18 research outputs found

    Dependence of the optical brightness on the gamma and X-ray properties of GRBs

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    The Swift satellite made a real break through with measuring simultaneously the gamma X-ray and optical data of GRBs, effectively. Although, the satellite measures the gamma, X-ray and optical properties almost in the same time a significant fractions of GRBs remain undetected in the optical domain. In a large number of cases only an upper bound is obtained. Survival analysis is a tool for studying samples where a part of the cases has only an upper (lower) limit. The obtained survival function may depend on some other variables. The Cox regression is a way to study these dependencies. We studied the dependence of the optical brightness (obtained by the UVOT) on the gamma and X-ray properties, measured by the BAT and XRT on board of the Swift satellite. We showed that the gamma peak flux has the greatest impact on the afterglow's optical brightness while the gamma photon index and the X-ray flux do not. This effect probably originates in the energetics of the jet launched from the central engine of the GRB which triggers the afterglow.Comment: 2012 Fermi Symposium proceedings - eConf C12102

    Statistical analysis of the prompt and afterglow emission of the three groups of gamma-ray bursts

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    We investigated the main prompt and afterglow emission parameters of gamma-ray bursts detected by the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) and X-Ray Telescope installed on the Swift satellite. Our aim was to look for differences or connections between the different types of gamma-ray bursts, so we compared the BAT fluences, 1-sec peak photon fluxes, photon indices, XRT early fluxes, initial temporal decay and spectral indices. We found that there might be a connection between the XRT initial decay index and XRT early flux/BAT photon index. Using statistical tools we also determined that beside the duration and hardness ratios, the means of the \gamma- and X-ray--fluences and the \gamma-ray photon index differ significantly between the three types of bursts.Comment: 7th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, GRB 2013: paper 27 in eConf Proceedings C130414

    Morphological evaluation of experimental autologous rectus fascia sheath vascular grafts used for arterial replacement in a dog model

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    Although experimental autologous patch or tubular conduit vascular grafts made from the internal rectus fascia sheath (IRFS) have been reported in the literature, thorough morphological evaluation and verification of the histological arterialisation of such grafts are lacking. Four purpose-bred Beagle dogs were utilised to create eight arterial internal rectus fascia sheath (ARFS) grafts implanted between bisected ends of the external iliac arteries. Four out of the eight ARFS grafts were patent after three months. Haematoxylin-eosin and Azan staining verified that the grafts gained a vessel-like layered structure with the presence of large amounts of collagen fibres. Although the inner surface of the intact IRFS was originally covered with claudin-5-negative and pancytokeratin-positive mesothelial cells in control samples, the internal cells of the ARFS grafts became claudin-5 positive and pancytokeratin negative like in intact arteries. Spindle-shaped cells of the wall of ARFS grafts were α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) positive just like the smooth muscle cells of intact arteries, but α-SMA immunoreactivity was negative in the intact IRFS. According to these findings, the fibroblast cells of the ARFS graft have changed into myofibroblast cells. The study has proved that ARFS grafts may be used as an alternative in arterial replacement, since the graft becomes morphologically and functionally similar to the host vessel via arterialisation

    Experimental autologous substitute vascular graft for transplantation surgery

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    Vascular complications in liver transplantation are a major cause of graft failure and mortality. The aim of the study was to create autologous vascular graft without risk of rejection. Posterior rectus fascia sheath lined with peritoneum was used for iliac artery replacement in seven mongrel dogs. The patency was followed by palpation and Doppler ultrasound. The grafts were removed after one month. Five grafts remained patent. The Doppler showed good, relatively increased flow (median flow rate: 383 cm/sec) after one month in all of the cases. Slight increase in diameter was present in all cases. By microscopy the five patent grafts showed viable morphology, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells and thin fibrin layer in the wall. The grafts were lined partially with a neoendothelial monolayer and a thin fibrin layer. In conclusion, this graft presents an acceptable patency rate and low thrombogenicity, and could be useful in transplantation. Further investigations are needed to study the effect of immunosuppression and rejection on long-term morphology and patency of the grafts

    Experimental vascular graft for liver transplantation

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    Hepatic artery thrombosis is a major cause of graft failure in liver transplantation. Use of donor interponates are common, but results are controversial because of necrosis or thrombosis after rejection. Reperfusion injury, hypoxia and free radical production determinate the survival. The aim of the study was to create an 'ideal' arterial interponate. Autologous, tubular graft lined with mesothelial cells, prepared from the posterior rectus fascia sheath, was used for iliac artery replacement in eight mongrel dogs for six months under immunosuppression. Patency rate was followed by Doppler ultrasound. Eight grafts remained patent and another two are patent after one year. The patency rate was good (median Doppler flow: 370 cm/sec) and there was no necrosis, thrombosis or aneurysmatic formation. The grafts showed viable morphology with neoangiogenesis, appearance of elastin, smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Electron microscopy showed intact mitochondrial structures without signs of hypoxia. Tissue oxygenation was good in all cases with normal (< 30 ng/ml) myeloperoxidase production. In conclusion, this autologous graft presents good long-term patency rate. Viability, arterialisation and low thrombogenicity are prognostic factors indicating usability of the graft in the clinical practice without the risk of rejection. Further investigations such as cell cultures and standardisation are necessary