86 research outputs found

    Island of Stability for Consistent Deformations of Einstein's Gravity

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    We construct explicitly deformations of Einstein's theory of gravity that are consistent and phenomenologically viable since they respect, in particular, cosmological backgrounds. We show that these deformations have unique symmetries in accordance with unitarity requirements, and give rise to a curvature induced self-stabilizing mechanism. As a consequence, any nonlinear completed deformation must incorporate self-stabilization on generic spacetimes already at lowest order in perturbation theory. Furthermore, our findings include the possibility of consistent and phenomenologically viable deformations of general relativity that are solely operative on curved spacetime geometries, reducing to Einstein's theory on the Minkowski background.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, v2: discussion of phenomenology and applications added, presentation optimize

    simpcomp -- A GAP toolbox for simplicial complexes

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    simpcomp is an extension (a so called package) to GAP, the well known system for computational discrete algebra. The package enables the user to compute numerous properties of (abstract) simplicial complexes, provides functions to construct new complexes from existing ones and an extensive library of triangulations of manifolds.Comment: 4 page

    Hamiltonian submanifolds of regular polytopes

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    We investigate polyhedral 2k2k-manifolds as subcomplexes of the boundary complex of a regular polytope. We call such a subcomplex {\it kk-Hamiltonian} if it contains the full kk-skeleton of the polytope. Since the case of the cube is well known and since the case of a simplex was also previously studied (these are so-called {\it super-neighborly triangulations}) we focus on the case of the cross polytope and the sporadic regular 4-polytopes. By our results the existence of 1-Hamiltonian surfaces is now decided for all regular polytopes. Furthermore we investigate 2-Hamiltonian 4-manifolds in the dd-dimensional cross polytope. These are the "regular cases" satisfying equality in Sparla's inequality. In particular, we present a new example with 16 vertices which is highly symmetric with an automorphism group of order 128. Topologically it is homeomorphic to a connected sum of 7 copies of S2×S2S^2 \times S^2. By this example all regular cases of nn vertices with n<20n < 20 or, equivalently, all cases of regular dd-polytopes with d9d\leq 9 are now decided.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence for different accretion regimes in GRO J1008-57

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    We present a comprehensive spectral analysis of the BeXRB GRO J1008-57 over a luminosity range of three orders of magnitude using NuSTAR, Suzaku and RXTE data. We find significant evolution of the spectral parameters with luminosity. In particular the photon index hardens with increasing luminosity at intermediate luminosities between 103610^{36} - 103710^{37} erg s1^{-1}. This evolution is stable and repeatedly observed over different outbursts. However, at the extreme ends of the observed luminosity range, we find that the correlation breaks down, with a significance level of at least 3.7σ3.7\sigma. We conclude that these changes indicate transitions to different accretion regimes, which are characterized by different deceleration processes, such as Coulomb or radiation breaking. We compare our observed luminosity levels of these transitions to theoretical predications and discuss the variation of those theoretical luminosity values with fundamental neutron star parameters. Finally, we present detailed spectroscopy of the unique "triple peaked" outburst in 2014/15 which does not fit in the general parameter evolution with luminosity. The pulse profile on the other hand is consistent with what is expected at this luminosity level, arguing against a change in accretion geometry. In summary, GRO J1008-57 is an ideal target to study different accretion regimes due to the well constrained evolution of its broad-band spectral continuum over several orders of magnitude in luminosity.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    EXO 2030+375 Restarts in Reverse

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    The Be X-ray binary pulsar EXO 2030+375, first detected in 1985, has shown a significant detected X-ray outburst at nearly every periastron passage of its 46-day orbit for the past ~25 years, with one low state accompanied by a torque reversal in the 1990s. In early 2015 the outbursts progressively became fainter and less regular while the monotonic spin-up flattened. At the same time a decrease in the Hα\alpha line equivalent width was reported, indicating a change in the disk surrounding the mass donor. In order to explore the source behaviour in the poorly explored low-flux state with a possible transition to a state of centrifugal inhibition of accretion we have undertaken an observing campaign with Swift/XRT, NuSTAR and the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT). This conference contribution reports the preliminary results obtained from our campaign.Comment: 11th INTEGRAL Conference Gamma-Ray Astrophysics in Multi-Wavelength Perspective, 10-14 October 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 7 page

    Observations of the High-mass X-Ray Binary A 0535+26 in Quiescence

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    We have analyzed three observations of the high-mass X-ray binary A 0535+26 performed by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) three, five, and six months after the last outburst in 2011 February. We detect pulsations only in the second observation. The 3-20 keV spectra can be fit equally well with either an absorbed power law or absorbed thermal bremsstrahlung model. Reanalysis of two earlier RXTE observations made 4 yr after the 1994 outburst, original BeppoSAX observations 2 yr later, reanalysis of four EXOSAT observations made 2 yr after the last 1984 outburst, and a recent XMM-Newton observation in 2012 reveal a stacked, quiescent flux level decreasing from ~2 to <1 × 10^(–11) erg cm^(–2) s^(–1) over 6.5 yr after outburst. The detection of pulsations during half of the quiescent observations would imply that accretion onto the magnetic poles of the neutron star continues despite the fact that the circumstellar disk may no longer be present. The accretion could come from material built up at the corotation radius or from an isotropic stellar wind

    Discovery and modelling of a flattening of the positive cyclotron line/luminosity relation in GX 304−1 with RXTE

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    The Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observed four outbursts of the accreting X-ray binary transient source, GX 304−1 in 2010 and 2011. We present results of detailed 3–100 keV spectral analysis of 69 separate observations, and report a positive correlation between cyclotron line parameters, as well as other spectral parameters, with power-law flux. The cyclotron line energy, width and depth versus flux, and thus luminosity, correlations show a flattening of the relationships with increasing luminosity, which are well described by quasi-spherical or disc accretion that yield the surface magnetic field to be ∼5 × 10^(12) Gauss. Since HEXTE (High Energy X-ray Timing Experiment) cluster A was fixed aligned with the Proportional Counter Array field of view and cluster B was fixed viewing a background region 1°.5 off of the source direction during these observations near the end of the RXTE mission, the cluster A background was estimated from cluster B events using HEXTEBACKEST. This made possible the detection of the ∼55 keV cyclotron line and an accurate measurement of the continuum. Correlations of all spectral parameters with the primary 2–10 keV power-law flux reveal it to be the primary driver of the spectral shape. The accretion is found to be in the collisionless shock braking regime

    High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the stellar wind in Vela X-1 during a flare

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    Context. We present a ~130 ks observation of the prototypical wind-accreting, high-mass X-ray binary Vela X-1 collected with XMM-Newton at orbital phases between 0.12 and 0.28. A strong flare took place during the observation that allows us to investigate the reaction of the clumpy stellar wind to the increased X-ray irradiation. Aims. To examine the wind’s reaction to the flare, we performed both time-averaged and time-resolved analyses of the RGS spectrum and examined potential spectral changes. Methods. We focused on the high-resolution XMM-Newton RGS spectra and divided the observation into pre-flare, flare, and post-flare phases. We modeled the time-averaged and time-resolved spectra with phenomenological components and with the self-consistent photoionization models calculated via CLOUDY and XSTAR in the pre-flare phase, where strong emission lines due to resonant transitions of highly ionized ions are seen. Results. In the spectra, we find emission lines corresponding to K-shell transitions in highly charged ions of oxygen, neon, magnesium, and silicon as well as radiative recombination continua (RRC) of oxygen. Additionally, we observe potential absorption lines of magnesium at a lower ionization stage and features identified as iron L lines. The CLOUDY and XSTAR photoionization models provide contradictory results, either pointing towards uncertainties in theory or possibly a more complex multi-phase plasma, or both. Conclusions. We are able to demonstrate the existence of a plethora of variable narrow features, including the firm detection of oxygen lines and RRC that RGS enables to observe in this source for the first time. We show that Vela X-1 is an ideal source for future high-resolution missions, such as XRISM and Athena.V.G. is supported through the Margarete von Wrangell fellowship by the ESF and the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg. We acknowledge support from the ESTEC Faculty Visiting Scientist Programme to V.G. S.B. acknowledges financial support from the Italian Space Agency under grant ASI-INAF 2017-14-H.O. Work at LLNL was performed under the auspieces of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344. S.M.N. acknowledges funding by the Spanish Ministry MCIU under project RTI2018-096686-B-C21 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), co-funded by FEDER funds and by the Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu, ref. MDM-2017-0765

    Dust and gas absorption in the high mass X-ray binary IGR J16318−4848

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    Context. With an absorption column density on the order of 10²⁴ cm⁻², IGR J16318−4848 is one of the most extreme cases of a highly obscured high mass X-ray binary. In addition to the overall continuum absorption, the source spectrum exhibits a strong iron and nickel fluorescence line complex at 6.4 keV. Previous empirical modeling of these features and comparison with radiative transfer simulations raised questions about the structure and covering fraction of the absorber and the profile of the fluorescence lines. Aims. We aim at a self-consistent description of the continuum absorption, the absorption edges, and the fluorescence lines to constrain the properties of the absorbing material, such as ionization structure and geometry. We further investigate the effects of dust absorption on the observed spectra and the possibility of fluorescence emission from dust grains. Methods. We used XMM-Newton and NuSTAR spectra to first empirically constrain the incident continuum and fluorescence lines. Next we used XSTAR to construct a customized photoionization model where we vary the ionization parameter, column density, and covering fraction. In the third step we modeled the absorption and fluorescence in a dusty olivine absorber and employed both a simple analytical model for the fluorescence line emission and a Monte Carlo simulation of radiative transfer that generates line fluxes, which are very close to the observational data. Results. Our empirical spectral modeling is in agreement with previous works. Our second model, the single gas absorber does not describe the observational data. In particular, irrespective of the ionization state or column density of the absorber, a much higher covering fraction than previously estimated is needed to produce the strong fluorescence lines and the large continuum absorption. A dusty, spherical absorber (modeled as consisting of olivine dust, although the nature of dust cannot be constrained) is able to produce the observed continuum absorption and edges. Conclusions. A dense, dusty absorber in the direct vicinity of the source consisting of dust offers a consistent description of both the strong continuum absorption and the strong emission features in the X-ray spectrum of IGR J16318−4848. In particular, for low optical depth of individual grains, which is the case for typical volume densities and grain size distribution models, the dust will contribute significantly to the fluorescence emission