1,510 research outputs found

    Shapes of Semiflexible Polymers in Confined Spaces

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    We investigate the conformations of a semiflexible polymer confined to a square box. Results of Monte Carlo simulations show the existence of a shape transition when the persistence length of the polymer becomes comparable to the dimensions of box. An order parameter is introduced to quantify this behavior. A simple mean-field model is constructed to study the effect of the shape transition on the effective persistence length of the polymer.Comment: 8 pages, 20 figure

    Validating soil denitrification models based on laboratory N2 and N2O fluxes and underlying processes derived by stable isotope approaches: concept, methods and regulation of measured fluxes

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    Robust denitrification data suitable to validate soil N2 fluxes in denitrification models are scarce due to methodical limitations and the extreme spatio-temporal heterogeneity of denitrification in soils. Numerical models have become essential tools to predict denitrification at different scales. Model performance could either be tested for total gaseous flux (NO + N2O + N2), individual denitrification products (e.g. N2O and/or NO) or for the effect of denitrification factors (e.g. C-availability, respiration, diffusivity, anaerobic volume, etc.). While there are numerous examples for validating N2O fluxes, there are neither robust field data of N2 fluxes nor sufficiently resolved measurements of control factors used as state variables in the models. Here we present the concept, methods and first results of collecting model validation data. This is part of the coordinated research unit “Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated Control and Modelling at Various Scales” (DASIM). Novel approaches are used including analysis of stable isotopes, microbial communities, pore structure and organic matter fractions to provide denitrification data sets comprising as much detail on activity and regulation as possible. This will be the basis to validate existing and calibrate new denitrification models that are applied and/or developed by DASIM subprojects. To allow model testing in a wide range of conditions, denitrification control factors are varied in the initial settings (pore volume, plant residues, mineral N, pH) but also over time, where moisture, temperature, and mineral N are manipulated according to typical time patterns in the field. This is realized by including precipitation events, fertilization (via irrigation), drainage (via water potential) and temperature in the course of incubations. Moreover, oxygen concentration is varied to simulate anaerobic events. The 15N gas flux method is employed to quantify N2 and N2O emissions from various pools and processes

    Validating soil denitrification models based on laboratory N2 and N2O fluxes and underlying processes: evaluation of DailyDayCent and COUP models

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    Denitrification is an anaerobic key process by microbes where the NO3- is step-by-step reduced and emitted as NO, N2O and finally N2 gas from the soil. Accurate knowledge on denitrification dynamics is important because the N2O is further reduced to N2 and constitutes the main emission source of this greenhouse gas from agricultural soils. Hence, our understanding and ability to quantify soil denitrification is crucial for mitigating nitrogen fertilizer loss as well as for reducing N2O emissions. Models can be an important tool to predict mitigation effects and help to develop climate smart mitigation strategies. Ideally, commonly used biogeochemical models could provide adequate predictions of denitrification processes of agricultural soils but often simplified process descriptions and inadequate model parameters prevent models from simulating adequate fluxes of N2 and N2O on field scale. Model development and parametrization often suffers from limited availability of empirical data describing denitrification processes in agricultural soils. While in many studies N2O emissions are used to develop and train models, detailed measurements on NO, N2O, N2 fluxes and concentrations and related soil conditions are necessary to develop and test adequate model algorithms. To address this issue the coordinated research unit „Denitrification in Agricultural Soils: Integrated Control and Modelling at Various Scales (DASIM)” was initiated to more closely investigate N-fluxes caused by denitrification in response to environmental effects, soil properties and microbial communities. Here, we present how we will use these data to evaluate common biogeochemical process models (DailyDayCent, Coup) with respect to modeled NO, N2O and N2 fluxes from denitrification. The models are used with different settings. The first approximation is the basic “factory” setting of the models. The next step would show the precision in the results of the modeling after adjusting the appropriate parameters from the result of the measurement values and the “factory” results. The better adjustment and the well-controlled input and output measured parameters could provide a better understanding of the probable scantiness of the tested models which will be a basis for future model improvement

    FUSE observations of hot white dwarfs

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    We have analyzed FUSE observations of six hot white dwarf stars: four DA white dwarfs with T_eff >= 45000K, the DAO Feige55 (T_eff = 55000K), and the DA CD -38 10980 (T_eff = 24000K). Photospheric lines from SiIV, PV, and SVI can be observed in the majority of the five hotter objects. Feige55 shows also several other heavier elements. The measured abundances agree only partly with the predictions of the radiative levitation theory. We attribute this to current limitations of the models and the probable presence of mass loss. In the spectrum of CD -38 10980, we have observed the quasi-molecular satellites of Lbeta. This confirms theoretical predictions about the visibility range for these features

    Visual category representations in the infant brain

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    Visual categorization is a human core cognitive capacity1,2 that depends on the development of visual category representations in the infant brain.3,4,5,6,7 However, the exact nature of infant visual category representations and their relationship to the corresponding adult form remains unknown.8 Our results clarify the nature of visual category representations from electroencephalography (EEG) data in 6- to 8-month-old infants and their developmental trajectory toward adult maturity in the key characteristics of temporal dynamics,2,9 representational format,10,11,12 and spectral properties.13,14 Temporal dynamics change from slowly emerging, developing representations in infants to quickly emerging, complex representations in adults. Despite those differences, infants and adults already partly share visual category representations. The format of infants' representations is visual features of low to intermediate complexity, whereas adults' representations also encode high-complexity features. Theta band activity contributes to visual category representations in infants, and these representations are shifted to the alpha/beta band in adults. Together, we reveal the developmental neural basis of visual categorization in humans, show how information transmission channels change in development, and demonstrate the power of advanced multivariate analysis techniques in infant EEG research for theory building in developmental cognitive science

    The magnetic properties of 177^{\rm 177}Hf and 180^{\rm 180}Hf in the strong coupling deformed model

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    This paper reports NMR measurements of the magnetic dipole moments of two high-K isomers, the 37/2^-, 51.4 m, 2740 keV state in 177^{\rm 177}Hf and the 8^-, 5.5 h, 1142 keV state in 180^{\rm 180}Hf by the method of on-line nuclear orientation. Also included are results on the angular distributions of gamma transitions in the decay of the 177^{\rm 177}Hf isotope. These yield high precision E2/M1 multipole mixing ratios for transitions in bands built on the 23/2+^+, 1.1 s, isomer at 1315 keV and on the 9/2+^+, 0.663 ns, isomer at 321 keV. The new results are discussed in the light of the recently reported finding of systematic dependence of the behavior of the gR_{\rm R} parameter upon the quasi-proton and quasi-neutron make up of high-K isomeric states in this region.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Post-translational modifications soften vimentin intermediate filaments

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    The mechanical properties of biological cells are determined by the cytoskeleton, a composite biopolymer network consisting of microtubules, actin filaments and intermediate filaments (IFs). By differential expression of cytoskeletal proteins, modulation of the network architecture and interactions between the filaments, cell mechanics may be adapted to varying requirements on the cell. Here, we focus on the intermediate filament protein vimentin and introduce post-translational modifications as an additional, much faster mechanism for mechanical modulation. We study the impact of phosphorylation on filament mechanics by recording force-strain curves using optical traps. Partial phosphorylation softens the filaments. We show that binding of the protein 14-3-3 to phosphorylated vimentin IFs further enhances this effect and speculate that in the cell 14-3-3 may serve to preserve the softening and thereby the altered cell mechanics. We explain our observation by the additional charges introduced during phosphorylation

    Selective laser ionization of N \geq 82 indium isotopes: the new r-process nuclide 135^{135}In

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    Production yields and beta-decay half-lives of very neutron-rich indium isotopes were determined at CERN/ISOLDE using isobaric selectivity of a resonance-ionization laser ion-source. Beta-delayed neutron multiscaling measurements have yielded improved half-lives for 206(6)~ms 132^{132}In, 165(3)~ms 133^{133}In and 141(5)~ms 134^{134}In. With 92(10)~ms 135^{135}In, a new r-process nuclide has been identified which acts as an important `waiting-point' in the In isotopic chain for neutron densities in the range nn1024_n \simeq 10^{24}--1026^{26} n/cm3^3, where the r-matter flow has already passed the A130{\rm A} \simeq 130 abundance-peak region

    The structure of fluid trifluoromethane and methylfluoride

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    We present hard X-ray and neutron diffraction measurements on the polar fluorocarbons HCF3 and H3CF under supercritical conditions and for a range of molecular densities spanning about a factor of ten. The Levesque-Weiss-Reatto inversion scheme has been used to deduce the site-site potentials underlying the measured partial pair distribution functions. The orientational correlations between adjacent fluorocarbon molecules -- which are characterized by quite large dipole moments but no tendency to form hydrogen bonds -- are small compared to a highly polar system like fluid hydrogen chloride. In fact, the orientational correlations in HCF3 and H3CF are found to be nearly as small as those of fluid CF4, a fluorocarbon with no dipole moment.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure