10 research outputs found

    Kıl keçilerinin döl ve süt verimi özellikleri üzerine genetik olmayan faktörlerin etkisi

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    The aim of this study was to determine the potential effect of non-genetic factors on certain production characteristics of Hair goats raised under semi-intensive management and dry- sub humid conditions, and to investigate phenotypic correlations between these traits. A generalized linear model was used to investigate the effect of non-genetic factors on gestation length (GL), number of services per conception (NSPC), lactation length (LL), lactation milk yield (LMY) and daily milk yield (DMY), while the Chi-square method was used to evaluate other fertility parameters. The pregnancy rate, birth rate and single-birth rate in the Traditional Group were higher, while the infertility rate and NSPC were lower, than those in the Artificial Group (P<0.001). Furthermore, it was determined that LL, LMY and DMY increased (P<0.001), the NSPC decreased (P<0.001), and birth and twinning rates fluctuated (P<0.01) as age increased. The best fertility and milk yield characteristics were in the ≥5 year-old-goats and live weights of 45.0-49.9 kg. In addition, it was determined that kid yield was increased in the goats synchronized with intravaginal sponges impregnated with fluorogestone acetate and in those bred via the traditional method.Bu çalışmanın amacı, yarı entansif ve kurak az nemli iklim koşullarında yetiştirilen Kıl keçilerinin döl verimi ve süt verimi üzerine genetik olmayan faktörlerin etkisini belirlemek ve bu faktörler arasındaki fenotipik korelasyonu araştırmaktır. Gebelik süresi (GL), gebelik başına düşen tohumlama sayısı (NSPC), laktasyon uzunluğu (LL), laskyason süt verimi (LMY) ve günlük süt verimi (DMY) üzerine genetik olmayan faktörlerin değerlendirilmesinde Genear linear model, diğer döl verim parametrelerinin değerlendirilmesinde ise Chi-square metodu kullanılmıştır. Tabii tohumlama yapılan gruptaki keçilerin gebelik oranı, doğu m oranı ve tek doğum oranı suni tohumlama uygulananlardan daha yüksek iken, NSPC sayısı daha düşüktür. Yaş arttıkça LL, LMY ve DMY artmış (P<0.001), NSPC azalmış (P<0.001), tek ve ikiz doğum oranları ise dalgalanma göstermiştir (P<0.01). En iyi döl verimi ve süt verimi nin 5 ve daha yukarı yaşlı ve 45.0-49.9 kg canlı ağırlığındaki keçilerde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Fluorogestone acetate içeren intravajinal sünger ile senkronizasyon ile tabii tohumlama uygulaması nın keçilerde oğlak verimini arttırdığı sonucuna varılmıştır

    Renkli tiftik keçisi ve Ankara keçisi × Renkli tiftik keçisi F1 melezi oğlaklarda tiftik üretimi, temiz tiftik verimi ve elyaf özelliklerinin araştırılması

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    The aim of this study was to compare some fleece and fibre characteristics of kids of Coloured mohair goat with F1 crossbred kids of Angora &times; Coloured mohair goat to reveal the effects of this cross-breeding on mohair production, clean yield, and fibre quality. This study was carried out using goats of the Coloured mohair goat breed at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Y&uuml;z&uuml;nc&uuml; Yıl University. Four Angora goats were used as male material. In 2001, greasy fleece weight, clean mohair yield, fibre diameter, fibre length, fibre elasticity, breaking strength, kemp fibre content, and medullated fibre content of kids at 12 months of age (36 F1 cross-bred, 18 pure) were examined. Greasy fleece weight and clean mohair yield were 420 g and 74.3% for kids of Coloured mohair goat, and 830 g and 75.9% for F1 cross-bred kids. Mean values for fibre diameter, fibre length, fibre elasticity, breaking strength, kemp fibre content, and medullated fibre content were 36.4 &amp;#956;m, 7.4 cm, 32.4%, 8.2 g, 16.2%, and 13.1% for kids of Coloured mohair goat, and 30.1 &amp;#956;m, 7.8 cm, 31.6%, 6.3 g, 3.4%, and 2.3% for F1 cross-bred kids, respectively. The effect of genotype (but not sex) on greasy fleece weight, fibre diameter, breaking strength, kemp fibre content, and medullated fibre content were significant (P &lt; 0.001). Effects of genotype and sex on fibre length, fibre elasticity, and clean yield were not significant (P &gt; 0.05). In conclusion, an overall improvement of mohair production traits was observed on F1 kids developed by crossing Angora goat and Coloured mohair goat. It could be supposed that Angora goats have been selected more for mohair production compared to Coloured mohair goats. Thus one way to improve the quality of mohair of Coloured mohair goat could be crossbreeding.Bu araştırma, Ankara keçisi × Renkli tiftik keçisi F1 melezi oğlakların çeşitli tiftik özellikleri bakımından Renkli tiftik keçisi oğlakları ile karşılaştırılması ve söz konusu melezlemenin F1 melezi oğlaklarda tiftik üretimi, temiz tiftik verimi ve elyaf kalitesi üzerine etkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Çiftliğinde yetiştirilen Renkli tiftik keçisi sürüsünde yürütülmüştür. Erkek materyal olarak 4 baş Ankara keçisi tekesi kullanılmıştır. Tiftik verimi ve özellikleri için 2001 yılında doğan ve 12 aylık yaştaki oğlaklarda (36 F1 melezi, 18 saf) tiftik verimi, tiftik randımanı, elyaf inceliği, elyaf uzunluğu, elyaf elastikiyeti, mutlak mukavemet, kempli ve medullalı elyaf oranları incelenmiştir.Kirli tiftik verimi ve tiftik randımanı Renkli tiftik keçisi oğlaklarında genel olarak 420 g ve % 74,3, melez F1’lerde 830 g ve % 75,9 olarak saptanmıştır. Renkli tiftik keçisi oğlaklarında elyaf inceliği, elyaf uzunluğu, elyaf elastikiyeti, mutlak mukavemet, kempli elyaf oranı ve medullalı elyaf oranı genel olarak sırasıyla 36,4 ?m, 7,4 cm, % 32,4, 8,2 g, % 16,2, % 13,1, melez F1’lerde aynı sıra ile 30,1 ?m, 7,8 cm, % 31,6, 6,3 g, % 3,4 ve % 2,3 olarak bulunmuştur. Genotipin etkisi tiftik verimi, elyaf inceliği, mutlak mukavemet, kempli ve medullalı elyaf oranları üzerine önemli (P 0,05). Sonuç olarak, Ankara keçisi ve Renkli tiftik keçisinin melezlenmesi ile elde edilen F1 oğlaklarında tiftik üretimi ve elyaf özellikleri üzerine genel bir iyileşmenin olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu da, Ankara keçilerinin Renkli tiftik keçilerine göre daha fazla tiftik üretimi için seleksiyona tabii tutulduğunu işaret etmektedir. Bundan dolayı, Renkli tiftik keçilerinin tiftik verimini ve kalitesini iyileştirmenin bir yolu Ankara keçisiyle melezleme olabilir

    A study on growth, fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Morkaraman and Kivircik x Morkaraman crosses (B-1) lambs

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    This study was carried out to compare the growth, fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Morkaraman (M) and Kivircik (K) x (K x M) Bi lambs. Fifty-four M and 57 K x (K x M) Bi male and female lambs were used for growth traits and 18 M and 30 K x (K x M) Bi for fattening traits, and 6 male lambs for slaughter and carcass traits

    Investigation of survival rate and growth performances in coloured mohair goat and Angora goat x coloured mohair goat F1 kids

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    Bu çalışma, Ankara keçisi x Renkli tiftik keçisi F1 melezi oğlaklarının yaşama gücü ve büyüme performansları bakımından Renkli tiftik keçisi oğlakları ile karşılaştırılması ve söz konusu melezlemenin yaşama gücü ve büyüme performansı üzerine etkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Çiftliğinde yetiştirilen Renkli tiftik keçisi sürüsünde yürütülmüştür. Büyüme için; 2001 yılında doğan 38 baş Fı melez (Ankara tiftik keçisi x Renkli tiftik keçisi), 20 baş saf (Renkli tiftik keçisi x Renkli tiftik keçisi), 2002 yılında ise 25 F1 melez, 31 saf genotipli oğlakların büyümesi takip edilmiş, sütten kesim (105. gün) ve altıncı ay yaşama güçleri belirlenmiştir. Büyümede çeşitli dönemlerdeki canlı ağırlıklar ve bu dönemlerde büyüme üzerine etkili çeşitli çevre faktörlerinin etkileri ele alınmıştır. Renkli tiftik keçisi oğlaklarında, sütten kesim ve 6. aya kadar ki yaşama gücü oranları eşit ve % 94.1 olarak, melez genotipte, sütten kesim ve 6. aya kadar ki yaşama gücü oranları % 96.8 ve 95.2; doğum, sütten kesim, 6. ay ve 1 yaş düzeltilmiş canlı ağırlık ortalamaları, saf genotipte sırasıyla 2.04, 12.92, 18.31 ve 19.87 kg, melez Fı’lerde 2.04, 13.98, 20.50 ve 20.83 kg olarak tespit edilmiştir. Büyümenin değişik dönemlerindeki büyüme üzerine etkili çeşitli çevre faktörlerinin etkileri incelenmiş olup; doğum ağırlığı dışında tüm dönemlerde büyüme üzerine genotipin etkisi önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.01, P<0.001). Bunun yanında büyümenin çeşitli dönemlerindeki canlı ağırlıklar üzerine cinsiyet, doğum tipi ve ana yaşının etkisi de değişik düzeylerde önemli (P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.001) bulunurken, doğum yılının etkisi önemsiz olarak tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Renkli tiftik keçisi oğlakları ile Ankara keçisi x Renkli tiftik keçisi Fı oğlakları arasında yaşama gücü yönünden fark olmadığı ve melez F1’ lerin araştırmanın yürütüldüğü bölgeye adapte olabileceği ayrıca, saf ve melez oğlakların doğum ağırlıkları farksız olmasına rağmen ilerleyen dönemlerde melez oğlakların daha iyi bir büyüme performansı sağladıkları belirlenmiştirThe aim of this study was to compare the survival rate and growth performances of kids of Coloured mohair goat with F1 cross-breed kids of Angora goat x Coloured mohair goat and to reveal the effects of this cross-breeding on survival rate and growth performance. This study was carried out at the Coloured mohair goat at the experimental farm of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Y&uuml;z&uuml;nc&uuml; Yıl University. In 2001 year for survival rate and growth, 38 cross-breed F1 (Angora mohair goat x Coloured mohair goat) and 20 pure (Coloured mohair goat x Coloured mohair goat) kids were used. In 2002, survival rate of weaning (105th day), survival rate until 6th month and growth of 25 F1 cross-breed and 31 pure kids were determined. Live weights at different periods of growth and effects of various environmental factors on growth at these periods were investigated. Survival rate of weaning and survival rate until 6th month were 94.1 % and 94.1 % for Coloured mohair kids, 96.8 % and 95.2 % for cross-breed (F1) kids, respectively. Birth, weaning, 6th month and 1 year old weights were 2.04, 12.92, 18.31 and 19.87 kg for Coloured mohair goats, respectively. Birth, weaning, and 6th month and 1 year old weights were 2.04, 13.98, 20.50 and 20.83 kg for cross-breed goats (F1), respectively. Effects of various environmental factors on growth at different periods throughout growth were examined. The effect of genotype on growth at all periods was significant (P&lt;0.01, P&lt;0.001), except for birth weight. Furthermore, effects of sex, type of birth, age of dam on live weights at different periods of growth were significant (P&lt;0.05, P&lt;0.01, P&lt;0.001), except for year of birth. The results found in this study showed that survival rate of Coloured mohair goat and Angora x Coloured mohair goat F1 kids were similar. The cross-breed F1 kids can be adapted to the region where experiment was carried out. Even though birth weight of pure and cross-breedı kids were not different, cross-breed kids had better growth performance compared with coloured mohair kids as they matured

    Effect of management system and dietary yeast autolysate on the performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics of partridges (Alectoris chukar)

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    This study was conducted to determine the effects of management system (a floor housing (FH) versus a free-range housing (FRH) system) and dietary yeast autolysate (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (1% versus 2% dietary supplement) on the performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics of partridges (Alectoris chukar). A total of 480 (240 for each management system) one-day-old male partridge chicks were randomly allocated to a control group and the two dietary groups per production system, each containing 80 chicks. Each dietary group was then divided into five replicate groups of 16 chicks. The study lasted 112 days. In terms of growth performance, partridges reared under FRH management system had a lower average daily live weight gain (ADG), a significantly higher feed intake (FI), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared to the control group. However, partridges fed diets with yeast autolysate had a significantly higher ADG, lower FI, and an improved FCR compared to the control group overall. The gizzard, leg, and wing percentages of the partridges reared in the FRH system were found to be significantly higher than those of partridges reared in the FH system, while the breast and abdominal fat percentages were found to be lower. Dietary supplementation with yeast autolysate significantly increased the cold carcass yield and breast percentage when compared to the control group, while wing and abdominal fat percentages were decreased. In general, best performance was observed in the dietary supplementation group of 1% yeast autolysate in terms of growth and carcass parameters. When considering the fact that partridges are gamebirds, that housing poultry in cage production systems has been prohibited in recent years and that there are positive effects associated with using yeast autolysate as a prebiotic, it is recommended that a free-range production system should be used for partridge breeding, with the addition of 1% yeast autolysate to the diet of the birds

    Changes in testicular development, ultrasonographic and histological appearance of the testis in buck kids immunized against LHRH using recombinant LHRH fusion protein

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    This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of recombinant Ovalbumin-LHRL (OL) immunization on changes in testicular size, histological appearance and testosterone production in buck kids. Thirty native buck kids at 18 weeks of age were divided into three groups, control (n = 10), immunization (n = 10) and castration (n = 10) groups. Immunized animals received OL protein generated by recombinant DNA technology. Ultrasonographic and histological examinations of the testes were performed. Animals were slaughtered at 44 weeks of age. Semen and epididymides were evaluated for the presence of sperm cells. Immunized animals generated anti-LHRH antibodies. Testosterone production, testicular and accessory glands development and sperm production were suppressed in the immunized animals (p < 0.01). Semineferous tubule diameters decreased (p < 0.01), basal membrane of the tubule was thickened and hyalinized in immunized kids. Immunization affected ultrasonographic appearance of the testes drastically. While testes of control animals gained their normal ultrasonographic appearance as the age increased, immunized animals had uniform hypoechogenic testicular structure as observed at 18 weeks of age until slaughter. Simultaneous histological and ultrasonographic evaluations indicated that the changes in testicular histology could partly be monitored via ultrasonographic imaging; nevertheless, it is difficult to claim that ultrasonographic image reflects the exact changes in such instances. In conclusion, these results indicate that recombinant OL fusion protein is effective in immunocastration in buck kids and has a potential to be used as an alternative to physical castration. Further researches should be conducted to help assessing reproductive status of testes from ultrasound images