123 research outputs found

    Robust PI-D controller design for descriptor systems using regional pole placement and/or H2H_2 performance

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    summary:The paper deals with the problem of obtaining a robust PI-D controller design procedure for linear time invariant descriptor uncertain polytopic systems using the regional pole placement and/or H2H_2 criterion approach in the form of a quadratic cost function with the state, derivative state and plant input (QSR). In the frame of Lyapunov Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) regional pole placement approach and/or H2H_2 quadratic cost function based on Bellman-Lyapunov equation, the designed novel design procedure guarantees the robust properties of closed-loop system with parameter dependent quadratic stability/quadratic stability. In the obtained design procedure the designer could use controller with different structures such as P, PI, PID, PI-D. For the PI-D's D-part of controller feedback the designer could choose any available output/state derivative variables of descriptor systems. Obtained design procedure is in the form of Bilinear Matrix Inequality (BMI). The effectiveness of the obtained results is demonstrated on two examples

    Romkert : részlet egy regényből

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    Induction of Resistance with Benzothiadiazole in Sunflower: a Comparison of Biotrophic vs. Necrotrophic Pathosystems

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    In the present work we aimed at comparing the effect of benzothiadiazole (BTH) treatment on defence reactions of sunflower plants to downy mildew and white rot diseases. BTH treatment resulted in reduced disease symptoms in biotrophic and in the early stage of the necrotrophic interactions. To get a better insight into the effect of BTH, changes in the activities of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase enzymes, as well as the expression of the host response-associated sunflower genes were examined in the plants. Inoculation with Plasmopara halstedii enhanced the polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase enzyme activities, while inoculation with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum did it only at 4 dpi. However, most importantly, in each case extracts from BTH pretreated and inoculated plants showed the highest polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase enzyme activities. Similarly, the accumulation of GST and PDF transcripts was detected following inoculations with both biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens, and again, BTH pre-treatment enhanced GST and defensine gene activities in the inoculated plants. We suggest that induction of enzyme activities, as well as of the elevated expression of GST, PDF and PR5 genes by BTH pre-treatment may be a significant part of the induced resistance of sunflower to downy mildew and white rot (white mold)

    Study of the Performances of Thin Layer Chromatography. V. Flow Rate in Reversed Phase Plates

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    The conventional equation for the development of TLC plates predicts a velocity constant proportional to the cosine of the wetting angle of the surface by the mobile phase. Because silica is wet by all organic solvents used in normal TLC, this dependence was never checked. The development of reversed-phase TLC plates using chemically bonded n-alkyl silica offers a new situation as water-rich solvent mixtures do not wet these surfaces completely. Comparison of velocity constants measured in TLC using plates made with various adsorbents and contact angles measured directly shows the validity of the conventional equation and the cos θdependence. As a consequence, it takes an impractically long time to develop TLC plates using water/alcohol mixtures containing more than ca. 25-40% water (v/v) depending on the adsorbent, which limits the applicability of reversed-phase TLC in practical analysi

    Supercritical antisolvent precipitation for separation of enantiomers

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    Effective enatiomeric separation and purity of individual form using environmentally benign solvent is a topic of great interest for pharmaceuticals and food industry due to the different biological activity.[1-4] Hence we studied the diastereomeric salt formation of racemic 2-methoxyphenylacetic acid with enantiopure (R)-1- cyclohexylethylamine using gas antisolvent approach in supercritical carbon dioxide. Parametric studies such as effect of different molar ratios, solvents, pressures and temperatures on diastereomeric salt formation reaction were also studied in details. Reaction procedure involved the dissolution of specific molar ratio of racemates and resolving agent in minimum amount of solvent to form homogeneous phase. These homogeneous phases further allow to react in high pressure autoclave / vessel pressurized with supercritical carbon dioxide. Constant temperature is maintained by using the jacketed thermo bath. After the reaction, extraction was done with 3 fold volume of supercritical carbon dioxide with respect to reactor volume. Formed reaction products i.e. raffinate and extract were analyzed by chiral gas chromatography. Wide numbers of polar, non-polar and tuned polarity solvents were screened for the complete solubility of starting materials. Polarity was tuned on mixing of polar and non-polar solvent in certain proportions. Among all combinations acetonitrile and toluene (1:1) mixture was found to be effective. From the racemic mixture : resolving agent molar ratio study it is revealed that the half equivalent method (2:1) or commonly known as the Pope-Peachy method is suitable for the resolution of racemic MPAA using (R)-(-) cyclohexylethylamine (yields and enatiomeric excess values reached 80% and 90%, respectively). Formed diastereomeric salts were characterized using chiral gas chromatography (GC), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)

    Petíció az abortusz-szabadság megőrzéséért 1973

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    This article focuses on the largely forgotten petition-action against the restriction of women’s right to abortion that took place in Hungary in 1973. Documents recently rendered public from the Hungarian National Archives (MNL) and the State Security Archives (ÁBTL), documents from the Blinken OSA collection as well as interviews carried out in 2015-16 with 19 participants of the petition-action by the author allow her to present the history of the petition. The transcriptions of the interviews can be studied in the Blinken OSA Archives (HU OSA 432 Suzanne Kőrösi Collection of Interviews). The current article is Part I of the research. It discusses the Hungarian Popular Republic’s population policy from 1956 to 1973, its conservative evolution that led to the restriction of women’s right to abortion, and the organization of the petition against it in a repressive political context.Part II, which will be published in the 2020 Fall issue, is based on the interviews. It focuses on what free abortion meant for women and men in Hungary in the 60’s and 70’s and on the ideological roots of the petition-action and the participants’ motivations and the sanctions the participants had to cope with during the year that followed the petition-action.A tanulmány tárgya a nagyrészt feledésbe merült, a nők abortusz-jogának megszigorítása ellen szervezett 1973-as petíció-akció. A szerző, maga is aktív résztvevő, rekonstruálja a petíció történetét a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár (MNL) és az Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltár (ÁBTL) kutatók számára rendelkezésre álló dokumentumai, a Blinken OSA Archívumban találhatódokumentumok, valamint a petíció-akció 19 résztvevőjével készített interjúk felhasználásával. Az interjúk legépelt formában a Blinken OSA Archívumban olvashatók (HU OSA 432, Körösi Zsuzsa interjúgyűjteménye). Az alábbi cikk az I. rész. Felvázolja a Magyar Népi Demokrácia népességpolitikáját, annak konzervatív fejlődését 1956 és 1973 között, amely represszív politikai kontextusban a nők abortusz-jogának megszigorításához és azt megelőzően a petíció szervezéséhez vezetett. A II. rész, amely a 2020 őszi számban fog megjelenni, az interjúkban elhangzottakra épül. Három fő kérdésre ad választ az interjúalanyok véleményének tükrében: Mit jelentett a „szabad” abortusz a nők és férfiak számára 1956 és 1973 között? Mik a petíció ideológiai gyökerei, és a szervezésében résztvevők motivációi? Milyen szankciókkal válaszolt a hatalom a petíció-akciót követő évben

    Petíció az abortusz-szabadság megőrzéséért 1973 : 1. rész

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    This article focuses on the largely forgotten petition-action against the restriction of women’s right to abortion that took place in Hungary in 1973. Documents recently rendered public from the Hungarian National Archives (MNL) and the State Security Archives (ÁBTL), documents from the Blinken OSA collection as well as interviews carried out in 2015-16 with 19 participants of the petition-action by the author allow her to present the history of the petition. The transcriptions of the interviews can be studied in the Blinken OSA Archives (HU OSA 432 Suzanne Kőrösi Collection of Interviews). The current article is Part I of the research. It discusses the Hungarian Popular Republic’s population policy from 1956 to 1973, its conservative evolution that led to the restriction of women’s right to abortion, and the organization of the petition against it in a repressive political context. Part II, which will be published in the 2020 Fall issue, is based on the interviews. It focuses on what free abortion meant for women and men in Hungary in the 60’s and 70’s and on the ideological roots of the petition-action and the participants’ motivations and the sanctions the participants had to cope with during the year that followed the petition-action

    Petíció az abortusz-szabadság megőrzéséért 1973 (2. rész)

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    In this article the author focuses on a largely forgotten petition-action that took place in 1973 in Hungary in relation to the protection of women’s right to abortion. Recently opened documents from the Hungarian National Archives (MNL) and the State Security Archives (ÁBTL), as well as interviews carried out by the author in 2015-16 with nineteen participants of the petitionaction, allow her to present the history of the petition. Part 1 of the article gives/presents a short history of the Hungarian People’s Republic’s population policies from 1956 to 1973, its conservative trajectory that led to the restriction of women’s access to abortion, situating the organisation of the petition-action in its repressive political context.  Part 2 of the article is based on the recollection of the participants in the interviews and focuses on what free access to abortion meant for the participating women and men in Hungary in the 60’s and 70’s, the ideological roots of the petition-action, their motivations, and the sanctions the participants had to face in the subsequent year.Jelen tanulmány tárgya a nagyrészt feledésbe merült, a nők abortusz-jogának megszigorítása ellen szervezett 1973-as petíció-akció. A szerző, aki maga is aktív résztvevő, rekonstruálja a petíció történetét Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár (MNL), az Állambiztonági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltár (ÁBTL) kutatók számára rendelkezésre álló dokumentumai, a Blinken OSA Archívumban található dokumentumok, valamint a petíció-akció 19 résztvevőjével készített interjúk felhasználásával. Az interjúk legépelt formában a Blinken OSA Archívumban olvashatók (HU OSA 432, Körösi Zsuzsa interjúgyűjteménye). Az alábbi cikk a második rész. Az első rész a Magyar Népi Demokrácia népességpolitikáját vázolta fel, annak konzervatív fejlődését 1956 és 1973 között. Ez az elnyomó politikai kontextus vezetett a nők abortusz-jogának megszigorításához, ami a petíció szervezését váltotta ki. Ez a II. rész három fő kérdésre ad választ az intejúalanyok véleményének tükrében: mit jelentett a „szabad” abortusz a nők és férfiak számára 1956 és 1973 között; mi tekinthető a petíció ideológiai gyökereinek; illetve a szervezésében résztvevők motivációi és a hatalom szankció, melyekkel a résztvevőknek számolnia kellett

    Resztelt máj

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