35,662 research outputs found

    Biological reconstruction of the Late Neolithic Lengyel Culture

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    Abstract of PhD thesis submitted in 2013 to the Doctoral School of Biology, Eötvös Lorånd University, Budapest under the supervision of Gyula Gyenis. Between 2006 and 2009 rescue excavations preceding the construction of M6 Motorway were carried out, in the course of which a settlement and a related cemetery of more than two thousand graves of the Late Neo­lithic-Early Copper Age Lengyel culture have been excavated at the site of Alsónyék-Båtaszék, in Southeastern Transdanubia (Tolna county). Present study considers the northern, so-called 010/B part of the site (cemetery), comprising 862 graves. According to the current archaeological consensus earlier Central European Linearbandkeramik culture (LBK) played a crucial role in the formation of the Lengyel culture, but an infiltration or migration of new populations during this time period cannot be excluded. Present dissertation has been designed to investigate this fundamental question. In addition, I completed a detailed demographic analysis and published the frequency data of several pathological and dental alterations. In the course of the still ongoing investigation a case showing the classic symptoms of tuberculosis had been found.</p

    Thick subcategories of finite algebraic triangulated categories

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    We classify the thick subcategories of an algebraic triangulated standard category with finitely many indecomposable objects.Comment: 24 page

    Transparency of Regulation and Cross-Border Bank Mergers

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    Although there is anecdotal evidence that merger control may constitute a barrier to the integration of European retail banking markets, systematic empirical evidence is missing until now. This paper aims to fill this gap. Based on a unique dataset on the transparency on merger control in the EU banking sector, we estimate the probability that a bank is taken over as a function of its characteristics, country characteristics and the transparency of merger control in the banking sector. The results indicate that a bank is systematically more likely to be taken over by foreign credit institutions if the regulatory process is transparent. Particularly large banks are less likely to be taken over by foreign credit institutions if merger control lacks transparency. This is in line with the hypothesis that governments may block crossborder bank merger because they want the largest institution in the country to be domestically owned. Domestic mergers are not affected. This suggests that merger control may therefore constitute an important barrier to cross-border consolidation and that further integration of EU banking markets requires a higher degree of transparency of the regulatory process. --

    Blockholdings and corporate governance in the EU banking sector

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    Ownership structures widely differ across the EU. While large blockholdings dominate in the banking sector in Continental Europe, ownership is widely dispersed in the United Kingdom. These differences have consequences for corporate governance in the EU banking sector. This paper analyzes the efficiency of shareholder control and hostile takeovers as corporate governance mechanisms in the EU banking sector against the background of the regulatory environment and differences in the ownership structure of banks. Particular attention is put on current trends in the ownership structure of banks (e. g. sovereign wealth funds). The paper is based on a new dataset on shareholdings in listed banks in the EU banking sector. The results indicate that EU regulations have not always improved corporate governance in the banking sector. While shareholder control has been improved by a better protection of minority shareholder rights, the efficiency of the takeover market has been reduced in Continental Europe. --Banks,blockholdings,corporate governance,hostile takeovers,takeover directive

    Merger Control as Barrier to EU Banking Market Integration

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    In 2005, the President of the Bank of Italy blocked the cross-border acquisition of two Italian banks for prudential reasons and formal errors. Because it became later public that both deals were not blocked for prudential reasons, but to protect domestic banks from foreign investors. A survey of the EU Commission indicates that the misuse of supervisory powers and political interference is not only a barrier to cross-border consolidation in Italy, but in other EU countries as well. Systematic empirical evidence on the role of merger control as barrier to M&A is, however, still missing. The main problem is the lack of data on the scope for politicians and supervisors to block M&A during merger control. The main contribution of this paper is to collect this data and to construct indices on the political independence of the supervisory authorities and the transparency of merger control. The main source of information is a questionnaire that was sent to the supervisors in the 25 EU member countries between October 2006 and March 2007. --

    International Capital Mobility and Current Account Targeting in Central and Eastern European Countries

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    The paper examines the degree of financial integration in five central and eastern European economies on the basis of saving-investment correlations. A comparison with eleven member states of the European monetary union shows that the countries under review have already reached a higher degree of integration in quantitative terms. Since this approach is sensitive to current account targeting policies, the paper uses econometric techniques to control for these kinds of policies revealing that the central and eastern European countries that suffered from current account crises in the past used policies to balance the current account. --

    Phenology of flight feather moult of Red-Crested Pochards Netta rufina at the Ismaninger reservoir

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    Kolbenenten sind nach dem simultanen Abwurf der Schwingen ĂŒber zwei Wochen anhand einer verĂ€nderten RĂŒckenpartie rasch als flugunfĂ€hig erkennbar. Im letzten Drittel des Federwachstums wird die Schwingenmauser aber nur deutlich, wenn der FlĂŒgel beim Putzen geöffnet wird. Ein markiertes Weibchen zog 35 Tage nach Abwurf - dann offenbar gut flugfĂ€hig - vom Mauserplatz ab. Mit diesem Wert und mittels einer Zuwachsrate der HS 9 eines gefangenen MĂ€nnchens von 5,6 mm/Tag (bzw. 5,0 mm/Tag bei SchwingenlĂ€ngen zwischen 60 und 100 mm) wurden die Daten von Schwingenabwurf und wiedererlangter „guter“ FlugfĂ€higkeit von 80 Kolbenenten kalkuliert, die 1980-1986 am „Ismaninger Speichersee mit Fischteichen“, Oberbayern, wĂ€hrend ihrer Mauser gefangen wurden. In den Jahren 2002, 2005, 2006 und 2008 wurde die PhĂ€nologie der Schwingenmauser hingegen durch Feldbeobachtung ermittelt (41 Stichproben bei 3477 MĂ€nnchen bzw. 976 Weibchen). In beiden ZeitrĂ€umen gleichen sich die VerlĂ€ufe der Schwingenmauser hinsichtlich Beginn, Anstieg und Lage der Maxima weitgehend. MĂ€nnchen warfen die Schwingen frĂŒhestens zwischen 15.06. und 20.06. ab. Anfang Juli stiegen die Anteile Mausernder von unter 20 % rasch auf ĂŒber 80 % Mitte Juli. Gipfelwerte ĂŒber 90 % lagen ĂŒbereinstimmend Ende Juli. Ab 25.07. konnten die ersten MĂ€nnchen wieder gut fliegen, Mitte August schon zwei Drittel, Ende August ĂŒber 90 %. In den 1980er Jahren mauserten die zentralen zwei Drittel der MĂ€nnchen ihre Schwingen innerhalb von 7 Wochen zwischen 05.07. und 23.08. Erste Weibchen warfen die Schwingen zwischen 02. und 05.07. ab. Ab Mitte Juli stiegen die Anteile Mausernder von 5-23 % langsam auf ĂŒber 90 % Mitte August. Die frĂŒhesten Weibchen konnten ab dem 06.08. wieder gut fliegen, Ende August waren es schon um 40 %, nach der ersten Septemberwoche zwei Drittel. Die zentralen zwei Drittel der Weibchen mauserten 1980-1986 zwischen 10.07. und 12.09. innerhalb von 9 Wochen. Letzte, isolierte Abwurfdaten waren 16.09. fĂŒr ein MĂ€nnchen bzw. 10.10. fĂŒr ein Weibchen, wieder gut flugfĂ€hig waren diese Individuen am 21.10. bzw. 14.11. Die beiden ZeitrĂ€ume unterscheiden sich erheblich hinsichtlich der Herkunft der MausergĂ€ste. 1980-1986 kamen sie vor allem aus dem sĂŒdlichen Mitteleuropa, 2002-2008 dominierten neu hinzu gekommene Vögel aus Spanien. Trotz dieser VerĂ€nderung ist ein Einfluss auf den zeitlichen Ablauf der Schwingenmauser nicht erkennbar.Red-crested Pochards are readily identified as flightless by the changed shape of their backs. This is visible for two weeks following the simultaneous shedding of the old flight feathers. In the last third of the feather growth period, wing moult is noticeable only if the wing is spread during preening. A tagged female left the moulting site 35 days after starting moult, with flight ability being well developed by then. Using this value, and a growth rate of 5.6 mm per day found in a growing primary (P 9) of a recaptured male, dates of moult and regained good flight were calculated from the lengths of growing P 9 of 80 Redcrested Pochards captured when flightless at ”Ismaninger Speichersee mit Fischteichen”, southern Germany, between 1980 and 1986. In 2002, 2005, 2006, and 2008, the phenology of flight feather moult at Ismaning was recorded in 41 sample counts of 3477 males and 976 females. In both periods surveyed, the progression of flight feather moult was similar in terms of onset, increase, and timing of maxima: The first males shed their wing feathers between 15.06. and 20.06. At the beginning of July, the proportion of moulting birds increased rapidly from less than 20% to more than 80% by mid-July. Maxima of more than 90% of birds moulting occurred at the end of July. The earliest males were able to fly well from 25.07., two thirds of them by mid-August, and more than 90% by the end of August. In the 1980s, the central two thirds of all males completed wing moult within seven weeks, 05.07.-23.08. The first females moulted their wing feathers between 02.-05.07. From mid-July, the proportion of moulting birds increased slowly from 5-23% to approximately 90% in mid-August. The earliest females were able to fly well from 06.08., approximately 40% by the end of August, and more than two thirds after the first week of September. In the 1980s, the central two thirds of all females completed wing moult within nine weeks, 10.07.-12.09. The latest isolated dates of moult were 16.09. (male) and 10.10. (female), with flight being regained by 21.10. and 14.11., respectively. The composition of the populations migrating for flight feather moult to Ismaning differed markedly in the two survey periods. In the1980s, birds were coming from southern parts of central Europe including parts of France. These populations were outnumbered by a majority of birds of Spanish origin in 2002-2008. No impact is to be seen from this change to the phenology of flight feather moult at Ismaning

    Czy przygotowanie zawodowe w szkoƂach ogĂłlnoksztaƂcących jest waĆŒne? PodƂuĆŒne badania przypadku uczniĂłw biorących udziaƂ w programach orientacji zawodowej

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    This contribution presents results of a longitudinal qualitative study of young adults with different career plans and transition pathways. The central question of this study focuses on the relevance of vocational orientation programs at regular schools for young people’s career plans and transitions. The first part deals with the organization and research about vocational orientation programs. The second part begins by giving an insight into the empirical design of the longitudinal study. It then proceeds to discuss how the methodological perspective of reconstructive research can provide deeper understanding of student’s perspective. Narrative interviews are used as the basis to investigate how the socialization contexts are relevant and interconnected. Through the deeper understanding of student’s perspectives and the role of different socialization agents, it is possible to highlight the relevance of vocational orientation programs at schools. The findings could prove useful for improving vocational orientation programs at schools. Currently, such programs are disconnected from students’ everyday life and show little regard for their perspectives.ArtykuƂ przedstawia wyniki podƂuĆŒnego badania jakoƛciowego mƂodych dorosƂych mających rĂłĆŒne plany związane z karierą i ƛcieĆŒki przejƛcia. GƂównym problemem poruszanym w badaniu jest znaczenie programĂłw orientacji zawodowej w szkoƂach ogĂłlnoksztaƂcących dla planĂłw zawodowych i ƛcieĆŒek przejƛcia mƂodzieĆŒy. Pierwsza częƛć artykuƂu dotyczy organizacji i badaƄ nad programami orientacji zawodowej. Drugą częƛć rozpoczyna omĂłwienie empirycznego projektu badaƄ podƂuĆŒnych. Dalsze rozwaĆŒania dotyczą tego, w jaki sposĂłb perspektywa metodologiczna badaƄ rekonstrukcyjnych moĆŒe zapewnić lepsze zrozumienie punktu widzenia ucznia. Wykorzystano wywiady narracyjne jako podstawę do zbadania, w jaki sposĂłb konteksty socjalizacyjne są istotne i wzajemnie poƂączone. Poprzez gƂębsze zrozumienie perspektywy uczniĂłw i roli rĂłĆŒnych czynnikĂłw socjalizacyjnych moĆŒna uwypuklić znaczenie programĂłw orientacji zawodowej w szkoƂach. Przedstawione wnioski mogą okazać się przydatne dla podniesienia jakoƛci programĂłw orientacji zawodowej w szkoƂach. Obecnie, istniejące programy są oderwane od codziennego ĆŒycia uczniĂłw i nie uwzględniają ich perspektywy
