7 research outputs found

    EpiDiP/NanoDiP: a versatile unsupervised machine learning edge computing platform for epigenomic tumour diagnostics.

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    DNA methylation analysis based on supervised machine learning algorithms with static reference data, allowing diagnostic tumour typing with unprecedented precision, has quickly become a new standard of care. Whereas genome-wide diagnostic methylation profiling is mostly performed on microarrays, an increasing number of institutions additionally employ nanopore sequencing as a faster alternative. In addition, methylation-specific parallel sequencing can generate methylation and genomic copy number data. Given these diverse approaches to methylation profiling, to date, there is no single tool that allows (1) classification and interpretation of microarray, nanopore and parallel sequencing data, (2) direct control of nanopore sequencers, and (3) the integration of microarray-based methylation reference data. Furthermore, no software capable of entirely running in routine diagnostic laboratory environments lacking high-performance computing and network infrastructure exists. To overcome these shortcomings, we present EpiDiP/NanoDiP as an open-source DNA methylation and copy number profiling suite, which has been benchmarked against an established supervised machine learning approach using in-house routine diagnostics data obtained between 2019 and 2021. Running locally on portable, cost- and energy-saving system-on-chip as well as gpGPU-augmented edge computing devices, NanoDiP works in offline mode, ensuring data privacy. It does not require the rigid training data annotation of supervised approaches. Furthermore, NanoDiP is the core of our public, free-of-charge EpiDiP web service which enables comparative methylation data analysis against an extensive reference data collection. We envision this versatile platform as a useful resource not only for neuropathologists and surgical pathologists but also for the tumour epigenetics research community. In daily diagnostic routine, analysis of native, unfixed biopsies by NanoDiP delivers molecular tumour classification in an intraoperative time frame

    Multiomic neuropathology improves diagnostic accuracy in pediatric neuro-oncology

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    The large diversity of central nervous system (CNS) tumor types in children and adolescents results in disparate patient outcomes and renders accurate diagnosis challenging. In this study, we prospectively integrated DNA methylation profiling and targeted gene panel sequencing with blinded neuropathological reference diagnostics for a population-based cohort of more than 1,200 newly diagnosed pediatric patients with CNS tumors, to assess their utility in routine neuropathology. We show that the multi-omic integration increased diagnostic accuracy in a substantial proportion of patients through annotation to a refining DNA methylation class (50%), detection of diagnostic or therapeutically relevant genetic alterations (47%) or identification of cancer predisposition syndromes (10%). Discrepant results by neuropathological WHO-based and DNA methylation-based classification (30%) were enriched in histological high-grade gliomas, implicating relevance for current clinical patient management in 5% of all patients. Follow-up (median 2.5 years) suggests improved survival for patients with histological high-grade gliomas displaying lower-grade molecular profiles. These results provide preliminary evidence of the utility of integrating multi-omics in neuropathology for pediatric neuro-oncology