5 research outputs found

    Perceptions de citoyens diabétiques à l'égard de l'avancement des connaissances en génomique : perspective bioéthique

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Factori asociați cu COVID-19: studiu comparativ caz-control în Benin

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    Introduction. Although there are several previous publications related to risk factors of COVID-19 infection in Benin, there are very few data to explain the outbreak risk factors. Material and methods.This case-control study, conducted from 14 September to 20 October 2020, aimed to identify the risk factors associated with COVID-19 infection in Benin. Questions on knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to COVID-19, sociodemographic characteristics, nutritional factors, medical history, housing and working conditions of respondents were asked through a questionnaire survey. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify the factors associated with COVID-19. The statistical significance was set at 5%. Results. In multivariate logistic regression, no handwashing device installed at the home entrance (ORa=1.86; 95% CI [1.07-3.21]) or a device delivering only water (ORa=5.57; 95% CI [1.98-15.65]), using permanently airconditioning at workplaces (ORa=5.48; 95% CI [2.40-12.57]), less knowledge of protective measures (ORa=1.41; 95% CI [1.08-1.84]) and no knowledge on the coronavirus incubation period (ORa=4.19; 95% CI [2.37-7.44]) were identified as risk factors for COVID-19 infection. Conclusions. Based on the findings of this study, a contextual response should prioritize strategies that will raise awareness and population’s knowledge of COVID-19 as well as preventive practices.Introducere. Deși există mai multe publicații cu referire la factorii de risc ai infecției COVID-19 în Benin, sunt prezentate însă foarte puține date care să explice factorii de risc în perioada de epidemie. Material si metode. Acest studiu caz-control, realizat în perioada 14 septembrie–20 octombrie 2020, și-a propus să identifice factorii de risc asociați cu infecția COVID-19 în Benin. Respondenților, prin intermediul unui chestionar, le-au fost adresate întrebări privind cunoștințele, atitudinile și practicile legate de COVID-19, caracteristicile socio-demografice, factorii nutriționali, istoricul medical, locuința și condițiile de muncă. Au fost efectuate analize de regresie logistică bivariată și multivariată, pentru a identifica factorii asociați cu COVID-19. Semnificația statistică a fost stabilită la 5%. Rezultate. Cu ajutorul regresiei logistice multivariate, au fost identificați drept factori de risc pentru infecția cu COVID-19: lipsa unui dispozitiv de spălat mâinile instalat la intrarea în casă (ORa=1,86; 95% CI [1,07-3,21]) sau al unui dispozitiv care furnizează apă (ORa=5,57; 95% CI [1,98-15,65]), prezența aerului condiționat la locurile de muncă (ORa=5,48; 95% CI [2,40-12,57]), cunoștințe insuficiente despre măsurile de protecție (ORa=1,41; 95% CI [1,08-1,84]) și lipsă de cunoștințe privind perioada de incubație a coronavirusului (ORa=4,19 ; 95% CI [2,37-7,44]). Concluzii. Pe baza constatărilor acestui studiu, un răspuns contextual ar trebui să prioritizeze strategiile care vor crește gradul de conștientizare și cunoaștere de către populație despre COVID-19, precum și practicile preventive

    Perceived Stress at Work and Associated Factors among E-Waste Workers in French-Speaking West Africa

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    Perceived stress at work is an important risk factor that affects the mental and physical health of workers. This study aims to determine the prevalence and factors associated with perceived stress in the informal electronic and electrical equipment waste processing sector in French-speaking West Africa. From 14 to 21 November 2019, a cross-sectional survey was carried out among e-waste workers in five countries in the French-speaking West African region, and participants were selected by stratified random sampling. Participants were interviewed on socio-demographic variables and characteristics related to e-waste management activities using a questionnaire incorporating Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale (10-item version). Factors associated with perceived stress were determined by multivariate logistic regression. A total of 740 e-waste workers were interviewed. The mean age of the workers was 34.59 ± 11.65 years, with extremes of 14 and 74 years. Most of the interviewees were repairers (43.11%). The prevalence of perceived stress among the e-waste workers was 76.76%. Insufficient income, number of working days per week, perceived violence at work, and the interference of work with family responsibilities or leisure were the risk factors that were the most associated with perceived stress. The high prevalence of perceived stress and its associated factors call for consideration and improvement of the working conditions of e-waste workers

    Chapitre 22. Environnements intérieurs

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    International audienceSi quelques problématiques spécifiques au bâtiment sont très anciennes (peintures au plomb, amiante), la pollution intérieure ou, de façon plus positive, la qualité des environnements intérieurs s’est invitée dans l’arène scientifique puis le débat public depuis les années 1970. Du fait notamment de la prise de conscience du temps passé dans des environnements intérieurs et donc de l’importance de ces environnements en termes d’exposition, de nombreux travaux ont été menés pour améliorer les connaissances et définir des mesures de gestion et de prévention