6,381 research outputs found

    Low albedos of hot to ultra-hot Jupiters in the optical to near-infrared transition regime

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    The depth of a secondary eclipse contains information of both the thermally emitted light component of a hot Jupiter and the reflected light component. If the dayside atmosphere of the planet is assumed to be isothermal, it is possible to disentangle both. In this work, we analyze 11 eclipse light curves of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-32b obtained at 0.89 μ\mum in the z' band. We obtain a null detection for the eclipse depth with state-of-the-art precision, -0.01 +- 0.10 ppt. We confirm previous studies showing that a non-inverted atmosphere model is in disagreement to the measured emission spectrum of HAT-P-32b. We derive an upper limit on the reflected light component, and thus, on the planetary geometric albedo AgA_g. The 97.5%-confidence upper limit is AgA_g < 0.2. This is the first albedo constraint for HAT-P-32b, and the first z' band albedo value for any exoplanet. It disfavors the influence of large-sized silicate condensates on the planetary day side. We inferred z' band geometric albedo limits from published eclipse measurements also for the ultra-hot Jupiters WASP-12b, WASP-19b, WASP-103b, and WASP-121b, applying the same method. These values consistently point to a low reflectivity in the optical to near-infrared transition regime for hot to ultra-hot Jupiters.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    The microlocal spectrum condition and Wick polynomials of free fields on curved spacetimes

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    Quantum fields propagating on a curved spacetime are investigated in terms of microlocal analysis. We discuss a condition on the wave front set for the corresponding n-point distributions, called ``microlocal spectrum condition'' (μ\muSC). On Minkowski space, this condition is satisfied as a consequence of the usual spectrum condition. Based on Radzikowski's determination of the wave front set of the two-point function of a free scalar field, satisfying the Hadamard condition in the Kay and Wald sense, we construct in the second part of this paper all Wick polynomials including the energy-momentum tensor for this field as operator valued distributions on the manifold and prove that they satisfy our microlocal spectrum condition.Comment: 21 pages, AMS-LaTeX, 2 figures appended as Postscript file

    Full counting statistics of heteronuclear molecules from Feshbach-assisted photo association

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    We study the effects of quantum statistics on the counting statistics of ultracold heteronuclear molecules formed by Feshbach-assisted photoassociation [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 93}, 140405 (2004)]. Exploiting the formal similarities with sum frequency generation and using quantum optics methods we consider the cases where the molecules are formed from atoms out of two Bose-Einstein condensates, out of a Bose-Einstein condensate and a gas of degenerate fermions, and out of two degenerate Fermi gases with and without superfluidity. Bosons are treated in a single mode approximation and fermions in a degenerate model. In these approximations we can numerically solve the master equations describing the system's dynamics and thus we find the full counting statistics of the molecular modes. The full quantum dynamics calculations are complemented by mean field calculations and short time perturbative expansions. While the molecule production rates are very similar in all three cases at this level of approximation, differences show up in the counting statistics of the molecular fields. The intermediate field of closed-channel molecules is for short times second-order coherent if the molecules are formed from two Bose-Einstein condensates or a Bose-Fermi mixture. They show counting statistics similar to a thermal field if formed from two normal Fermi gases. The coherence properties of molecule formation in two superfluid Fermi gases are intermediate between the two previous cases. In all cases the final field of deeply-bound molecules is found to be twice as noisy as that of the intermediate state. This is a consequence of its coupling to the lossy optical cavity in our model, which acts as an input port for quantum noise, much like the situation in an optical beam splitter.Comment: replacement of earlier manuscript cond-mat/0508080 ''Feshbach-assisted photoassociation of ultracold heteronuclear molecules'' with minor revision

    A search for double beta decays of tin isotopes with enhanced sensitivity

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    A search for the various double beta decay modes of 124Sn and 112Sn has been performed on 75 kg.days of data. New half-life limits for excited states in 124Sn have been obtained including a lower limit for the decay into the first excited 2+ state of 124Te of T_half > 0.87e20 yrs (90% CL) and into the first excited 0+ state of T_half > 1.08e20 yrs (90% CL). Ground state and excited state transitions of 112Sn have also been experimentally explored. A limit for the 2 neutrino double electron capture of T_half > 1.8e19 yrs (90% CL) is obtained. The non-observation of de-excitation gammas from the 0+ at 1888.5keV results in a lower half-life limit on the 0 neutrino double electron capture decay of 112Sn of T_half > 0.8e19 yrs (90% CL), despite a possible resonant enhancement of the decay rate due to degenerated states.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, updated analysis and tex

    Matrix-product-groundstates for one-dimensional spin-1 quantum antiferromagnets

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    We have found the exact groundstate for a large class of antiferromagnetic spin-1 models with nearest-neighbour interactions on a linear chain. All groundstate properties can be calculated. The groundstate is determined as a matrix product of individual site states and has the properties of the Haldane scenario.Comment: 8 pages (plain tex), preprint cologne-93-471

    Return on interactivity: The impact of online agents on newcomer adjustment

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    As service offerings grow in both range and complexity, how service providers and their customers interact is becoming increasingly important. In response to the challenge of optimizing these interactions, companies have introduced sophisticated online "socialization agents," whose purpose is to help new customers more effectively adjust to and function within the service environment. The objective of these online agents, or virtual employees, is to help customers evaluate new or unfamiliar service offerings, as well as help companies achieve greater levels of service delivery and financial performance. To investigate this, the authors analyze the process by which online agents help both new and current customers adjust to and function within new, unfamiliar, or complex service contexts. They examine the impact of an online agent on account performance in the banking industry. They find that both interaction style and content of the online agent significantly influence the newcomer adjustment process over time, which in turn influences firm-level performance

    Nature of the spin dynamics and 1/3 magnetization plateau in azurite

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    We present a specific heat and inelastic neutron scattering study in magnetic fields up into the 1/3 magnetization plateau phase of the diamond chain compound azurite Cu3_3(CO3_3)2_2(OH)2_2. We establish that the magnetization plateau is a dimer-monomer state, {\it i.e.}, consisting of a chain of S=1/2S = 1/2 monomers, which are separated by S=0S = 0 dimers on the diamond chain backbone. The effective spin couplings Jmono/kB=10.1(2)J_{mono}/k_B = 10.1(2) K and Jdimer/kB=1.8(1)J_{dimer}/k_B = 1.8(1) K are derived from the monomer and dimer dispersions. They are associated to microscopic couplings J1/kB=1(2)J_1/k_B = 1(2) K, J2/kB=55(5)J_2/k_B = 55(5) K and a ferromagnetic J3/kB=20(5)J_3/k_B = -20(5) K, possibly as result of dz2d_{z^2} orbitals in the Cu-O bonds providing the superexchange pathways.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Random Hierarchical Matrices: Spectral Properties and Relation to Polymers on Disordered Trees

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    We study the statistical and dynamic properties of the systems characterized by an ultrametric space of states and translationary non-invariant symmetric transition matrices of the Parisi type subjected to "locally constant" randomization. Using the explicit expression for eigenvalues of such matrices, we compute the spectral density for the Gaussian distribution of matrix elements. We also compute the averaged "survival probability" (SP) having sense of the probability to find a system in the initial state by time tt. Using the similarity between the averaged SP for locally constant randomized Parisi matrices and the partition function of directed polymers on disordered trees, we show that for times t>tcrt>t_{\rm cr} (where tcrt_{\rm cr} is some critical time) a "lacunary" structure of the ultrametric space occurs with the probability 1const/t1-{\rm const}/t. This means that the escape from some bounded areas of the ultrametric space of states is locked and the kinetics is confined in these areas for infinitely long time.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures (the paper is essentially reworked

    QuaSI: Quantile Sparse Image Prior for Spatio-Temporal Denoising of Retinal OCT Data

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) enables high-resolution and non-invasive 3D imaging of the human retina but is inherently impaired by speckle noise. This paper introduces a spatio-temporal denoising algorithm for OCT data on a B-scan level using a novel quantile sparse image (QuaSI) prior. To remove speckle noise while preserving image structures of diagnostic relevance, we implement our QuaSI prior via median filter regularization coupled with a Huber data fidelity model in a variational approach. For efficient energy minimization, we develop an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) scheme using a linearization of median filtering. Our spatio-temporal method can handle both, denoising of single B-scans and temporally consecutive B-scans, to gain volumetric OCT data with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio. Our algorithm based on 4 B-scans only achieved comparable performance to averaging 13 B-scans and outperformed other current denoising methods.Comment: submitted to MICCAI'1