nejednakosti

    Medijska pismenost i razvojni zadaci: Savezna Republika Njemačka kao studija slučaja

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    This article presents a skill-based media literacy model which can help to explain digital inequalities. The model integrates the everyday life of children and their developmental tasks. Under this concept, users are media literate if they are able to fulfil their developmental tasks successfully by using the media and to reflect upon the consequences and risks of their media use. In 2011, 82 German boys and girls were interviewed to gain a better understanding of the connections between internet use, media literacy and digital inequalities.U radu je predstavljen model medijske pismenosti koji se temelji na vještinama. Pretpostavlja se da taj model može pomoći da se objasne digitalne nejednakosti. Model ujedinjuje svakodnevni život djece i njihove razvojne zadatke. Prema predloženom konceptu za korisnike se može reći da su medijski pismeni ako su sposobni uspješno ispuniti razvojne zadatke koristeći medije, a očekuje se i da promišljaju o posljedicama i rizicima korištenja medija. 2011. godine intervjuirano je 82 djece u Njemačkoj s ciljem da se dobije bolji uvid u poveznice između korištenja interneta, medijske pismenosti i digitalnih nejednakosti

    Daily activities are sufficient to induce dynamic pulmonary hyperinflation and dyspnea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to measure dynamic lung hyperinflation and its influence on dyspnea perception in moderate and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients after performing activities of daily living. METHODS: We measured inspiratory capacity, sensation of dyspnea, peripheral oxygen saturation, heart rate and respiratory rate in 19 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. These measurements were taken at rest and after performing activities of daily living (e.g., going up and down a set of stairs, going up and down a ramp and sweeping and mopping a room). RESULT: The inspiratory capacity of patients at rest was significantly decreased compared to the capacity of patients after performing activities. The change in inspiratory capacity was -0.67 L after going up and down a ramp, -0.46 L after sweeping and mopping a room, and -0.55 L after climbing up and down a set of stairs. Dyspnea perception increased significantly between rest, sweeping and mopping, and going up and down a set of stairs. Dyspnea perception correlated positively with inspiratory capacity variation (r = 0.85) and respiratory rate (r = 0.37) and negatively with peripheral oxygen saturation (r = -0.28). CONCLUSION: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients exhibited reductions in inspiratory capacity and increases in dyspnea perception during commonly performed activities of daily living, which may limit physical performance in these patients

    Daily activities are sufficient to induce dynamic pulmonary hyperinflation and dyspnea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to measure dynamic lung hyperinflation and its influence on dyspnea perception in moderate and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients after performing activities of daily living. METHODS: We measured inspiratory capacity, sensation of dyspnea, peripheral oxygen saturation, heart rate and respiratory rate in 19 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. These measurements were taken at rest and after performing activities of daily living (e.g., going up and down a set of stairs, going up and down a ramp and sweeping and mopping a room). RESULT: The inspiratory capacity of patients at rest was significantly decreased compared to the capacity of patients after performing activities. The change in inspiratory capacity was -0.67 L after going up and down a ramp, -0.46 L after sweeping and mopping a room, and -0.55 L after climbing up and down a set of stairs. Dyspnea perception increased significantly between rest, sweeping and mopping, and going up and down a set of stairs. Dyspnea perception correlated positively with inspiratory capacity variation (r = 0.85) and respiratory rate (r = 0.37) and negatively with peripheral oxygen saturation (r = -0.28). CONCLUSION: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients exhibited reductions in inspiratory capacity and increases in dyspnea perception during commonly performed activities of daily living, which may limit physical performance in these patients

    Impact of a structured aquatic therapy program on patients with knee osteoarthritis

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    A osteoartrite é uma doença articular degenerativa, reumática crônica, multifatorial de alta prevalência, atinge 10% da população com mais de 65 anos. Afeta igualmente ambos os sexos, sendo que na mulher a incidência é maior após o período da menopausa. Esta doença compreende 65% das causas de incapacidade, atrás somente de doenças cardiovasculares e mentais. A reabilitação do paciente com artrose é um processo complexo que envolve procedimentos especializados Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de um programa de hidrocinesioterapia sobre a capacidade de realização de atividades da vida diária em pacientes com osteoartrite. Métodos: Este é um estudo prospectivo, onde vinte e seis pacientes com histórico de osteoartrite de joelho foram submetidos a um programa de tratamento em hidrocinesioterapia, com frequência de duas vezes por semana com duração de 50 minutos cada sessão. O programa consistia de quatro fases, sendo elas: aquecimento, alongamento, fortalecimento e relaxamento. Estes pacientes foram avaliados pré e pós-tratamento. Utilizando como método de avaliação a goniometria, escala de dor EVA e Teste de Caminhada de Seis Minutos. Resultados: Houve melhora significante da amplitude de movimento ao realizar flexão dos joelhos acometidos, também foi visto diminuição significativa da dor e melhora significante na capacidade de realização das atividades de vida diária avaliada por meio da distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos. Conclusão: Houve melhora da capacidade de realizar AVD e da capacidade física, assim como redução do quadro álgico e aumento da amplitude de movimentoOsteoarthritis is a pervasive, chronic rheumatic, multifactorial, degenerative joint disease, afflicting 10% of the population over 65 years of age. It affects both genders, and in women the incidence is higher after menopause. This disease comprises 65% of the causes of disability, exceeded only by cardiovascular and mental disorders. The rehabilitation of patients with osteoarthritis is a complex process that involves specialized procedures Objective: To evaluate the effects of a hydrotherapy program on the ability to perform activities of daily living in patients with osteoarthritis. Method: This is a prospective study where twenty-six patients with knee osteoarthritis history underwent a treatment program in aquatic therapy, often twice a week lasting 50 minutes each session. The program consisted of four phases, namely: warming up, stretching, strengthening, and relaxation. These patients were evaluated before and after treatment. Assessments were done with the goniometer, EVA pain scale, and Six Minute Walk Test. Results: There was significant improvement in range of motion when performing flexion of the affected knees, as well as a significant decrease in pain and a significant improvement in the ability to perform the activities of daily living, assessed by the distance walked in the six-minute walk test. Conclusion: There was an improved ability to perform ADLs and inn physical capacity, as well as reduced pain and increased range of motio

    Como o estilo de vida tem sido avaliado: revisão sistemática

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    The term lifestyle corresponds to the set of habits and customs that can be influenced and modified and which can contribute to promoting health. Objective: This study was to make a systematic review on the subject of lifestyle, what methods have been used to evaluate lifestyle, and what is considered a healthy lifestyle. Method: This study consisted of a systematic review on the possible methods of evaluating the lifestyle and habits of what is considered healthy lifestyle. The survey was conducted in electronic databases, national and international, LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed, and SciELO, and free search on Google Brazil, by consulting the following descriptors: "life style" associated with "healthy. Results: We found 142 articles published between 1990 and 2012, 105 of which did not meet the established criteria, 28 were considered eligible and were included in the study, 10 used randomized and pseudo-randomized samples, and 17 were not randomized. Among the articles selected, there were four proposals to validate lifestyle-assessment instruments, and one systematic review. The instruments used were not very reliable for assessing lifestyle, and their methods were not responsive. Conclusion: These studies demonstrate the importance of a healthy lifestyle and that it be started early and continued throughout life; they define the main actions related to a healthy lifestyle as well as control of metabolic parameters, physical activities, and healthy eating, but the lifestyle-evaluation instruments are still poor in responsiveness.O estilo de vida corresponde ao conjunto de hábitos e costumes que são influenciados e modificados que podem contribuir para a promoção da saúde. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão sobre os métodos que têm sido utilizados para a avaliação do estilo de vida, assim como identificar o que tem sido considerado como estilo de vida saudável. Método: Este estudo consistiu em uma revisão sistemática sobre os possíveis métodos de avaliação do estilo de vida e hábitos que são considerados estilo de vida saudável. A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados nacionais e internacionais: LILACS, MEDLINE, PubMed e SciELO, e busca livre no Google acadêmico, como os seguintes descritores: "estilo de vida" "estilo de vida saudável". Resultados: foram encontrados 142 artigos, sobre estilo de vida saudável, 105 não preencheram os critérios estabelecidos, 28 foram considerados elegíveis e foram incluídos no estudo, 10 tinham amostra randomizados, e um pseudo-randomizada, 17 não havia aleatorização no processo. Entre os artigos selecionados havia quatro propostas para validar instrumentos de avaliação de estilo de vida, e uma revisão sistemática. Os instrumentos utilizados nestes estudos não eram muito confiáveis para avaliar estilo de vida, os métodos destes apresentaram baixa responsividade. Conclusão: Podemos concluir que o estilo de vida saudável deve ser iniciado precocemente e continuar durante toda a vida, e as principais ações relacionadas a um estilo de vida saudável, controle de parâmetros metabólico, realizar atividades física, e alimentação saudável, entretanto os instrumentos de avaliação do estilo de vida ainda são pobre na capacidade de resposta

    Wenn Wissen zu Handeln wird: Medienkompetenz aus motivationaler Perspektive

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    Das Internet und insbesondere soziale Medien stellen die theoretische und methodische Konzeption von Medienkompetenz vor Herausforderungen. Zentral erscheint dabei die Erkenntnis, dass Wissen zwar eine notwendige, aber keine hinreichende Voraussetzung für die Ausbildung von Medienkompetenz ist. Vielmehr geht es um die Frage, inwieweit Individuen befähigt und motiviert sind, ihr Wissen in Handeln umzusetzen. Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich – aufbauend auf einer motivationalen und sozialisationstheoretischen Perspektive – daher der Frage, was Heranwachsende zu medienkompetentem Handeln im Internet motiviert. Dazu wurden 82 Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 9 und 19 Jahren in Leitfadeninterviews nach ihrer Lebenswelt, ihrer Internetnutzung und ihren Online-Fähigkeiten befragt. Die aus den Interviews entwickelte Typologie differenziert nach der Motivation, medienkompetent zu handeln, und identifiziert Einflussfaktoren. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen die Relevanz einer prozessualen Konzeption von Medienkompetenz und die Notwendigkeit, Wissen und Handeln nicht unabhängig voneinander zu betrachten

    Social aspects related to smoking in an elderly population attending the Health Family Program

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    Smoking habits increase occurred in the XX century, especially in the 50-60ths decades; countries like Brazil and Spain, among others, saw a significant decrease of its consume in the 1990ths decade; however, social repercussions were harmful for a long period of time. Objectives: Assess the social aspects related to smoking in an elderly population; evaluate the main social factors that led to smoking. One hundred and sixty subjects with 60 or more years were included into two groups: non-smoking (G1) (N=80) and smoking (G2)(N=80) groups; both had a smoking history over 20 packs/years, e.g., equivalent of one smoked pack per day for 20 years; and also those who did not present dementia or any condition that would not allow them to respond the questionnaires applied in the study. All subjects included attended the health family program in the Capão Redondo region, São Paulo (SP) city, Brazil. Mean age was: 66.7+ 5.95 and 67+13 years G1 and G2, minimum and maximum age was 60 and 80 years old, respectively. Mean house residents were: 3.45 + 1.57 and 4.6 +2.1 of G1 and G2, respectively, having more smokers with lower financial and educational resources; an illiterate presented a significant higher risk then a subject with completed undergraduation. Smoking brings important social repercussions over families; parents/friends that smoke are significant stronger related risk factors for other people to start smoking. <br /

    Efeito da hidrocinesioterapia sobre qualidade de vida, capacidade funcional e qualidade do sono em pacientes com fibromialgia Effect of hydrotherapy on quality of life, functional capacity and sleep quality in patients with fibromyalgia

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome da fibromialgia acomete 8% da população com mais de 40 anos de idade. Dos pacientes com fibromialgia, 75% queixam-se de má qualidade do sono. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da hidrocinesioterapia sobre a capacidade funcional e a qualidade de sono em pacientes com fibromialgia. MÉTODOS: As pacientes foram atendidas na policlínica da UNASP. Foram avaliadas 60 pacientes portadoras de fibromialgia na faixa etária entre 30 e 65 anos. Das pacientes avaliadas, 20 foram excluídas e 10 desistiram devido à impossibilidade de apresentar-se no horário do programa de exercícios. Todas as pacientes responderam aos seguintes questionários: Questionário sobre o Impacto daFibromialgia (QIF), Índice da Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh e Escala de Sonolência de Epworth. As sessões foram realizadas duas vezes por semana, com duração de 60 minutos cada, por um período de dois meses. RESULTADOS: A média da idade das pacientes foi de 45 anos; 66% eram trabalhadoras ativas e 34% estavam afastadas do trabalho. Verificouse que imediatamente após participarem do programa da hidrocinesioterapia, as pacientes apresentaram melhora nos seguintes aspectos avaliados por meio do QIF: capacidade funcional, absenteísmo ao trabalho, capacidade de serviço, intensidade da dor, fadiga, cansaço matinal, rigidez (P < 0,0001), ansiedade (P = 0,0013) e depressão (P < 0,0001). Houve também melhora da qualidade do sono (P < 0,0001) e no grau de sonolência diurna (P = 0,0003). CONCLUSÃO: A hidrocinesioterapia promove melhora de qualidade do sono, capacidade funcional, situação profissional, distúrbio psicológicos e sintomas físicos da síndrome em pacientes com fibromialgia.<br>INTRODUCTION: Fibromyalgia affects 8% of the population over the age of 40 years, and 75% of the patients with fibromyalgia have poor sleep quality. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of hydrotherapy on the physical function and sleep quality of patients with fibromyalgia. METHODS: Patients were under clinical care at the UNASP Outpatient Clinic. This study assessed 60 female patients with fibromyalgia aged between 30 and 65 years. Out of the 60 patients assessed, 20 were excluded and 10 left the study because they could not comply with the time schedule. All patients completed the following questionnaires: Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ); Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Training sessions were performed twice a week for two months, each session lasting 60 minutes. RESULTS: Patients' mean age was 45 years, 66% were active workers, and 34% had quit work. Right after the hydrotherapy program, the patients improved the following aspects assessed by use of the FIQ: physical function, work absenteeism, ability to do job, pain intensity, fatigue, morning tiredness, stiffness (P < 0.0001), anxiety (P = 0,0013), and depression (P < 0.0001). Sleep quality (P < 0.0001) and daytime sleepiness (P = 0.0003) also improved. CONCLUSION: Hydrotherapy improves sleep quality, physical function, professional status, psychological disorders and physical symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia

    Comparative study of the effects of hydrotherapy and the Pilates method on the functional capacity of fibromyalgia patients

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    A síndrome da fibromialgia é complexa e a hidroterapia e os exercícios contido no método Pilates podem ser uma alternativa não farmacológico no tratamento destes pacientes. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da hidroterapia e do método Pilates sobre a redução da dor, melhora da capacidade funcional e da qualidade do sono em pacientes com fibromialgia. Método: Estudo prospectivo no qual foram avaliados 80 pacientes do sexo feminino com diagnóstico clínico de SF, distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos, o Grupo I realizava tratamento por meio da hidroterapia e o grupo II por meio do método Pilates. A dor foi avaliada por meio da EVA e da algometria, a qualidade de vida dos pacientes foi avaliada (QIF), qualidade do sono por meio (IQSP), o grau de sonolência durante oito atividades rotineiras por meio da escala de Epworth todos foram realizados antes e após tratamento. Resultados: 50 pacientes com SF fizeram parte do estudo, deste 30 foram para o GI e 20 para GII, média global da idade foi 50,8±12,5. Houve redução do impacto global da doença na vida dos pacientes de ambos os grupos. Ambos os grupos melhoraram igualmente qualidade do sono. Houve melhora da dor medida por ambos os métodos (p&lt;0,0001) e (p=0,013) grupo I e II respectivamente. Conclusão: A hidroterapia e os exercícios do método Pilates se mostraram igualmente eficazes na redução do impacto global, melhora do sono e capacidade funcional em pacientes com fibromialgia.Fibromyalgia syndrome is complex and the hydrotherapy and Pilates exercises may be a non-pharmacological alternative in the treatment of these patients. Objective: To evaluate the effects of hydrotherapy and the Pilates method on pain reduction, improvement of functional capacity and sleep quality in fibromyalgia patients. Method: A prospective study in which 80 female patients with clinical diagnosis of DES were randomly assigned to two groups. Group I underwent treatment using hydrotherapy and group II under the Pilates method. Pain was assessed by VAS and algometry, patients' quality of life (QIF), sleep quality by PSQI, degree of sleepiness during eight routine activities using the Epworth scale were all performed. before and after treatment. Results: Fifty patients with DES were part of the study, of which 30 were for GI and 20 for GII; overall mean age was 50.8 ± 12.5. There was a reduction in the overall impact of the disease on patients' lives in both groups. Both groups also improved sleep quality. There was pain improvement measured by both methods (p &lt;0.0001) and (p = 0.013) group I and II respectively. Conclusion: Touch hydrotherapy as Pilates solo exercises are effective in treating fibromyalgia patient