169 research outputs found

    Ag/Zn Batteries in Hibrid Aircraft Systems

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    Nowadays people develops and uses electrical vehicles. Electrical cars can be seen everywhere in the roads. Making electrical aircraft is a more complex problem. In this paper we would like to introduce the reader into the world of electrical aircraft systems. There are some basic definitions about the topic. The lithium based batteries are compared with the silver- Zinc batteries. Because of safety issues Ag/Zn batteries are Preferred

    Overview of the Ag/Zn Batteries according to the Technical Literature

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    The silver-zinc battery has become an integral part of every major aircraft and satellite project and of every major military program. For this reason we want to use this battery type in our Project for electrical airplane. The Ag-Zn battery has some advantageous properties against Li battery. Aircraft system have to be a foolproof construction. This paper gives an overview according to the technical literature

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    Megoldáskereső algoritmusok programozása Racket nyelven: Programming search algorithms in Racket

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    Functional programming languages have been closely related to the field of artificial intelligence since it was born. In recent years, we have presented the most important search algorithms using object-oriented approach at the Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen. With the modernization of the curriculum of the Computer Science BSc program, a new subject called High-Level Programming Languages 3 was created, which is intended to present programming languages based on the functional paradigm. In this paper, we show how the algorithms introduced in the object-oriented world can be implemented in a purely functional environment, namely in Racket programming language. Kivonat A mesterséges intelligencia tudományterületéhez már megszületésétől kezdve szorosan kapcsolódtak a funkcionális programozási nyelvek. A Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Karán az elmúlt években objektumorientált megközelítésben ismertettük a legfontosabb megoldáskereső algoritmusokat. Amióta megtörtént a programtervező informatikus BSc szak mintatantervének korszerűsítése, megjelent benne a Magas szintű programozási nyelvek 3 tárgy, amely kifejezetten a funkcionális paradigmán alapuló programozási nyelveket mutatja be. Cikkünkben azt mutatjuk be, hogy hogyan lehet az objektumorientált világban már megismert algoritmusokat tisztán funkcionális környezetben, jelesül Racket nyelven is implementálni

    The decade of Roma Inclusion: did it make a difference to health and use of health care services?

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    OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether the severely disadvantaged health of Hungarian Roma adults living in segregated settlements changed by the Decade of Roma Inclusion program. METHODS: We compared the results of two paired health interview surveys that we carried out using the same methodology before and after the Decade, on the general Hungarian and Roma populations. RESULTS: Self-perceived health status of younger Roma worsened, while it improved among older Roma. Reported experience of discrimination reduced considerably and health care utilization improved in general. Positive changes in smoking and nutrition, and negative changes in alcohol consumption and overweight were observed. Many of observed changes can plausibly be linked to various government policies, including a quadrupling of public works expenditure, banning smoking in public places, restricting marketing of tobacco products, increasing cigarette prices, and a new tax on unhealthy foods. Liberalization of rules on alcohol distillation coincided with worsening alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that Roma remain severely disadvantaged and present an innovative sampling method which can be used to monitor changes in groups where identification is a challenge

    Experiments of food investigations in the education of high school students

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    Experiments have a dominant role in the education of natural science subjects. It has been our experience that students have been very satisfied, if the materials used in the experiments were well known substances to them, in this case foodstuffs. Again, 10 simple experiments of physical, chemical and biological type are described, concerning the following topics: measurement of the temperature of black coffee and milk exposed to natural light, study of capillarity in a sugar cube dipped into coffee or red wine, measuring honey viscosity, determination of the acid content of vinegar, the change of cooking oil viscosity as a function of temperature, measurement of concentration on the basis of the law of Archimedes, acidity measurement of fruits, measurement of the alcohol content of alcoholic beverages, microscopic examination of yeast, study alcoholic fermentation produced by yeast. Foodstuffs used during the investigations and measurements: apples, black coffee, brandy, fruit juice, honey, milk, oranges, red wine, rum, sucrose, sunflower oil, vinegar, wine, yeast

    Teaching chemistry, biology and physics with the help of food analytical experiments

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    Experiments are of particular importance in the school education of physics, biology and chemistry. Students welcome gladly if the subject of an experiment is some kind of food, well-known to them. In the current work, ten simple experiments of physical, chemical and biological nature are described. The foods analyzed or used in the experiments are apples, apple juice, potatoes, lemons, lemon juice, vinegar, food coloring, table salt, vegetable oil, beet sugar, baking powder, baking soda and gelatin